Title: Knights Reunited

Authors:Starbright (writes Faith's POV) andJamie552 (writes Bosco's POV)

Author's Note: Well, here's the last chapter. Thanks to everyone that stuck with this story, and to those who left all the wonderful replies...it means alot

We hope you like the final chapter! Viki and Jamie

It's been almost 2 years since Lieu's 56th birthday party. Almost 2 years since I got drunk and broke Faith's heart…two years since Carly Ann Nieto was born…and two years since I came out of the non-gay closet.

Faith and I were on our way to St. Andrews Church for a wedding, and I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. Since telling Faith how I felt about her, I'd never been happier…neither could anyone else, as a matter of fact. When our relationship became public knowledge among the old knights, they were ecstatic…I'd never heard the phrase "it's about bloody time" more in my entire life. There were a couple people who asked Faith how the hell she could put up with me, not only as a best friend, but as a lover…she'd laughed, again telling them that it was an acquired taste.

Since the party, the communication between people from the old 55 had greatly improved. We spoke regularly, meeting at Haggerty's as often as we could…and we'd also all attended barbeques at Carlos and Holly's, as well as at Sully's new place. It was almost like the old days…The old days? Man, I'm an old fart.

Faith looked over at me, eyes bright. "I still can't believe this…I didn't think they'd ever go through with it."

"Yeah, I know." I said, shaking my head. "Took the guy long enough, if you ask me."

"Well, they didn't wanna rush into it…they were being smart."

"Being smart? He's been dating one of the nicest women in the universe for 3 years Faith, and he's only asking her to marry him now? Intelligence has nothing to do with it."

She laughed, resting her hand on mine as I shifted gears. "Some people would say the same thing about you, Boz."

I snapped my head to look at her, scrunching up my face. "What people? And what the hell does that mean?"

"All I'm saying is that a lot of people think it took you long enough to make a move on me."

Turning back to the road, I sighed. "Well, your right, I had plenty of opportunity…I mean you were only married for 98 of our partnership, not to mention the years that you were single, we weren't getting along-"

"Bosco, unwind…I was only teasing."

Glancing over at her, I could see the small smile on her face…and I couldn't help but smile as well. "I would've moved on you earlier if I could have."

She turned to look at me, her smile widening slightly. "I know you would have."

I turned back to the road, giving a content sigh. I'd never thought spending every minute of everyday with the same woman would be as amazing as it had been. Before Faith and I hooked up, I used to hate the idea of a woman invading my space…I used to hate the idea of having to answer to one person all the time. But Faith made all that fun…

Pulling up outside St. Andrews, I parked the Mustang next to Jimmy's truck. Getting outta the car, I quickly walked over to Faith's side, opened her door, and holding my hand out to her. She smiled, sliding her fingers through mine as she stood from the car. I closed her door, and we started up the steps to the church hand in hand.

Sully, as the best man, was standing outside the front doors to the church looking spiffy in a black tux with a rose in the button-hole. He smiled as we climbed the steps. "Hey lovebirds."

"Hey Sullivan." I pulled Faith close to me as we moved outta the way of the door, not wanting to block traffic as we spoke with Sully. "You clean up good."

"I'm glad you approve, Bosco." He reached up, fixing his collar. "It's a bit tight, though."

"Didn't you get it fitted?"

Sully looked over at Faith and nodded. "Oh yeah…but the bride didn't want it 'hanging off of me', as she so eloquently put it at the tailor's shop."

I chuckled, putting my left hand in my pocket and giving Faith's hand a squeeze with my right. "Monica with Sasha?"

He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Monica, Holly, and Grace are all with Sasha at the Ritz outside Central Park. They spent the night there and used the room to get dressed."

Faith's eyes widened. "The Ritz on Central Park?"

"Pretty swanky." I added, watching as people nodded at Sully before entering the church.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Sully muttered, nodding at another couple as they entered. "Ty almost had a heart attack when Sasha asked if they could go there."

Chuckling, I glanced at Faith. "That's women, for you."

"Careful, Boz." She warrned, ruining the effect by smiling.

"We all still wish you guys were a part of this." Sully said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "It…doesn't seem right with you guys not being here with us."

"We are here Sully…wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You know what I mean, Faith." He said sadly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Bosco should be in a tux, out here with me…and you should be in a brides mate's dress, at the hotel with Sasha."

"Come on…not everyone can be involved." I replied, softly.

"He's right, Sully." Faith said, nodding. "After all Brenden, Carlos, Lieu and you are all here for Ty. And Grace, Holly, and Monica are here for Sasha."

