Disclaimer: Master Slytherin admits that J.K. Rowling (a pure-blooded Slytherin, may I add) owns everything that you recognise. Everything that is not recognisable is owned by Master Slytherin. No money is being made because the line of Slytherin needs not these petty coins, for we have supreme power. Now bow!

Guess who's back,

Back again,

Yes its me,

I hate them. (Guess who I'm referring to)

A/N: As mentioned on my biography thing, my story was taken down for "chat". Well, fuck it, I'm back. I may start a petition against the enemy as many of my favourite stories have also been put down when crappy ones have remained.

If you are against what is happening, review and let your feelings be known friends.

I'VE ROLLED TWO OF MY PREVIOUS CHAPTERS INTO ONE. I haven't edited them, I'm afraid so they do seem rough around the edges (to me anyway), but as many people have said, they do get better :)

" " Normal Speech

' ' Thoughts

P" "P Parseltongue

Chapter 1: The Alley of Discovery, Discoveries and a Meeting

"What news do you have for me Malfoy?" cackled Voldemort. "It better be good, otherwise your Lord won't be happy. And you don't want that, now do you?"

"It is about your orders for Privet Drive; there seems to be some sort of enchantment on it. Your servants cannot get through. And those who have, they've suffered from pain reminiscent to the cruciatus curse."

"Blast that Dumbledore and that Ancient magic! Hmm. Only I can enter because Potter's blood now runs through me. I have no doubt that that muggle loving fool has placed guards around it."

"M-my lord, if I may, we could cause a distraction for the Order of the Phoenix which will leave Potter unguarded for you," whispered Lucius Malfoy, Lord Voldemort's right-hand man.

"Yesss. But keep this between us until the last minute. I fear we have a spy in my very own inner circle. We'll make it August 31st . I'm sure Dumbledore will leave him there the whole summer. We'll attack Diagon Alley and show them that we can do the same as what we did to Azkaban. Hahahaha." Voldemort released a high, cold, cruel laugh that would freeze the blood of the bravest. Malfoy left at the nod of his master leaving the Dark Lord to brood.

There was a small knock on the door.

"M-master. W-we couldn't c-c-capture any Order members. T-their weakest member, Hestia J-Jones is too w-well guarded," whimpered a small watery eyed man with a balding head and signs of losing a lot of weight in a small amount of time. His name: Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew.

"You know I don't accept failures. Crucio"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh." The scream of a slightly underweight, bespectacled boy rung out causing the occupants of Number Four Privet Drive to wake up.



Harry Potter sighed. He wasn't going to take this. Not anymore.

"I think I just did," he stated calmly and coldly. "I'm awfully sorry."

The sight of Mr. Dursley's face was hilarious and had he not just experienced excruciating pain at Four am, Harry would have burst out laughing. Mr. Dursley's face was going from bright red to purple and Harry knew why. Mr. Dursely was fighting an inward battle; on one hand, he could shout at his nephew and lock him in his room for a week and face the consequences, but on the other hand, he could go back to sleep and remain untroubled. The latter seemed to have won out because the consequences meant facing the wrath of the Order of the Phoenix.

You see, Harry Potter was no ordinary fifteen year old; he was a wizard out of his fifth year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even for a wizard, he was extraordinary. He had faced and survived various incarnations of Lord Voldemort, the worst Dark Lord in recent history, four times.

In the previous year, Harry had foolishly rushed to the Department of Mysteries thinking his godfather was in grave danger. Little did he know, it was Lord Voldemort playing tricks with his mind. He and his friends rushed there only to find that they were trapped by Death Eaters, servants of Lord Voldemort. This meant that the Order of the Phoenix, a group sworn to defend the world against Voldemort, had to save them. His godfather, Sirius Black, fell through a veil of death while duelling his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry still felt extreme pain when thinking about the Department of Mysteries, but amongst the pain and sorrow there was determination and resolution.

After the battle, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School sent him to his office to lay another bombshell on him within the hour of his godfather's death. The Prophecy. One must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives.

'Well,' thought Harry, 'If I have to kill Voldemort, I'll do it on my terms. I won't be a lapdog of Dumbledore.' He spat. The name Dumbledore just made Harry flare with fury. 'If he had told me in my first year, I could have prepared for this, but no. He wanted to keep me happy. Well, look how bloody over the moon I am now.'

