Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter –sigh--

An: hey everyone! I'm sorry this took so long, I wanted to add things and make another chapter before this but school started and it's like I don't have any time left to write anymore, lol, so anyway here's the next chapter : )

Chapter 4


Hermione woke up the next morning bright and early. She didn't think that anyone would be up yet. She walked across the room and went to open the door to her bathroom. She reached for the knob and went to turn it; the problem was that it was locked. She looked over to Ginny's bed, and sure enough Ginny wasn't in it. She knocked on the door and heard Ginny's muffled voice from inside, "one second." Hermione heard the door unlock and opened it.

"Ginny, what are you doing up so early?" Hermione asked her.

"I couldn't fall back to sleep. So I got up." She answered.

"Oh okay," she paused for a second, "What'd you do to your hair?" she asked her as she reached for a piece of it. Ginny's eyes filled up with tears.

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked in a caring voice.

"This," She said looking into the mirror. "I tried to fix it, but I just made it worse! I can't do anything right!" she said as she threw her hands up in the hair and taking a seat on the chair in front of the mirror.

Her hair looked like she tried to curl it, but something had gone horribly wrong and it looked like she stuck her finger in a light socket.

"Ginny, it's not that bad." She said eyeing her hair in wonder.

"Yes, it is! I look horrible!" swiping tears away from her eyes with some toilet paper.

"Your hair might look a little … frizzy, but you still look great." Hermione said. "Anyway, I can fix it!" Walking toward her hair straitener and detangle spray.

"Thanks, Hermione. I own you one."

When Hermione was almost halfway done she asked Ginny, "Ginny, why were you trying to fix your hair. You have great hair. Was it by any chance to try to Harry to notice you?" Hermione asked curiously.

"H-Harry?" she said sounding nervous, "w-what would this have anything to do with Harry for." She finished quickly.

"Oh come on, I know you want Harry to notice you, and I told you last night, you don't have to do anything to make him. He already likes you! I can tell."

Ginny smiled and patiently waited while Hermione somehow fixed what she had done to her once tamed hair.

It was nearing 12 'o' clock and Harry and Ron were wondering where Hermione and Ginny were.

"Where do think they are?" Harry asked Ron. They got up about an hour ago and had seen no sight of either of them. By now, they were both very hungry so they made some cereal and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Soon, Harry and Ron heard footsteps and chattering coming down the stairs. They both looked up and watched as Hermione walked into the kitchen with Ginny following close behind her.

"Hey you guys." Hermione said cheerfully as she walked over to the counter to make herself some apple oatmeal. Harry and Ron both said hi and then Hermione heard a fork clatter on floor. She looked over at he table and there was Harry staring at Ginny in awe. Hermione let out a small giggle and when Ron noticed how Harry was acting he elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Harry asked rubbing his side.

"What'd you think?" Ron said back to him.

"Hi." Ginny said as she sat down next to Harry at the kitchen table after she got a glass of milk from refrigerator. Harry and Ron said hi to her just as they did to Hermione and it was silent for a while after that until Harry spoke up.

" Ginny, y-you look different today. Did you do something with your hair?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah, thanks for noticing." She said smiling at him happily.

Even though Harry didn't admit it to anyone then, he definitely thought Ginny was very pretty, and he didn't just think that today. He thought that every time she walked into the room. He couldn't imagine anyone thinking different. He knew that Ginny most likely didn't like him anymore, that she was over him, but he couldn't help to wonder that if he asked her out, she would say yes. And if she did say yes if he would still be alive after Ron was done trying to kill him.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped out of it. Then he realized that he had been staring at Ginny the whole time. 'Yeah, Ron is really gonna kill me.' He thought worriedly. He was going to clear his throat and go back to eating his cereal but for some reason he didn't. Instead he said, "Ginny?" She looked up at him. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, she stood up and walked out of he kitchen, with Harry following behind her.

"I wonder why Harry wants to talk to Ginny for?" Ron said.

"Oh Ron, you really are clueless, aren't you?" Hermione said to him. He stared blankly at her; he apparently had no idea what was going on.

"Isn't obvious? Harry wants to ask Ginny out. Both you and I know that he likes her." She said back to him.

"Oh." He looked back down at his cereal. "Well, it's not like she's gonna say yes. I mean she's going out with Collin isn't she?" he asked Hermione.

"Don't be silly Ron, they broke up weeks ago." She said waving her hand and then taking the seat where Harry had been sitting.

"What? How come no one tells me anything?"

"Sorry, we thought you knew."

"So you think she'll say yes?"

"What'd you wanna talk about Harry?" Ginny said as they both stepped outside on the deck.

"I-I wanted to ask you something." Harry said slightly stuttering messing with his hair.

"Okay." She said looking into his eyes.

"I was just wondering, if-if maybe you'd wanna go out w-with m-me?" He said stuttering even worse that before and looking down at his feet until he was done talking.

"W-what?" Ginny said sounding taken aback looking up at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, just forget I ever said anything." Harry said sounding put down, and started to go back inside.