Sully sighed. "But it's you guys. Your from the old crowd-"

"The old crowd?" I said loudly, cutting him off. "I'm not old, Sullivan."

He laughed. "Your too sensitive, Bosco. You know what I meant."

"Yeah, but it was still harsh." I muttered, looking into the church. "We should go in, Faith."

She gave Sully a hug and I shook his hand before we started into the church. I heard Faith give a small gasp and I couldn't help but smile. The church was decorated with white roses and baby's breath, small bouquets at the end of each pew. Flowers and candles decorated the front of the church near the alter, and my eyes almost bugged outta my head at the sight of two swans waddling around at the base of the steps. "Faith, they've got swans."

She beamed, her eyes sparkling. "I know…aren't they beautiful."

"Swans, Faith…they've actually got swans."

"Come on, there's Jimmy and Kim." She took my hand, leading me to the front pew to the right of the alter. We sat down, Faith and Kim in the middle and Jimmy and I on the outside. "Hey guys."

They both smiled and Jimmy held now 2 and a half year old Bobby in his arms. He nodded towards the alter. "Did you see the swans?"

"See?" I said, motioning to Jimmy. "I'm not crazy. I told you the swans were too much."

Kim shrugged. "I think they're classy."

"Classy? Well Sasha won't think they're classy when she steps in all the poop that's gonna be there by the time she walks up the isle."

I looked over at little Bobby. "Bobby, don't let your future girl get swans."

"Oh, will the two of you shut up." Faith said, laughing lightly. "It's their wedding…if they want waddling birds, let them enjoy it."

"Well, they'll enjoy the price-tag, that's for sure." I muttered, looking around the now crowded church. Turning my head in the direction of the front door, my eyes fell on Doc as he started up the isle…I waved him over, and he sat down next to me. "How's life, Doc?"

He sighed, turning to look at me. "Life is good…been busy."

"Your back with EMS, right?"

"Yeah, thank God." He smiled, smoothing the creases in his pants. "They took me back no questions asked. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it until I answered my first call."

I nodded, glancing at Faith before turning back to Doc. "I know what you mean. That's what it was like for me when I returned to duty after I was shot."

We sat in quiet conversation until the church was busting at the seams. It looked to me that every officer from the old 55 had shown up as well as from Davis' new precinct. I could also see the old firefighters from the 55 spread out throughout the church…they all hadn't changed a bit.

Glancing down at my watch, I saw that it was almost 2:30. Davis and Sully appeared at the front, smiling at us and sending discreet waves. The groom was grinning like the Cheshire cat, his eyes bright and happy. Sully had an extremely proud look on his face…I'm sure to him, it was as though it was his son getting married.

Faith reached over and took my hand, smiling softly at me, as the music started up. Turing in our seats, our eyes fell on Monica and Carlos, both smiling, as they walked arm in arm down the aisle. They were followed by Brenden and Holly, then Lieu and Grace…the piano in the background. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Joey leading little Carly Ann down the aisle, holding her hand, as they threw rose petals down on the carpet.

A small gasp rose from the guests as Sasha came into view, standing with her father between the double doors. She was wearing a long white gown, a light veil covering her smiling face. Davis took a deep breath as the bride started towards the alter, the long train of her gown trailing behind her and scooping up the rose petals as she went.

I couldn't get over how beautiful she looked…her smile was genuine and her eyes sparkled. She looked as though her world was as perfect as it could be, that she had everything that she could ever want. It had taken Davis 3 years to realize how amazing she was…how happy they could make each other.

For the first time in my life, I didn't look at marriage as a fantasy…I didn't look at it as a fairytale ending that wasn't worth the trouble. I'd never put much faith in love…never believed that true love was an everyday thing. But feeling the gentle squeeze that Faith gave my hand as we watched Sasha kiss her father's cheek and join Davis at the alter…I realized that true love was possible. True love was present in the two people before us…and it was present in my heart for the woman who sat next to me.

The minister smiled at the two people before him as Davis took another deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today in the presence of God, to join these two people in holy matrimony. They met in a world where love and kindness often doesn't exist…yet they found each other through everything, and recognized true love for what it was." Focusing on Davis, he continued. "Repeat after me…I, Tyrone Davis Jr-"

Davis smiled, taking Sasha's hands in his. "I, Tyrone Davis Jr."

"Take thee, Sasha ReAnne Monroe."

Davis said his vows, in sickness and in health…in good times and in bad. The minister smiled as he held the ring out…Davis took it gently. "With this ring, as a token of my love and affection…I thee wed."