He thrust his thoughts away from that man. He had better things to do than to brood.

'Well, I'm up now,' he grumbled, 'may as well do something useful.'

After going downstairs and fixing himself a quick breakfast, he went back to his bedroom to spend some thinking time. Slowly but surely, a plan was formulating in his mind.

'When I was running away from Dudley's gang, I wanted to get away so badly that I apparated,' reminisced the thoughtful adolescent, 'If I want to go somewhere bad enough, I can apparate there.' Harry wanted to go places alright, and without the order knowing. With a plan in mind, he scrunched his eyes trying to concentrate on The Leaky Cauldron's Entrance. Nothing happened.

'Maybe if I pretend that Voldemort is on my tail and this is the only way out...' With a shudder and a loud CRACK, Harry Potter was gone.

'O shit!' Harry just realised, 'Gotta hide my scar.' He flattened a bit of his messy jet black hair to almost stick to his forehead like glue to paper. After straightening himself up, he walked into the dingy pub and walked straight past it without a glance around.

He was now facing a wall at the back. Now muggles would think they have met a dead end, but not Harry, a wizard. With a sequence of well-planned taps, he was confronted with a bustling shopping high street, Diagon Alley. A smile played on the fifteen year old wizard, more people meant a better chance of blending in.

His first stop was obviously Gringott's Bank because who was a wizard in a myriad of shops without any money?

Ignoring the warning at the front of the marble white building, towering over the others. Harry tried to make himself come across as confident and looked for the friendliest Goblin to do business with. He saw one who was shorter than the others but with a smaller nose. He had fewer pimples and looked the youngest, if indeed Goblins had an ageing process.

"I, Harry Potter, would like to make a withdrawal from his vault here at Gringott's," whispered Harry in the most sneering voice he could accomplish without being overheard.

"And does Mr. Potter have his key?" said the Goblin, looking down at Harry as though he was an inferior creature.

"Yeah, It's there on the table," Harry mused.

"Follow me down to your vault."

An uneventful yet rather fun rollercoaster ride later, Harry arrived at his vault and filled his pouch full of galleons. He thanked the goblin and left swiftly.

His first stop had to be Madame Malkin's so he could buy a cloak to not only keep his identity questionable but to make him intimidating as well.

With his shadowy, questionable hood that made him look like a dementor, he proceeded to his other destinations. The looks he was getting made him feel uncomfortable but he knew it was worth not being caught by one of the order.

Glancing either side of him to make sure he wasn't being followed, Harry slid into Flourish and Blotts to get the 'safe' books on the basics of what he wanted to learn. Walking down an aisle a book named Find the animal within you: a guide to becoming an animagi by M. McGonagall.

'Hmm,' thought Harry. 'That name sounds familiar!'

Offensive Transfiguration, Conjuring for conjurers, Extreme Defence Against the Dark Arts, Occlumency for the Mentally Befuddled and Meditation for the Troubled were the rest of the books that he bought. After watching Dumbledore's duel with Voldemort, Harry really wanted to experiment with the idea of using Transfiguration for duels, the DADA book and the Occlumency book were pretty self explanatory but he wasn't sure that Occlumency would help against the constant nightmare of Sirius falling through the veil, so he bought another book in the 'Mind Control' series.

For the rest of his virtual shopping list, Harry had to venture into areas less respectable and more …controversial. The first shop he came across in the 'interesting' visit to Knockturn Alley was not a very 'dangerous' shop at all. 'Top Trunks' in fact seemed to be very useful and Harry realised that wizards had to get trunks from somewhere.

'So 'light' wizards do venture into Knockturn Alley.' Harry chuckled.

"Excuse me, sir. Can I be of assistance or are you just perusing?' asked an oily voiced salesman that seemed to have wrinkle for every year of his life, and by the looks of things, this surpassed Dumbledore.

"Yes, I've seen a multi-compartment trunk before, do you, by any chance sell these?" asked Harry in a dry voice.

"Yes, in fact, we got a new stock just yesterday. Top of the range. Follow me."

He led Harry to the back of the endless shop. There was a plethora of trunks: large trunks, small trunks, trunks of all colours, voice activated trunks and even finger activated trunks.

