Ami: Hello everyone! This is Ami and of course, Eclipsedlight! Just to let you know- we own nothing, nada these characters, Beyblade except Light here has most of the episodes (he he he). Well enjoy. We tried to correct as many mistakes but of course many are forgotten. So read, enjoy and please review! ; )

Light: You will never type again Ami.

Ami: No! (he he he You will see me again!)

Light: Idiot.

Clueless About Murder


Tyson: Hello! Welcome to a Beyblade Special! Starring me, Tyson! With Rei Kon, Max Mizuhara, Kenny a.k.a. Chief, the sourpuss, uh, I mean, Kai Hiwatari and the sub characters- the White Tigers, the All Stars, the Majestics, and the Demolition Boys. The story- Clueless about Murder. With a special appearance- name unknown.

The Bladebreakers were all sitting around bored when Max brought in clue.

Tyson: I'm bored.

Max: Okay then, let's play a game.

Tyson (excited): Yeah! What are we going to play?

Max: Clue.

Rei: Cool. I'll play.

Chief: I find that game enjoyable. I'll join.

Max: Kai? (Turns to glance at Kai)

Kai: Whatever.

Tyson (cocky): What afraid to lose Kai?

Kai: Tyson you don't exactly do much you just pick up clues to see what was used to kill the person. It's pointless. Besides that, Tyson you have to use your brain and we all know you don't use yours.

Tyson (shocked, mouth opened): Wow. Kai that's the longest you've ever talked to us in months. So? Are you gonna play or not?

Kai: Fine. But this is stupid.

They set up the game and Max explains the rules.

Max: You got all that Tyson.

Tyson: Why are you only asking me!

Kai: Idiot.

Tyson: Hey!

Suddenly a very angry Hillary storms besides Kai.

Hillary: Special appearance huh? Unknown name? Jerk. (Hillary smacks Tyson hard in the back of his head, Tyson falls forward)

Kenny: Hillary, what did you do!

Hillary: Well he deserved it... (Tyson blacks out.)

Max: Tyson. Tyson! Wake up you're sleeping in your spaghetti.

Tyson (sits up): Huh?

Max: And during Mr. Dickenson's speech too. (Tyson looks around and sees everyone staring.) Sorry Mr. D.

Mr. Dickenson: That's alright. It is getting late. Everyone should start heading to bed. The details about this blade will be introduced tomorrow morning. Goodnight everyone.

All (but Kai and the Demolition Boys): Goodnight Mr. Dickenson!

Tyson: Night Mr. D.

Everyone walks away to their rooms. In the Bladebreakers room, Tyson is jumping on the bed. Rei is in the room watching Tyson making sure he doesn't get hurt.

Rei: Tyson, if you jump higher you're going to hit your he...

Tyson: Ow! My head.

Rei: Head. Ugh Tyson you shouldn't do that.

Tyson: Sorry. Hey where's Max and the Chief?

Rei: Don't know and Kai's gone too.

A scream comes from the hall and Tyson and Rei follow it to Mr. Dickenson's office.

Tyson: Mr. D.!

All the Majestics were there right when Tyson yelled. Robert walks over to the unconscious and bloody Mr. Dickenson.

Robert ( checks for a pulse): He's dead.

Tyson: Are you sure?

Johnny: No Tyson. Robert just said he's dead when he's really drunk. Stop being stupid Tyson!

Tyson: Sorry.

Robert: We have no time for your bickering. Rei, Oliver, Enrique gather the guest in the main hall. Tyson, Johnny, follow me and help me set up some chairs.

Tyson ( excited): Okay.

Enrique (sarcastic): You're pretty happy for someone whose manager was just killed.

Oliver (says sarcastic): Maybe he did it.

Tyson: I did not!

Robert: Will you stop?

After ten minutes of gathering everybody Robert told everyone what happened.

Lee: So basically you suspect one of us is the killer?

Robert: Yes. Now I'm going to call the police so no one move. (Robert returns six minutes later.) I have some bad news. The roads are too dangerous for them to travel right now so we're on our own till morning.

Mariah (scared): What! You mean we're stuck here until morning with a killer!

Robert: Yes.

Most scream when the power flickers out for a moment.

Tyson: No need to worry. I, Tyson, the detective will solve this case!

Everyone: You?

Michael (sarcastic): No offense Tyson but that's not exactly reassuring.

Tyson: Don't worry. I'll solve this case with my assistants- Rei, Chief, and Max to help me. Also…

Kai: I'm out of here.

Tyson (excited): Also of course Kai! You can't avoid it Kai, you're a part of this team.

Kai: Why me?

Tyson (excited): The Bladebreakers will solve the case of Mr. D's death easy.