I smiled as he gently slid the ring onto Sasha's finger, taking another deep breath as he did. The guests laughed lightly, as did Sasha. "Nervous, are we?" The minister asked, earning another laugh from the guests.

Davis blushed lightly, looking into Sasha's eyes. "I can't help it."

She beamed, as the minister told her to repeat after him. "I, Sasha ReAnne Monroe-"

"I, Sasha ReAnne Monroe."

Faith squeezed my hand again as Sasha finished her vows and slid the ring onto Davis' finger. I remember at Lieu's birthday party when the topic of them getting married had come up, Sasha and Davis had said that they didn't need to get married to know that they loved each other. Sully, apparently, had been telling them ever since the old 55 burnt down that they should get married. Finally, a month after the party, Davis had got down on one knee.

The minister beamed, looking from Sasha to Davis. "Lift her veil." Davis did, raising Sasha's veil up and over her head…she was beaming. "You may now kiss the bride."

Davis licked his lips before leaning in, and kissing Sasha gently. The room erupted with applause, cheering and polite whistles. I could just make out Davis and Sasha grinning against each other, before pulling away, and turning to face the guests. "May I present, Mr. And Mrs. Tyrone Davis!"

Myself, Faith, Doc, Kim and Jimmy all stood from our seats, clapping and cheering. Sasha and Davis looked over at us, their eyes bright, as the rest of the room followed suit and stood.

Davis pulled me into a hug, patting my back as Sasha embraced Faith. "Thank you, Bosco." He said softly, pulling away and looking at me. "Thanks for being here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Davis." I said, smiling and patting his shoulder.

He moved to embrace Faith, and I locked eyes with Sasha. She let out a light laugh pulling me into her arms. I returned the embrace, trying not to damage her dress. "Thanks Bosco."

I pulled away, smiling at her. "As I said to Davis…wouldn't wanna be anywhere else."

Sending us one more smile, Davis and Sasha started down the aisle, laughing as the guests near the back showered them with rice. I turned to face Faith, pulling her into my arms and placing my lips on hers gently. I felt her smile against me, and I smiled as well, before pulling away and looking into her eyes. "Well, Boz." She said, raising her eyebrows. "Getting all mushy on me?"

Nodding my head back towards the alter, I pulled her closer to me. "Maybe, one day?"

Her eyes widened slightly. "Yeah?"

"Yeah…I wanna make you completely mine one day."

"Boz, I'm already completely yours."

I smiled, kissing her forehead. "I know…but calling you my wife, and having people refer to you as Mrs. Boscorelli-"

She giggled, blushing slightly. "It would be interesting."

"That it would be." I said, chuckling softly. "It would be fun."

Her eyes sparkled lightly. "Yeah, it would. Maybe…"

Kim appeared beside us, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, that was beautiful. You two are coming to the reception, right?"

"Yeah, for sure." Faith said, pulling away to grab her purse. "Does it start right away."

Jimmy nodded. "As far as I know. It's at the…get this, Marriott Marquis Hotel Ballroom, over in Times Square."

"The Marriott Marquis?" I couldn't help but shake my head, taking Faith's hand, as we made our way outta the church. "Pretty fancy."

We started down the front steps, and I put my hand in the small of Faith's back, guiding her through the large tight knit group of people who were still standing outside the church. Jimmy was walking behind me, carrying Bobby in his arms and holding Kim's hand. "Yeah, fancy is right. I've never even set foot in that hotel."

"I have." Kim called from the back. "Some rich guy had a heart attack in the bar once…from what I saw, it was a pretty nice place."

I laughed. "It's good to know that your focusing on your patients, Kim."

Faith giggled as I continued guiding her through the many people. Saying good-bye to Kim, Doc, and Jimmy, we made our way to my Mustang, quickly sliding into the seats.

"I'm not looking forward to driving through Times Square." I muttered, starting the car and backing outta the spot. "I bet it's nothing short of insane right now."

"Yeah I know…but it's worth it."

"Oh yeah, I know." Making a right turn at a light, I noticed Jimmy following behind me. "It's worth it…but it'll be nuts."

"Did you really mean it?" Faith asked quietly, looking over at me.

"Mean what?"

"That you wanna get married someday."

Swallowing hard, I glanced over her. "Yeah…I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't meant it." She nodded, turning her head to look out her window. I couldn't help but feel slightly panicked at her reaction, and swallowed hard again. "Does that bother you?" I asked, my voice quiet.

"No, it doesn't bother me." She said softly, turning her head to look at me. "It just surprised me, that's all."