"Here we are here we have the full range, two, three, four all the way up to seven where the last one is a room that one can live in. The more expensive one have nine with two living…" But Harry had stopped listening. He had just seen a dusty trunk right at the back. It seemed to be calling to him somehow, as if it wanted to be sold. It was silver with green embroidery around the edges. The slot didn't have a keyhole or a finger pad, just two snakes crossing each other. He had to buy it, whatever the cost.

"Sir, what about this trunk?" Harry seemed to have caught the man in full swing, because he was looking very annoyed.

"Why would you want that plain old thing? You won't be able to open it anyway."

"Since when is silver plain?" asked Harry looking very confused.

"Are you sure you're glasses have the right prescription, that there trunk is brown." The assistant gave him an annoyed and confused glance. He drew in a breath, almost about to start another rant when Harry held up a hand to stop him.

"I'll take it. How much is it?"

"That old thing, dunno, haven't had anyone give it a second glance since I

inherited this shop from my grandfather. He says it's been here for years. Ten Galleons, I'd say."

"Done," said Harry without a second thought about the price. Here was a gem; only parselmouths can see its true form. After paying, Harry left without a backwards glance.

His next shop was a robe shop. He was startled for a second and then chastised himself for thinking that Madam Malkin's was the only robe shop in the area. He walked in and glanced around for something different.

'This is Knockturn Alley, after all,' he thought.

Finding what he was looking for, he made a beeline towards the Battle Robes section. He picked out a feather light room with lots of flexibility that can replace current robes with it by saying the right words. What sold it for Harry was the fact that it can deflect low-medium spells including stunning spells. He also bought a wand holster which cannot be summoned and allows you to summon your wand into your hand by saying wand and visualising your wand in your hand.

After buying the aforementioned battle robe, he was about to leave when a special shop met his eyes. 'Creature Comfort' looked quite interesting and Harry was thinking about another pet.

Upon entering the shop, he realised the main selling point was green and slithery; snakes. Harry realised that a snake would be a perfect companion because he could talk to it and it wasn't hard to take care of. He didn't want one that was large and green because that reminded him of Nagini.

He found a black snake with silver line writhing around it. It was quite a small snake which was what Harry wanted. After a brief conversation, Harry realised that that is the snake he wanted.

P"What isss your name?"P hissed Harry.

P"What is a name ssspeaker?"P asked the confused and bemused snake.

P"Something I can call you by. My name is Harry."P

P"You choossse Master Harry."P

P"I'll call you Jewel becaussse of the sssilver line on your body."P

P"Fine, let'sss go. I'll sssit on your ssskin. It is warm there."P

Harry was about to leave Knockturn Alley when he was approached by a hooded figure.

"Do you usually shop here?" asked a raspy voice.

"Not really," answered Harry in what he hoped was a confident voice.

"Do swing towards the light or dark?" asked the Death Eater.

"I'm neutral. The divide is pointless."

"But given a chance, and some power, would you choose the winning side? The dark?"

"If that is what you believe, then you are foolish." Harry knew he couldn't duel this Death Eater so he concentrated on Privet Drive. The thought of being chased by a Death Eater became slightly more real.

"What? You insolent fool. AVADA…" But Harry was gone before he could finish.

Back at Number Four Privet Drive, Harry was contemplating the latest events in the life of Harry Potter. The method of recruitment that Voldemort was employing was worrying him. His follower number must have tripled.

Harry had other things to do. He knew exactly what he would do; delve into the trunk with the snakes on it. It seemed familiar somehow, as if he'd seen those snakes before. Then it hit him, the Chamber of Secrets. Was this Slytherin's Trunk?

P"What isss troubling you, Harry?"P asked Jewel.

P"Thisss trunk, it might be the trunk of one of the mossst evil men in history."P

P"Why do you call him evil?"P

P"He wanted to rid all mugglebornsss out of my ssschool, Hogwartsss."P

P"When wasss thisss?"P

P"About 1000 yearsss ago"P

P"But, Harry, don't you sssee. 1000 yearsss ago, mugglebornsss wizardsss and witchesss were a new phenomenon. He may have felt jealousss, confusssed. You don't know hisss hissstory, he may have had a bad experience."P

This made sense to Harry. That's most of the reason why Voldemort hated them, his childhood.

