It was early morning and mostly everyone was awake. I was still asleep, but what woke me up was a line to the bathroom. Jiang Wei was in the front so I guess he's been there for a while. Zhao Yun was right in front of me with his big eyes open. I thought they were kinda cute. I didn't have the nerve to talk so I just stood there waiting for my turn just like the rest.

I woke up (again) on the floor, and the line was still there. Zhao Yun helped me stand up still.

"God…I have been here for almost 15 minutes, and if I leave, the line will surely get longer," cried Jiang Wei.

"It's just been fifteen minutes Wei. Be patient," said Zhao Yun.

"Oh shut up. You and your stupid patience and your..your..your..stupid..things. I bet Ma Chao is also sick of this. Aren't you Ma Chao," asked Jiang.

I heard him but I was too sleepy to answer back.

"Uh huh…" I mumbled.

"Who's in there anyways," asked Yun.

"I'm not sure but they better hurry up. Why do they only have 1 bathroom here anyways," asked Jiang.

"Well…said Yun, they do have another but that's only for the women."

I saw Jiang Wei's face and it looked quite nice.

"They only have like, and with this fingers he counted, 2 women here! It's Yue Ying and Xing Cai!" raged Jaing Wei.

After that, Jiang Wei was thinking. I would go in there but I don't want to see anything of the woman's. I like guy things. Yeah! I'm a gay guy, and I'll wait here just like a man I am! He was smiling.

I was curious to what Jiang Wei was thinking with that face of his, but I'll just wait.

Time passed by slowly and I was getting pissed. Jiang Wei and Zhao Yun were just standing there like men they are. Finally, we heard the toilet flush and the doorknob turning. All three of us were in suspense. Pang Tong had come out with a magazine. He wasn't the only thing that came out. Just seconds after he came out, a really disgusting odor came out! I dropped on the floor rolling and covering my nose. Jiang And Zhao did the same but since they were closer, they had to suffer more.

"What's wrong with you guys? It has just been precisely 1 hour and 23 minutes. That's not that long," said Tong.

We were still on the floor covering our noses rolling like freaks until Zhang Fei rushed in the bathroom. I was so shocked because he couldn't smell that stench. Just one minute after, he came out with a smile on his face.

" That hit the spot!" he shouted.

"You don't smell that?" asked Jiang Wei scared.

"Smell what?" answered Fei.

We all looked at him with confusion.

Then he said, "Ok…whatever. You guys are weird. On the floor with your stupid small hands covering your small noses." Then he left.

"I've been here too long. Time for me to get out of here," said Pang Tong and he left.

We were all…just dead confused and starting to stand up.

" Ah…you first," said Jiang Wei

"…you were first in line," cried Zhao Yun.

" Nah…I can still wait…and besides…ladies first…" smiled Wei.

Zhao Yun looked at him with a distinctive face and they just kept on going on, arguing, and arguing. I just stood there waiting to see who wins, and if no one does after the smell is gone, I'll just shoot myself in. For now…I'll just enjoy the show.