Disclaimer: If I had a dollar for every Teen Titan I don't own, (and Terra doesn't count, she's dead!) I'd have five dollars. Unless you count the Titans East as well, then I'd have ten dollars. Add in all the honorary Titans, and I'd have…twelve or thirteen dollars, depending on whether or not Gizmo really IS an honorary Titan. Meanwhile, that's not nearly enough to buy Teen Titans from Marvel Comics, which I so would do if it were offered to me for less than fourteen bucks. In conclusion, I still don't own Teen Titans. Meh.

Please enjoy this new story that I have for you, fresh from the brownie baking oven of Becca! I frequently use chocolate chips in my brownies, so if it smells like chocolate, that's why. People who are allergic, beware. ANYWAYS, I hope you like this. I tried to make it slightly more humorous than Accept, so please tell me whether this style is preferable, or if you think my humor is the worst you've ever seen and feel like biting my head off because it has put you in such a bad mood. Also, in case this is confusing to anyone, this piece isn't related to Accept. Clean slate, you know?

What kept me writing happily: My background is tiled in such a way that on one side of the screen, there are five Ravens, each on top of another, that are smiling at five Beast Boys on the other side that are smiling right back. I believe the picture came from the episode Nevermore, which, incidentally, is one of the two that I have never seen.


A knock at the door.

Reluctantly, Raven put down her book and called out, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" came the all-too familiar voice of Beast Boy.

"Go away." she said.

"But Raven, you've been in there all day! Besides, I had a great idea!"

"Well that's a first."

"…Hey!" he exclaimed when he realized that she had just insulted him. "Just come out!"

"No. What's this great idea, anyways?"

"Well you know how ever since Robin FINALLY admitted his feelings and started dating Starfire, he's been less obsessive about stuff like Slade?"

"…Your point?"

"Well I was thinking…"

"You were? Amazing."

"Hey! Anyways, I was thinking that maybe if YOU had a boyfriend, you wouldn't be so grumpy all the time."

Beast Boy jumped in surprise as the door slid open. Behind it was Raven, eyes ablaze.

"Oops" was all he could say before he was flung against the wall behind him.

The door to Raven's room closed.

"Why did she get so mad when I said she should get a boyfriend?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg later that day.

"Hmm. I don't know, maybe it's a girl thing, like she's PMSing or something. Then again, Raven ALWAYS seems like she's PMSing. Or maybe she's mad cause you called her grumpy." Cyborg replied thoughtfully.

"But…that doesn't really make sense." Beast Boy readjusted the ice pack on his head. "Now about those painkillers…"

'He thinks I should get a boyfriend! I'm not the one who has nothing better to do than annoy people! Besides, it isn't like anyone would want me. And I don't need that kind of distraction in my life. It's bad enough having him around.' Raven thought as she meditated. 'Azerath, Metrion, Zinthos. Azerath, Metrion, Zinthos.'
"I think I should apologize"

"But…you'll mess up. Then she'll kill you."

"Maybe. But if I don't want things like this to keep happening, then I have to find her a boyfriend, once and for all."

"I'm…not sure that's so smart."

"Yeah, but you know, dumb enough to try everything…"

"Beast Boy! Come back! You'll die! …Can I have your video games!"

A knock at the door.

Reluctantly, Raven came out of her meditative position and faces the door.

"What?" she called, letting annoyance show in her voice.

"It's me. I just came to tell you that whatever made you so mad about what I said earlier, I'm sorry I said it, and I don't want you to be mad at me." Beast Boy looked at her hopefully.

"Fine. I accept your apology. Now leave me alone so that I can meditate."

"No! Wait!" he called as she started to turn back into her room, "you can't go yet! You still need a boyfriend!"

"Idiot." she said as she once again turned back into her room.

"What? I'm sure we could find someone cool that you would like."


"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because, I already like someone."

"You DO?"



She glared at him until he finally realized what she was getting at.



Beast Boy thought for a minute.

"Can I-"


Beast Boy awkwardly put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her. Then he drew back his head, looked into her eyes, and gently kissed Raven on the lips.

If you reviewed the last chapter, you will find a response to your review if you click on the green number next to the word Reviews:. Darn the repetition! It's all the site's fault anyway, for that dumb rule. Thanks to MillicentRaven for the idea.