P"H-he ssstudied Dark Magic!"P said Harry, desperate to prove Slytherin evil.

P"Harry, you are ssso naïve, like the ressst of your ssspeciesss. Dark magic is only called 'Dark' becausssse of the powerful emotionsss one mussst feel and the power one might wield with it. It isss not the magic that is evil; it isss the intentionsss of the user."P

Harry understood this completely.

'Didn't people think that I was evil when they found out my ability to talk to snakes,' Harry thought. Then Voldemort's words started ringing in his ears: 'There is no good or evil, just power and those to weak to seek it.'

'He's right,' Harry realised, 'the only thing he's right about. People like Fudge and Dumbledore just play it down because they don't want the wizarding world to have power.

P"Thank you, Jewel. You are a very wissse sssnake."P

P"I know."P hissed Jewel and fell asleep.

Taking a deep breath, Harry turned to the snakes and hissed: P"Open."P

One snake went one way and the other snake went the other way and slowly but surely, the trunk opened. Words came out of the trunk's entrance, very much like what Voldemort did in the Chamber:

'Speaker to snakes, though shalt use these weapons of power for thine own benefit. Tell neither thy friends nor thy enemies for they will scorn you but only you will learn the secrets of the power of Slytherin…'

There was a name signed at the bottom and Harry gasped. This was not, as he feared, Salazar Slytherin's trunk……

Lord Castus Slytherin.

'Who the hell?' thought Harry, 'I was certain it would be of the Salazar variety, but now its some guy related to him from who knows when.'

He knew there was only one way to find out the solution to the mystery that was the trunk.

As the light faded, no less than ten snakes were illuminated.

'They must each lead to a compartment,' thought Harry, trembling with anticipation and excitement.

P"Open"P Harry ordered. Nothing happened. He thought for a moment then realised that each snake had a number engraved on them.

P"Open, Snake One"P

The other snakes seemed to disappear leaving snake one which glowed green and then it too disappeared.

Looking down, Harry saw a dark, dingy room that reminded him compellingly of the potions dungeons at Hogwarts. He felt tense and put his hand firmly around his wand even though he knew he couldn't use it. Inhaling deeply, he climbed down the ladder and entered the room.

He couldn't see a thing when the trunk closed behind him.

'I wonder where the light is,' he thought. As if the room had heard him, the light came on.

'This room must be thought sensitive,' Harry mused.

In the room there was only a table and a chair. On the table was a book that looked years old. For Harry, this was an anticlimax.

'There's got to be more to it that this,' Harry supposed. So he took a seat in the chair and opened the book.

Ye who reads this book beware. The information in here is not to be trifled with. Treat it with caution and respect and thou shalt be rewarded. The first few pages contain rituals that thy body needs to cope with said information. The secrets of the rest of the book you will need to earn by finding out how it works.

Trembling with apprehension and enthusiasm, Harry turned the page.

Licentia mihi unus

Your wand is being followed everyday by the ministry. Only wand crafters know of this information. If the ministry was to find out the spells you are casting, they will confiscate your belongings. To combat this problem, simply think of how much you hate the ministry and say these words: Licentia mihi unus.

If your wand glows red, then you were successful.

"Licentia mihi unus," chanted Harry, contented beyond belief. An anger surged through him as he thought of how the ministry treated him last year and Harry's wand emitted a vibrant red colour.

Velox Lectio

The information contained within these pages are so vast, they'll last you a lifetime of reading so you have to be a fast reader. This ritual allows the reader to read at a rate of a page every 5 seconds.

You will require: a dark room, a light and a book.

Shine the light on the book so that the only thing you can see is this book. Then, concentrating on this book, say the words: Velox Lectico. If your wand glows white, then you were successful.

Harry set the room out as ordered by the book. This wasn't hard as the room literally read his mind. Trying as hard as he could, he concentrated on the book. "Velox Lectico!" A white light was released from his wand.

Velox Comprehendo

There is no point whatsoever in reading something and a) not understanding it and b) not remembering it. This simple ritual will help this barrier to become non-existent. Again, darken the room, but this time have two lights, one on your head and one on the book. Put your left palm on your book and your wand in your right hand pointing to you head. Do this carefully as any sudden movements could cause you to lose your memory or have brain damage.

