Disclaimer: If you recognise it then I don't own it. All characters belong to JK Rowling.

This is Sirius/Harry slash. Don't like? Don't read.



"Seriously, what's the worst your future can turn out!" Harry asked Sirius as he curled his legs up underneath him and took a sip of Honeydukes hot chocolate.

"You could have lost all your limbs," Remus suggested as he put more wood on the large fire. His movement knocked a Christmas card from the mantelpiece from where it fluttered into the fire. The perfection with which it fell made Sirius and Harry wonder just how accidental it had been.

"Why do I get the feeling that wasn't as accidental as you wanted it to look?" Sirius asked as Remus returned to his seat.

"Oh! Was that the one that sang undying Christmas love from Tonks!" Harry grinned and Remus hid behind a book, feigning deafness. "It was! She'll kill you!"

"Or make you another louder one," Sirius grinned. "Anyway, back to the previous topic – everyone might end up liking Snape and I'd be alone in my hatred of him!"

"Horrifying," Remus deadpanned. "Your future has never looked so bleak."

"I know! How would I survive?" Sirius asked in mock concern. "What if he was married!"

"And you weren't?"

"You could be married to him," suggested Harry as he moved to avoid the cushion thrown at him. There was little need for him to attempt to doge it however; it was off target and hit Remus in the face.

"I thought we were trying to stay in the realm of realism?" Remus said before adding, "You could be dating Harry."

"What! Are you mad!"

"What was that about the realm of realism?"

"Well at least you two love each other!" Remus snapped at them. He took a sip of his own hot chocolate and let his eyes wander to their magnificent Christmas tree – handpicked by Hagrid and then shrunk to a more suitable size by McGonagall.

"I love him – I'm not in love with him!" Sirius retorted.

"Fine, so your oh-so-awful future involves a world friendly towards Severus and you dating Harry," Remus summarised.

"I know, life has never looked so grim," Harry laughed before swatting away a fairy light. The cheerful little fairies, each of which had taken up the appearance of one household member, were quite keen on Harry and seemed to spend much of their time flying around him. The spell to create such Christmas decorations, along with other festive spells, had been explained by McGonagall earlier in the week and so Grimmauld Place could hardly have looked more Christmassy without Father Christmas wandering about the house.

"Voldemort's back but no one knows it's him because he looks like… Marilyn Monroe?" Sirius suggested.

"Oh yes, a famous Muggle actress who's been dead for years leading the Death Eaters. Not suspicious at all." Harry rolled his eyes at Sirius, not bothering to doge the cushion heading his way; a moment later Remus threw the offending part of the furniture back after it hit him in the face again.

"For Merlin's sake – stop! You have a terrible aim!" Remus told him. Sirius sighed and weighed the chances of actually hitting Remus if he was aiming for him. He decided that they were slim to none and held onto his cushion.

"Well Voldemort can be back from the dead somehow and we're at the top of his 'to kill' list," Sirius resumed the conversation which he had initially begun by finding out Harry's fears for the future.

"Is that all?" Remus asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. There wasn't much else that he could think of going wrong in their lives either but that didn't give them much to work with.

"Short of one of you, or both of you, ending up dead I can't think of much which could potentially ruin my life," Sirius shrugged, finishing his lukewarm hot chocolate in one gulp. A loud crash from the kitchen had all thee of them on their feet, wands drawn.

"Voldemort's been gone almost a year and we still leap to our feet at the slightest noise," Remus smiled and they all looked slightly sheepish.

"Probably just Dobby and Kreacher at it again," Sirius sighed. "I'll go yell at them and you two can discuss how marvellous I am whilst I'm gone. Yes?"

Remus and Harry gave him identically stony looks causing him to whimper in mock fear as he backed out of the room, pulling the door to behind him.

"So do you think that's enough?" Harry asked once the door was shut.

"I'm sure of it," Remus replied and handed him a small list.

"Sirius'll never know what hit him." Harry flashed him a grin before following his godfather to the kitchen, Remus in tow.