A/N: I suppose I should let a couple of you know why I am creating a new story when I two others to update? Well in a way I suppose its punishment. Hardly anyone reviewed HOTD so I decided, hey, I'll give them my first Chappie of the story that's been on my mind for ages, and then go on holiday and let them wait for the next one, hahahaha. Yea, I'm evil.

The other reason is, well basically I have to get this chapter out of my head, I wrote it down but it just won't leave me alone. So here it is. A new story of mine (which promises to be less confusing :D) and, amazing, I have written down a plot for this :).

So here it is, be my guest and hate me, but bear in mind that flames do not make me update any faster.

I do not mind constructive criticism; in fact I welcome it. But remember there is a fine line between constructive criticism and flaming. Beware, if you flame me, I will laugh and ignore you.

Once again, the characters aren't mine.

Forever In My Garden

She rose from the bed, straining her ears for the slightest sound. There. She heard it again. She crept to the door, hearing only the whisper of silk across her skin. The nightgown had been a gift from her friend of high connections, connections it was wrong of her to have.

Somewhere above her someone moved, she could hear the frustrated whispers and the squeak of a floorboard as too much weight was placed upon it. But the noise that held her interest was not above her, oh no…

It was below, at the door.

Silently, she pulled the door open only three quarters of the way, any more and it would squeak. Cautiously, she peered out.

She was AnnaMarie Darkholme. An orphan. Nineteen years of age and at work already. With a beauty beyond her years. Flowing auburn hair that shimmered like water when she turned her head in the slightest way, and whispered across her shoulders like a curtain of silk. Her features were symmetrical, her skin, bronzed and flawless, seemed to glow with the radiance of a queen. Her stunning, thickly lashed eyes were the color of Jade and could cast jealousy into the hearts of many an empress.

But AnnaMarie was not an empress. In fact, she was far from it.

She had made it to the top of the marble balcony before she heard it again, and this time the noise was unmistakable.

Her eyes widened in realization. She backed away slowly, still watching the door in case it made any sudden movements, and then her thoughts fled to her brother.

Stealthily, she followed them.


Alexander Robinson cursed and tore the cigarette from his mouth. Sometimes he bloody hated his job.

The door was steel, inches thick, and disguised as oak. Heavy brass bolts studded it, and the lions head knocker seemed to leer at him, stating 'Ha-ha-you-can't-get-in-because-you-should-have-knocked.'

Xander sighed and resisted the temptation to stick his middle finger up at it, it wouldn't do well if his team thought he was going nuts now would it?

He lapsed into silence, thinking of a way round his predicament. His predicament being the front door. The front door being their entrance to attack. The attack being ordered by the king of thieves. The king of thieves being the judge of his punishment if he failed. His favorite punishment being something Xander hoped to god he'd never have to face.


Irritated, he sighed and let his head fall back and hit the door that had caused all this trouble.

Turning back to his thieves, he stated two simple words.

"Free Keep."


She sped into the boy's room, throwing caution to the wind she threw herself on the bed. Ripping the covers back to be hopefully greeted by the face of her younger brother, her pride and joy, the bright spot in her life.

The bed was empty, the sheets unslept in.

She gasped, pushing herself away from the bed and tearing about the room. Looking everywhere for the little boy she had loved since his birth. The wardrobe, the adjoining playroom, under the bed…

After she was sure she'd checked everywhere twice she stood in the middle of the room, panting hard from the effort.

Her brother was not here, nor had he been here that night. She was sure he'd not been here for at least six hours as his sheets were cold.

Just as she was about to begin her search again the door opened once more. She drew herself up to full height, her head held high. Ready for anything but letting anyone see the level of fighting skills she had, if they underestimated her, she'd have a trick up her sleeve.

Well, she thought wryly fingering the lace skirt of her silk nightgown, so to speak anyway.

But it was only Scott. Scott, her best friend. Scott, her first love. Scott, the only one who understood her and treated her like the equal she demanded to be.

Only Scott, the kitchen boy who would never be good enough for her.

He stared at her for a second, taking in her shapely form before averting his gaze and clearing his throat.

"What are you doing in here Anna?"

She gaped at him, on the verge of tears. "Gray…where is mah brother? Where is Graydon?"

He stared deep into her eyes as if she had grown another head. "What are you talking about? He's in Germany with Master Kurt. You said he could go."

She stared into space, recalling him running to her, pouting cutely, begging for her approval.

In her panic she'd forgotten all about it. In light of her discovery her maternal instincts had taken hold again.

She sighed in a relief that was short lived as she recalled the reason she came bounding into his room at this time of night.

"Listen to meh Scott." She whispered furiously, jogging across the room to stand in front of him and cup his face in her hands. "Ya have ta get outta here, somethin's happenin'. Summin' big, and ya can't get caught in th' middle."

Scott looked confused, but said nothing.

She continued. "Go to mah room. There's a figure of a match girl on mah mantelpiece. Turn 't three-quarters to the left. Go through the fireplace, take the stairs. Take two lefts and a right, the door will be ahead of ya."