Chant: Velox Comprehendo and you wand should glow green.

Doing as the book instructed, but being extra careful, Harry chanted the words that were required. To his immense relief, his wand glowed green and he was fine.

Proventus Potestas

If your body is not ready for this type of magical power, then this ritual will increase your body's magical ability tenfold. This ritual is classified by the ministry as Dangerous and Very Illegal. Now, follow these instructions carefully. Get a snake that is willing to participate (the snake will not be harmed) and shed all of your clothes. Make the snake lay on top of your heart. Make the snake do one lap anticlockwise around your thorax and return back to your heart. Make it shed its skin willingly and repeat these words ten times: Proventus Potestas. If all goes well, your body will turn black and you will be knocked out for 24 hours. It is unwise to do the ritual in the trunk. Done wrong, this spell will most likely kill you. Obviously, the gift of Parseltongue will be essential and you definitely possess this because this text is written in parseltongue.

Harry was numb with shock. Parseltongue could be written? How did he not realise? The next question was: was he going to do it? Not only was it illegal, but he could be killed. Suddenly, a line floated to him from the prophecy: One must die at the hands of the other.

'The only way I can kill him is if I become as powerful as possible. This will give me an advantage over him. He won't know what I've been through. Surely this can't kill me because of the prophecy.'

"I'll do it," he decided aloud.

Harry prepared everything that the book said. He also had a large meal so he wouldn't die of starvation instead.

P"I'm shit lucky I have you as a friend, Jewel"P Harry exclaimed as he stripped off in preparation for the ritual.

P"I wish I understood what this 'shit' you keep referring to is, Harry. It seems to be very important."P

P"I've only thought that word. How did you read my thoughts?"P

P"As clearly as you read that book."P

Shaking his head, Harry lay down and briefed his slithery friend on what was to be done. Apprehensively, he started the ritual. After Jewel had completed her circle and shed her skin, Harry chanted: 'Proventus Potestas.' To his immense relief, he turned black and knew no more.

P"God, I feel like a train's hit me"P groaned the adolescent 24 hours later.

P"That is because you have been unconscious for a day you foolish boy"P replied Jewel dryly, P"two birds arrived while you were asleep. Your bird had to help them untie their letters."P

Before looking even looking at the letters, Harry had a long relaxing bath to the disgust of the Dursleys and had another large meal.

"You can't just walk in when you want and eat what you want, boy. And you can't waste all our water like that. Do you hear me?" hissed Vernon Dursley.

Harry just gave him a cold look and walked off, leaving Mr. Dursley flustered and purple with rage. Two days ago, Harry would have blown his top, but now, he felt strangely cool and cold. Very much like a Slytherin.

'Must be an after effect of the ritual.'

Before he re-entered the trunk, Harry took a look at his letters. He opened the one in Ron's scrawl first.

Dear Harry,

How are you mate. You seemed pretty down at the end of last year. I know it was hard on you after…well, anyway, how are the muggles treating you?

Guess what, Dumbledore agreed that after the Department of Mysteries, me, you and Hermione can join the Order. How great is that? Fred and George have already joined. Ginny's not allowed. She's too young!

Dad told me that some of the Order are going to pick you up in five days. Then we're going to be formally accepted. See you then.


'Typical Ron,' thought Harry, 'So naïve.'

Dear Ron,

I'm fine. The muggles are scared stiff after Moody. I've got some bad news, however. I'm not going to join the Order and I'm not going to come to headquarters or anywhere else. My legal guardian is dead. I'm going to do what I like from now on. I hope you'll accept this and we can still be friends although I know Hermione won't. Please don't show this to her.

See you September 1st.


He gave the letter to Hedwig to send straight away. He knew Hermione wasn't going to accept the new him, so he wouldn't try and convince her otherwise.

He focused instead on the next letter an he knew exactly where it had come from; Hogwarts.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been successful enough in your OWLs to be reaccepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed your exam results and a choice list for you to fill out with a list of subjects you wish to take for NEWT level.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31st July.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

OWL results for Harry James Potter:


Theory: Acceptable

Practical: Poor

Care of Magical Creatures:

Theory: Exceeds Expectations

Practical: Exceed Expectations


Theory: Exceeds Expectations

Practical: Outstanding

Defence Against the Dark Arts:

Theory: Outstanding

Practical: Outstanding


Theory: Terrible

Practical: Terrible


Theory: Exceeds Expectations

Practical: Acceptable

History of Magic:

Theory: Terrible


Theory: Exceeds Expectations

Practical: Outstanding


Theory: Exceeds Expectations/Outstanding

Practical: Outstanding

Congratulations, you have received 13 Owls.