"No … Harry, I never said no." Ginny said has quickly has she could. Harry turned around.

"What? You mean you want to go out with me?"

"I'd love to go out with you." She said with a wide smile on her face.

"Really?" he said sounding excited but still confused.

"Yes!" This was definitely the happiest she has ever felt. It was quiet for a moment. Harry or Ginny really didn't know what to do next.

Harry stepped closer to her and stared deeply into her eyes. She intently looked back at his bright green eyes through his round glasses. He put his hand on her cheek and they both moved closer to each other.

This was the most nervous Ginny had ever felt, and she was hoping that Harry was just as nervous as she was. She moved her head forward and closed her eyes. A second later their lips touched. It was the greatest feeling Ginny had ever felt, and Harry too.

"What do you think Ron? Of course she'll say yes!" Hermione said matter-of-factly.

He nodded his head and swallowed the bite of cereal he just put in his mouth. 'At least Harry is better than Collin.' He thought as he watched Hermione get up out of the chair and get the water she had been boiling off the stove for her tea and oatmeal. He noticed how pretty she was when her hair hung down in front of her face, all messy. She got two mugs down and filled them with water and adding a tea bag to each of them. She sat back down at the table and set the steaming tea in front of Ron.

"Thanks." He said to her.

"No Problem." She responded back to him smiling, before lifting her own mug and taking a sip.

"Ron," He looked up from his mug. "About yesterday"

"What about it?"

'Wow, he certainly is trying to avoid this.' Hermione thought.

"Err … nothing … never mind." 'Well, if he's not talking, I'm not talking.'

It was silent a while longer and then Ron spoke up.

"Can I ask you something, Hermione?" He said quietly.

"Yeah, anything." She said taking another sip.

"If you liked someone, would you tell them you liked them even if there might be a chance of ruining their friendship?" He asked her. For Hermione this was a very difficult question, she had liked Ron, but was always scared to tell him. What if he didn't like me was always the thought running through her head day and night.

"Well, if you really like someone, you should tell them, even if it might ruin the friendship, you'll never know unless you ask." She said to him. 'Was he talking about me!' Okay, so Hermione was kind of freaking out right now.

"Thanks Hermione." He said and then looked up at her and flashed her a smile that practically made her melt right off her seat. She smiled back at him, not knowing that he felt the same exact way every time she so as even looked his way.

They realized that they had held the gaze a while to long and both looked away blushing. Hoping that the other hadn't seen them. Hermione looked inside of her mug and down at table, her hands resting next to it. 'What if he's not talking bout me? I don't think I could handle him loving anyone else.' But at just that moment she felt a hand rest on top of hers. She looked up facing Ron was staring dreamily into her eyes. 'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.' Was the only thing running through Hermione's head at that second. 'What in the world is going on?'

"Hermione, I love you." He said calmly still gazing attentively into her hazel eyes. Hermione couldn't believe it. What she had been dreaming of for the past 5 years of her life was finally happening.

Ron was getting very nervous, he had just told the girl he loved so much that he loved her and she had just stared at him without a word.

"I love you too." Hermione said smiling up at him. Ron took a small sigh of relief.

Ron leaned in closer to Hermione putting his free hand on her hair. The other still on her hand, and gently pressed his lips against hers.

They bother pulled away a moment later. Hermione let out a small giggle and squeezed Ron's hand a little more. He smiled and they both stared down at the floor thinking about what had happened.

Harry and Ginny walked inside, a few minutes after they had left, holding each other's hands. Each of them had a smile on their face. They noticed Ron and Hermione in the kitchen, they looked as if hey were in deep conversation, so Harry and Ginny went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Ginny! I have to tell you something!" Hermione said walking into her bedroom the night.

"I have to tell you something too!" Ginny exclaimed excitedly.

"You go first!"

"Okay, Harry asked me out!"

"Oh my gosh! I knew it, I knew he liked you!" She said happily, "Did you kiss?" She went to sit down on her bed.

"Yeah." Ginny said dreamily collapsing on her bed. "So what about you? Did Ron finally ask you out?" She said turning toward Hermione.

"Yes, and then he kissed me! Can you believe it? This is the best day of my life. Ever." She said lying down.

"Hey Ron" Harry said walking into the room cheerfully.

"Hey there Harry." Ron said back to him.

"How was your day?"

"Great! Yours?"

"I'm was great too! But I'm beat, I'll tell you in the morning."

"Okay, Night then."

"Night." Harry said and then turned out the light and they both fell asleep.

"I'll miss you so much Suzy! But I'll be back next summer! It will go faster than you think." Hermione said hugging Suzy goodbye. "Bye, Eric." He smiled and waved at her as she turned around and got into the car to go to train station. She waved out of the window and her and her 3 best friends were on their way back to another exciting year at Hogwarts.


Hey everyone!Sorry if it wasn't the best, lol, anywho!that was the last chapter : ) so Thanks a bunchiefor reading and reviewing and all that nifty stuff, it means a lot to me: ) Anywho, please review again and thanks to all my reviewers and readers!