"Boy" yelled Harry's red faced uncle, "You best get that feather duster in the house and in the room before I throw it and you out with the garbage! Be quick about it, and when you are done you are to clean the house starting with Dudly's room." Harry grabed Hedwig's cage and his trunks and maneuvered them to the front door and up to his room.

While attempting to get his things up the stairs, Dudly came down the stairs shouldering Harry and all his things out of his way. "FREAK!" Dudly muttered as he threw an elbow into Harry's chest causing Harry to loose his balance and drop his trunk and Hedwig's cage. Vernon's footsteps could be herd thumping towards the stairs. With his cheeks puffing out and turning the color purple he grabbed Harry by his neck and threw him against the wall and spat acidly, "FREAK, There will be none of you evil freak happenings in the house! This is my house and your freaky friends have no control over me and mine in my house, and let this be a constant reminder to you!" sputtered Uncle Vernon. That being said he proceeded to hit Harry with a closed fist in the face, chest, ribs and kidneys. Harry was in great pain as he felt his skin tear from the enormous force behind his Uncle's fist and bones break. Yet Harry would not yield to the pain and cry out. Seeing that he was now getting the response that he had hoped that he would illicit from Harry he grabbed the nearest thing that was available to further instill manners and respect in Harry. A Muggle style baseball bat. By the time Vernon came to his senses the damage was done and his nephew was barely alive. Vernon Laughed and kicked Harry for good measure and then unceremoniously tossed harry and all his things into Dudly's spare bed room while bolting the door closed.

The room that Harry lived in was barely big enough for a child never mind someone that was going to be turning 16 in a couple of months. Harry's room was different then the last time that he was here. There was a blanket on the floor, a pail in the corner, no furniture and the windows were not only barred on the outside but rather had steel welded to the inside making his room essentially nothing more then a prison. Hell even the door had a little pass-through that was locked from the other side. The only other thing that consisted of furniture was a note, and a bowl.

Harry stired. His conscious slowly started returning. He attempted to sit up but was in too much pain and stayed the way he was and started sleeping again. When Harry came to again it was daylight. Well into the day. Harry was not sure how much time had passed but he did know that he was still in a lot of pain and that he was hungry. He looked around his room and saw the note, bowl and Hedwig who sat in her battered and dented cage hooting incredulously. Thinking that the bowl contained food Harry reached for it and pulled it to him. As he pulled the bowl to him he saw that it was food, but food that had soured and was full of worms and maggots. When he saw this, his stomach threatened to spew its bile onto the floor due to having nothing else in it.

Suddenly the door burst open and he heard Vernon bellow, "What? Do you think that you are to good to eat the food that we give you? You will learn boy, you will learn." With that said he called Petunia and Dudley into the room where they all beat him with fists belts, kicks and even caned him, complaining about his unnaturalness, and the horrors that he forced upon Dudley last summer. Dudley picked up his owl's cage and threw it against the wall which caused the door to open allowing Hedwig to escape the cage and out the room's wide open door. The Dursley's then took his school trunk and locked it in the closet behind three padlocks and a piece of steel across the door secured by two more locks. They left the room securing the door behind them and did not notice that Harry was cocooned in a bright deep colord purple light.