"Fuck me!" whispered Harry. The Potions mark had more than surprised him, he was totally and utterly gob smacked.

He looked down at his choices list. He was going to choose: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Potions. He knew the minimum was five, and the recommended amount was six, but he didn't care. He wanted time to study more challenging arts such as the Dark Arts.

Once this was over, he decided to explore the rest of the trunk before attempting anymore dangerous rituals. Room two was a normal storage place. Room 3 was a beautiful blue and beige living room with deep blue couches and a blue fire. Room 4 was a gargantuan potions lab with thousands of ingredients. 'Typical Slytherin. Snape would be so jealous,' Harry had thought. Room 5 was a state-of-the-art duelling chamber with dummies which could be set at different levels of difficulty. Room 6 was a kitchen and dining room. Room 7 and 8 were unfurnished. Room 9 was amazing in Harry's opinion. It was an open field with a river that seemed to go on for miles. Room 10, however, was the most intriguing. In front of him was a table with many drawers, on his left was a curtain, on his right a tapestry with a family tree on it.

After his experience with Sirius, Harry was very wary of black curtains such as the one in front of him. Using his wand, he pulled back the curtains and gasped. It was a portrait and he could probably guess who the occupant was…

"Salazar Slytherin?" Harry whispered.

The figure in the portrait woke up. He looked around wildly and fixed his beady, cold black eyes on Harry.

"Who?" he answered in a deep, husky voice that sounded like it hadn't been used in years.

"Salazar Slytherin. I guessed you were he. Obviously not."

"How dare you speak to the great Lord Castus Slytherin in such a way, nave? Hmm. What say you?" asked the Lord.

"Y-your Lord Castus Slytherin, creator of this trunk?" asked Harry in awe.

"Indeed, young man. Now what are you called and more importantly, what are you doing here."

"I'm Harry Potter, sir and I found this trunk. To normal people, it seemed mundane, but I saw through the disguise and bought it."

"You have the gift of Parseltongue, excellent. You are my descendent, then."

"N-no. I received this ability from one of your descendents, though."

"How so?" For the first time in the conversation, Castus had shown an interest in Harry.

Trying to keep this interest, Harry related all of his life story to Castus and Lord Voldemort's story as well. At the end of the tale, Castus's eyebrows were so high; they were threatening to disappear into his long, grey hair.

"So. You have to kill or be killed. The question is, can you kill. I can see power in you, boy. But amongst this power, I see good intentions. You are a man of defence. You couldn't hurt a fly, could you?"

It was Harry's turn to be surprised. How did this man know?

"Now because you have captured my curiosity and shown me you are worthy, I will help you on one condition. You listen to me. If I was alive and you didn't listen to me, I would hurt you so badly, you wouldn't be able to move for a month. I can't do that now. First of all, tell me about this man, Salazar Slytherin and who you are currently apprenticed to."

With this prompt, Harry explained about the founders and the argument. How there were schools and not apprentices.

"Very interesting. Now let me explain the philosophy of the line of Slytherin: 'There is no good and evil, there is just power and those too weak to seek it.' I lived in a time where there was no boundary between 'Light' and 'Dark' Magic. This meant that everyone had power and so no-one felt they were better than anyone else. There were no mudbloods, of course," snorted Castus Slytherin. Harry frowned but didn't say anything.

"I will reveal to you now the secret of my success. Open the drawer at the bottom left."

Harry went of to the drawer, feeling pretty dazed. After all, he was conversing with someone before Hogwarts who had knowledge of magic that was beyond anyone alive. He was hoping he wouldn't suffer any more bombshells. Opening the drawer that was indicated, Harry almost fainted. Here was something that would insure a gain in knowledge. Something that was certainly illegal but something he would use to become more powerful than anyone in the order save Dumbledore. Something that could fit in his palm…

Do you like cliffy's? I do!

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