A/N: I am sorry to say this is the last chapter. Just a warning though, the ending isn't happy and it kind of leaves a cliffhanger since the manga isn't done yet and I don't want to say anything that can conclude to the ending. Here's Oreos and milk for you guys! (Yen splashes everything on everyone). By the way, this chapter is kind of like a "filler" chapter, or more of a "ranting in the mind because I have nothing else to bitch about" thing.

Thank you for the reviews. I apologize to Ice Illuser, Asura Omni, Childlike Empress, Anbu Faia, CharriXD, and Polgara-Nightwings. I have betrayed you all! And thank you for the kind reviews!


Chapter 5: Was it All Worth It?

Like the endearing flowers which wilt out of months, Akito's mental stability is wilting as far as the years go. She keeps telling herself, that her bond will stay the same and that her Junishi will come back to her.

However, after an intriguing conversation with Ren 2 weeks after their fight, she must ask herself, "Was it all worth it?"

Even if she is capable of forcing the Junishi to stay with her, what will she do? Will Akito live with them through the end of her days? Pondering through it, is it worth it to scar everyone's hearts just for one selfish, temporary success? This thought of course, is trying to break into the hard block of skull that protects Akito's brain.

"Once you do get them to live with you, what will be your happiness? Will it be in vain? What will you do with them? Make them stay by your side? To do what? Everything you do is pointless Akito. Pointless and Worthless are your efforts." Ren's words stayed in her mind. Obviously, Akito went berserk again after hearing that. But once she thought about it alone in her room, what is the worth in all she tried to do?

Everything is just… pointless.


(Flash back when Akito was 5 years old and when Shigure was 11)

Akito joyously laughed along as she tried desperately to tackle Shigure, but he always managed to catch her with his arms and lift her from the ground.

"Give up Akito-san, you can't win against me!" Shigure laughed in victory.

Akito's childish laughs could be heard all over the main house.

She kept on persisting as she struggled from Shigure's arms. "I won't give up Shigure! I'll keep on trying, even if you say it's pointless!" She exclaimed optimistically while trying to prevent Shigure from tickling her. Akito's legs kept kicking Shigure's stomach and abdomen, but her kicks were to soft and week.

Until finally, Shigure was able to seize Akito and tickled her until she fell on the ground of her garden, laughing out loud.

"Fine I give up!" Akito squealed while cackling cheerfully.

Shigure stopped what he was doing and grinned as he wearily sat on the ground next to Akito, trying hard not to crack up. "I told you Akito-san!"

Akito quickly sat up and looked at Shigure with a serious face, but happy eyes. She claimed, "It was worth it anyways, wasn't it Shigure?"

"What's the worth in it?" asked Shigure jokingly, playing along with Akito. She was such a baby that took things so seriously.

"If I gave up, we wouldn't have that much fun!" She giggled in such a cute way that Shigure made a face as if he wanted to hug her so tightly.


I still believe in that memory, thought Akito. If she really did think all her doings and commitments were worth it, she can see the end of it.

Even though it means hurting people for her selfish wants, she will go on without giving up. Just like how Shigure can keep on hoping they can change for the good, she won't just stand there and trust in her enemies like when she did when Ren engraved those dark words in her. The last time she got that mistake, changed her life so drastically. This time, Akito won't allow Ren to do further harm to her from now on. Her bond, their bond, is real, and it will go on whether they like it or not.

And if she can, and if she wills it, Akito will make sure that Shigure would know of her feelings for him.


Disclaimer: Very short eh? Well this IS the last chapter. I might write another bonus chapter after this, but I'm not so sure. This whole story is all about ranting about Shigure and Akito so don't go complaining that I didn't do my best for the ending. I just want to say, the only reason why it took me awhile to write this because I JUST starting writing this 1 hour ago. I didn't think of continuing it since I lost interest in Fruits Basket. Instead, I found an obsession with InuYasha. Well goodbye everyone! Have fun with the milk and cookies and Cap'n Crunch I left on the table!