He gaped at her, speechless. Finally he managed the words: "Aren't you coming with me?"

She shook her head sadly. " Ah must beh here. Ah must." She added when he opened his mouth to argue. "Ah must warn the others. If 't were any ot'er house Ah woulda left, knowing my brother was safe. But 't is this house; Ah'm tied to 't. Please, jus' go. Go now; leave before 't is too late. But always remember meh fondly Scott. Always remember meh as your equal. Ah-,"

But whatever her sentence was he would never know. The crash of rock colliding with glass and smashing it to pieces sounded throughout the room and shards of glass showered the wooden floor.

AnnaMarie gave Scott a slight push, but he held fast to her arm.

"Please." he begged. "Please. Come with me Anna. It doesn't have to end like this, it doesn't have to-,"

"Go!" She urged him, pushing the wooden door shut. "Ah will not run. Ah will not take the coward way ou'. Ah will stand firm, an' defend this house 't my last!"

And Scott could make no reply as he was shoved down out of the door. And Anna could make no other comment as the rest of the glass was forced from the frame and a thief leapt into the room.


Scott peered round the corner, seeing a thief there he quickly moved away. Running down the corridor to a door at the other end, just as two or three more thieves rounded a corner to his left.

Franticly, he dived for the door. Grasping the handle he threw it open and pelted down the hall, thieves hot on his heels.

Tearing into the room that was Anna's; he hurriedly slammed the door and bolted it. Stumbling over to the mantelpiece he searched feverishly for the ornament, aware that the thieves where throwing their shoulders against the doors.

At last he found it, it was carved out of wood and barley noticeable in the dark. Quickly, he calculated three-quarters the left and turned in into that direction.

The brick wall behind the fireplace moved back and slid across…

…Revealing three more thieves.

Scott cursed and made a leap for the window adjacent to the door. But that idea was shattered when the bolt finally broke and a horde of men swathed in black tumbled across the splintered wood into the room.

Realizing he was caught, Scott crashed around the room. Smashing ornaments and expensive looking perfume bottles, knocking candles over and shouting at the top of his voice before a heavy blunt instrument crashed over his head.

But his tirade worked, the house was warned.


AnnaMarie threw her weight against the man as she listened to Scott crash around. Knocking the man unconscious, she tore out the door, intent on rushing to his aid.

She hadn't got far when men clad in black ambushed her. Fighting her way free, she managed to acquire a long, metal pole from one of them.

She ran faster then she ever had before. Her lungs burned from the effort, her leg muscles screaming in agony. And she made it to her room only to find it empty.

It was trashed, a pig sty even, but empty.

She could not hold the cry of frustration that escaped her when she turned to see more men pouring into her room.

She held her own, but alas, it was not enough.

Eventually she was forced to stand between two thieves while others poured into her room. A massive man with long straggling, dirty blonde hair and evil blue eyes stood in front of her. Smirking.

"So." He growled, something about the raspy sound of his voice made Anna want to shiver, but she remained unmoving, breathing heavily.

"So." He said again, his hungry gaze running across her form, making her feel nauseous. "I can tell what you do here, so there's no need to ask that."

She felt sick at the gross way he had misinterpreted her job.

"Where is the Princess?"

She was taken aback by the question, how could he not know when…?

He spat at her feet. She screwed her brow in disgust and he asked the question again.

She glared at him, her stunning eyes unwavering. He took her chin in a vice-like grip, asking again.

In one quick movement, she had spat in his eye, her chest still heaving.

He cursed at her, and in a fluid motion struck her round the face, hard.

She shut her eyes tightly, grinding her teeth to relieve some pain. Her lip was cut, bleeding. Spitting blood, she turned to face him again.

He brought his face close to hers, his sickening breath playing across her face. "Where?"

"Fuck you!" She hissed into thedeadly quiet. " Ah ain't telling ya nothing ya piece o' shit!"

His face deadpanned and he rose his arm to strike again, but was stopped with a word.


A silhouette stood in the doorway, by the actions of the thieves he was a figure of power. Of respect.

He moved from the doorway, progressing toward them. Pushing past the huge man he gently tilted Anna's face up to the light from the hall so he could inspect it.

AnnaMarie recognized him; she had played with him at the age of four. But she had changed a lot since then, and she hoped to god Henri didn't realize who she was.

He didn't. Instead, he turned to one of the men and whispered to him in rapid French that Anna was too exhausted to understand.

But the man that was gripping her left arm leaned in and whispered softly. "Don' worry gal. Yah'll beh tahken care of. Mr. Lebeau'll mahke sure of it."

She was only half-conscious, no longer caring what they did with her, but she recognized the accent and mumbled: "Kentucky, right?"

She could here the man above her chuckle deeply. "Yea that's rihght. Name's Sam. When ya come bahck ta th' world o' the living look meh up gal. Look meh up."


There you go! Aren't I nice?
