The sun kissed her face gently as she lifted it up towards the cloudless sky. The soft music in the fading background created a sense of peace about her. She was happy now that things could go back to normal. Doom had been defeated, and the press had not been too overbearing after the traumatic events which had left lingering scars. Despite everything, Bronwen had a positive outlook on what was to come. Pavel had been closely monitored by a psychiatrist but had remained tight lipped about what had occurred to him. With a constant shadow hanging over his curly head, it was a surprise he remembered how to smile from time to time. Pavel still became amazed when confronted with out of the ordinary activities or revelations, which she noted, had to be a good sign. He too had decided to turn over a new leaf.

Staring out over Ponte Vecchio, Bronwen smiled. Reed finally proposed to Sue! Now, instead of arguing over experiments, they were fussing together over the little details of their big day: wedding invitations, reception hall, bridesmaids' dresses, etc. Bronwen had volunteered her services until Sue started to fuss about the difference between egg white and cream white napkins. Afterwards, she fled to the nearest bookstore to hide behind a good book. Ben was also doing quite well for himself. After their successful mission, Ben had started dating Alicia, and Bronwen could not recall the last time he had ever been so happy with another woman. The big guy was truly a shining star. He had played a key role in Pavel's recuperation phase too. Ben had taken him to fairs and movies; even Alisha had greatly contributed to Pavel's healing experience in her own way. Symbolically, she represented the best role model for Pavel who also needed to heal due to injury.

"Momma!" Pavel squealed "Look! It's HUGE!" Bronwen laughed as Pavel jumped up and down beside her, pointing at a small merchant vessel approaching the old bridge they were standing on. Her heart soared when she saw the small yet present smile plastered onto his heart shaped face. Deep down inside, she knew he was struggling, yet she held onto that fragment of a smile, hoping things would improve for him. Strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, holding her tightly against a well built chest. Yes, she grinned down at the amber stone on her left hand which glinted in the light, things could only get better from now on.

Somewhere in a laboratory in Lima, a fretful biochemist typed furiously on his computer. Sweat slowly trickled down his temples. His eyes flashed rapidly behind his thick framed glasses.

Dr. Bronwen Richards,

After several observations and analyses in collaboration with NASA, we have noted some strange occurrences in the Earth's atmosphere as well as the biochemical compositions of meteors found from space. The Earth's atmosphere has been experiencing drastic changes in pressure resulting in severe climate changes in certain areas across the globe, and the rock deposits have shown that several planets have been dying at alarming rates.

We would greatly appreciate your intake on the situation as well as Mr. Richards', and-

Just when the man was about the finish his e-mail, the power died.

To be continued...

Thank you everyone for taking the time to review Vanilla Orchid! The reviews have greatly helped in improving my writing and chapters. Furthermore, thank you penny3 for pointing out the smaller details that needed refining. If time permits, you should all be looking forwards to a new Fantastic Four story. I encourage you to equally check out my other stories.