Putting the Mustang in third gear, I reached over and took her hand. She turned to look at me, her eyes soft. "I love you…you know that?"

A smile spread across her face. "I know that…I love you to."

After spending 20 minutes cursing and fighting my way through Times Square traffic, I pulled into the Marriott Marquis Hotel parking lot. It was unbelievably crowded, the guests from the wedding taking up over half of the large parking area. Parking next to Brendan's car, Faith and I got outta the Mustang and stood waiting for Kim and Jimmy to join us.

I took Faith's hand, pulling her close. "Do me a favour?"


"Don't drink tonight."

She furrowed her brow lightly. "Why?"

Sighing, I raised her hand to my lips. "Just…please, don't."

A small smile spreading across her face, she nodded. "Ok…I won't."

Smiling, I kissed her palm lightly…I felt her shiver and couldn't help but chuckle. Jimmy and Kim appeared, Jimmy tossing me a smirk. "Ok…no making out in the parking lot now."

"We're not making out." I snapped, dropping Faith's hand down and sliding my fingers through hers. "Do you see us making out?"

Jimmy's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, sensitive."

"Yeah, no kidding." Kim muttered, taking Joey's hand and leading him towards the door to the hotel. We fell into step behind them, and I gave polite nods to the valets as they stood outside the main doors.

Faith leaned close and whispered in my ear. "I feel very insignificant going into this place."

"Don't worry about it." I whispered back, leading her into the large glass revolving door. "Just act rich, and you'll fit right in."

She laughed as we pushed our way through the revolving door and into the main lobby. My eyes went slightly wide at the view before me…marble floors, bell boys in fancy uniforms pushing luggage carts, the clerks behind the marble desks wearing expensive suits, and the enormous crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling above an antique wooden table. People, who I assumed were guests at the hotel, were mingling in the lobby…women wearing fur coats and fancy hats, men smoking cigars and wearing expensive suits. I leaned close to Faith again. "Just act filthy rich, and you'll fit right in."

We started into the lobby, making our way up to the desk. The clerk looked at me, putting a smile on his face. "Can I help you, sir?"

I nodded. "Yeah…we're looking for the Davis/Monroe wedding reception?"

Walking from behind the desk, he nodded and smiled. "Please, follow me. It's down in the ballroom."

Raising my eye-brows at Faith, the five of us fell into step behind the manager as he led us down a large hallway. I could hear the music as we approached an enormous set of double doors. He turned to face us, pulling a door open for us. "Enjoy your evening." I nodded at him, leading Faith into the room.

The ballroom was cavernous, with small chandeliers hanging in patterns along the ceiling. The hardwood floor was pretty much hidden underneath the countless tables and chairs. The dance floor was located in the center of the room, the head table overlooking the dancing. Dress uniforms, suits, tuxes, and dresses filled the room…laughter and talking mixing with the loud music. The tables were all decorated with white table cloths, with center pieces containing white roses and baby's breath…just like at the church.

Faith nudged me, pointing over to the head-table. Davis, Sasha and Sully were standing in a small group talking and laughing. We made our way over, exchanging hugs and handshakes…Sasha taking it upon herself to introduce us to every single person in the room. As we met new people, she introduced us as very close friends who couldn't be in the wedding party.

Dinner was served shortly after…the 6 course meal consisted of salad (with veggies and dressing I'd never heard of before in my life), along with mixed pastas and meats.

Faith enjoyed herself, talking with people from the old 55 as well as people that Sasha introduced us to. I couldn't help but stare at her as she smiled and laughed, her face and eyes bright. Even though I'd been with her for two years, and known her for more than 10, it never failed to amaze me how beautiful she was. The candles from the tables and the dim lights from the chandeliers were casting a golden light on her face, which made her hair sparkle when it caught it just right.

We locked eyes, and she smiled at me…I smiled back, nodding my head towards the dance floor. She raised her eyebrows, as if to say, 'you can't dance, Boz'. I laughed, shaking my head, before nodding towards the dance floor again. A small blush rose in her cheeks, and she nodded, before excusing herself from the table and making her way over to me.

I danced with her for the first time that night, holding her close as the music surrounded us. Trying to be romantic, I started softly singing in her ear…I was rewarded with a small giggle. I could read her mind, and imagined her thinking: don't quit your day job.

It was after 2:30 in the morning before Faith and I made our rounds, saying good-bye to everyone. Sasha almost burst into tears when we said good-bye to her and Davis…hugging both of us, thanking us profusely for being there. We wished them a happy honeymoon in Jamaica, and left the room quietly.

Once again fighting traffic in Times Square, I looked over at Faith…she had her eyes closed and her head back against the headrest. "You asleep?"

She smiled, keeping her eyes closed. "Nope…not yet anyway."

"Well, stay awake." I said softly, smiling at her.

She remained silent as I drove. What she didn't know was that I wasn't taking her back to her apartment…not yet. I had something else up my sleeve.

Pulling off of Lexington, I drove the Mustang down the familiar path towards our bridge. Faith opened her eyes as I parked the car, facing the sparkling water.

She quietly pushed her door open, getting out of the car, and looking around with slightly wide eyes. "Boz, what are we doing here?"

"We haven't been here since before I was shot…I know I haven't." I said softly, walking around the front of the car and taking her hand. "I thought maybe you'd wanna stop by…see how our spot's doing."

We started towards the river, leaning against the fence and looking out over the water. Faith took a deep breath, throwing her head back as the breeze blew through her hair. "Hasn't changed a bit."

Looking at her…I smiled. "No…it hasn't."

She opened her eyes, looking over at me. "You miss coming here?"

"More than anything…I uh…tried to come out here after we split up-" I shook my head, looking back out over the water. "I couldn't…it hurt too much."

"I tried to come out here to." She said softly, squeezing my hand. "I feel close to you when I'm here…but I couldn't force myself to drive here."

"We wasted a lot of time, huh?"

"Yeah…we did." She turned to look at me, a soft smile on her face in the darkness. "But we'll make up for it."

"That's why I brought you here."

"What do you mean?"

Sighing, I turned to look at her, pulling her towards me. "I have something I wanna say to you."

She nodded slowly. "Ok."

I swallowed hard, then took a deep breath. "Faith, we've known each other for years…been through hell, been through heaven…together. You guarded my life, and I guarded yours…everyday." I felt her shiver, and once again pulled her closer. "But then one day…I was stupid. I asked you to do something that I should never have asked you to do-"

"Bosco, don't talk about that."

"Faith, please…let me say this before I lose my nerve. Ok?" She nodded, and I continued. "I lost you that day…lost you for a year and a half. Then, when I did see you again, I screwed it up by plastering myself and telling you off."

She looked to the ground, but I placed my fingers under her chin, lifting her eyes to mine again. "Faith, the last 2 years have been the happiest, and have been filled with more love than any other time in my life." A smile came over her face, and tears were welling up in her eyes. "Today, I asked you if one day we could celebrate what we have like Ty and Sasha did…you said maybe."

Releasing her from my embrace, I reached down into my pocket before slowly lowering myself down on one knee. She clamped a hand over her mouth as a single tear fell down her cheek. "Faith, my life has been full of maybes…my life has been full of what ifs…and my life has been full of moments where I wish I could go back and change things. You're the greatest thing that could have ever happened to a bum like me…you made my life happy and cheerful when you were around, and you gave me a reason to go to work everyday. You gave me a reason to want to make the world a better place."

I carefully opened the ring box, looking up into Faith's eyes. "Faith, I don't want anymore maybes, what ifs, or changeable moments…I only want you. I've been without you for a year and a half…I never wanna lose you again." I actually sniffled as another tear fell down Faith's cheek. "Please…make me the happiest man alive. Marry me?"

Faith removed her hand from her mouth, and slowly dropped down in front of me. Resting her forehead against mine, she sighed, raising a hand to my cheek. "Is this why you asked me not to drink tonight?"

I looked at her, with a sheepish smile on my face. "I wanted to do this right."

"I love you." She whispered, pulling away and looking into my eyes.

I chuckled. "Please say that's a yes."

She chuckled through her tears, looking at me. "That's a yes." Happiness flooded through me, and I took the ring from the box, gently sliding it onto her finger. She sniffled before pressing her lips to mine, happy tears streaming down both our faces.

The most beautiful woman in the world had agreed to marry me, even though 2 years ago I'd broken her heart.

I still remember sitting on my couch, holding the invitation to Lieu's party in my hand, trying to talk myself out of going. "Knights Reunited - For A Birthday Celebration"…that's what the card had said. I still have that invitation…stashed away in my photo album. It served as a reminder…a reminder of how close I'd come to losing her, and how close I'd come to missing out on what was the most important relationship I'd ever be apart of.

It took me almost 2 weeks to talk Faith into letting me design the wedding invitations…but by the time they were mailed out, they read "Knights Reunited -For A Celebration Of Love And Friendship". Seeing as how Faith and I had found each other at a knights reunion, it seemed fitting that we get married at a knights reunion as well.

The End