Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Dan Schneider and the cast and crew of Drake and Josh. I am merely and obsessed teenage girl.

That's Not Possible

Drake lay on his bed throwing a tennis ball up and then catching it. Josh was sitting on the couch playing his game sphere as usual. The phone that lay next to Josh on the couch began to ring.

"Drake you get it." Josh yelled over to his lazy step brother.

"I'm not here take a message." Drake said as he continued throwing the ball. Josh grunted as he paused the game sphere and picked up the phone.

"Hi, is Drake there?" Sarah asked on the other line.

"Why yes he is Sarah." Josh made so obviously clear so that Drake could hear him. "Oh Drake the phone's for you!" Josh chanted, a content I-just-got-you-brotha look on his face.

"Josh, I said I was busy." Drake moaned as he picked up the phone. It'd been a week since Sarah had been over and Drake had been rejected. It wasn't that he didn't like Sarah, he did, he liked her too much. He had needed the past week to think things over. Sarah had basically punched him in the face, but he would have been lying if he didn't say he expected it.

"Hey." Drake said plainly, his voice conveying the emotions he felt.

"Drake, why haven't you returned my calls?" Sarah questioned knowing full well that answer, but needed to hear it from him.

"I've been thinking." Drake stated.

"Me too, Drake you want to go for a walk or something?" Sarah asked, the tone in her voice made it clear that she watned to tell Drake something.

"Sure, I'll be at your house in a few." Drake said as he hung up the phone and jumped down from his bed.

"Josh I'm going out for a bit." Drake said as he grabbed a dark green track jacked from a chair in the corner of the room. "Tell mom and Dad for me, I'll be home soon." he added as he left a non-observive Josh playing game sphere.

"Drake, it seems like we haven't seen each other in years." Sarah stated softly as she closed the door to her house. She was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with pink stars down the right side. Paired with a pair of jeans that were worn in and splattered with paint. Drake suddenly noticed the gigantic bruise on her left arm.

"How'd you manage to get that?" Drake commented on the bruise.

"Oh, that. Well it was a story to be made into a Hollywood film. Girl, in a new house, meets wall. A very tired girl gets up in the middle of the night to go pee. She stumbles around dazed and confused when dum dum dum she meets the wall of her dreams. Smack the wall stands his ground as his foe curses all that is holy and right in this world. Should have won an oscar." Sarah joked, and made Drake laughe. He had forgotten how amazing being with Sarah had been.

"So you wanted to talk?" Drake reminded her as they walked slowly down the sidewalk, night settling in. Sarah shivered a little bit. "You cold? You want my jacket or something?" Drake offered Sarah.

"Thank's Drake." Sarah said as she put on the jacket. It was a little big, but the hopless romantic in her chalked it up to be a big hug. Plus it was still warm from him, she shivered at the thought of being so close to him.

"Drake I was thinking about us." Sarah started, not knowing how to say the words that she desperately needed to say.

"And?" Drake questioned slowly, trying to pry Sarah open.

"And I was thinking about the reasons I gave myself not to date you, or anyone for that matter. And my reasons to not date you seemed incomparable to the reasons why I should date you." Sarah exhausted, feeling relieved that she'd managed to say what was so hard for her to say.

"I don't get it, are you saying you want to date me?" Drake stopped and looked Sarah in the eyes. He couldn't help but notice the truth and fear in them. And he noted how gosh darn cute she looked in his jacket. He just wanted to capture this moment in a bottle and take it around with him. He shoved his hands into his front pockets and Sarah bit her lower lip, the gesture nearly killed him.

"Yeah, I guess so." Sarah replied, she kind of shrugged her shoulders as Drake continued looking at her.

"Sarah, you don't have to do that you know." Drake said, feeling as though he'd pressured Sarah in someway.

"No, Drake, I can't deny the feeling's I have for you. When I first moved here I saw you that day with your binoculars and I couldn't help but think that the single cutest guy in the world is watching me, let alone is he my neighbor. Drake every second I'm with you I fall for you more and more, and there's nothing I wanted more than to kiss you back last Tuesday." Sarah ranted, tears forming in her eyes.

"Then why didn't you?" Drake questioned a little perplexed. This whole conversation kidn of confused him, he didn't play along so well with how others felt, but with Sarah he tried to make an exception and understand her. But that wasn't taking him very far.

"Because I told myself that falling for anyone was out of the question and inappropriate at the time, but my reasons why were rash and I can't keep denying what I feel for you." She stated softly a couple tears ran down her cheeks.

"Don't cry about it." Drake soothed as he wipped the tears away with his thumb. "I never left you Sarah,least to say I've been waiting for this to happen. And I'd been thinking to. Sarah you're not like any girl that I've known before. Normally if a girl had rejected me once, I'd have moved on to the second hottest thing in the room, but there was and is something about you. From the start there was. As I said in that song, 'you're the girl I'd stay home for' Sarah I'd wait a lifetime then some to be with you. Yeah I know that you've hear otherwise, but I don't know. That night I felt so bad when you left, I wanted you to just sit erhe on my couch listening to me play guitar all night. I don't know why but I did." Drake explained to Sarah who started to cry a little more which made Drake feel a little guilty.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." Drake said calmly as he pulled Sarah into a hug. She couldn't help but noticed how good he smelt, or how safe she felt in his arms.

"No, just what you said Drake. It was so sweet and so not the Drake I've heard about." She said as she placed her head on his shoulder not believing that this moment was happening.

"Does that mean I can kiss you now?" Drake asked with a smile on his face.

"You don't have to ask to kiss me you know." Sarah stated coyly with a small smile on her face. They both laughed and Drake kissed her like he'd wanted to that night and Sarah kissed back like she had wanted to. After they broke the kiss they both stood there in each others embrace, enjoying the moment that made them both feel infinite.

"I'll walk you home, okay?" Drake said as he pulled apart from her.

"Okay." Sarah replied still dazed from what just happened. Drake wasn't the normal boy's she was used to. Sure at school he had the same macho, cool guy attitude that she was used to. But take Drake out of school, and away from the people that are so judgemental that he feels he needs to be cool in order to fit in, which was and is sadly true, but take it all away and Drake suddenly becomes human. Because there's no one that he's trying to impress. Sarah relised that early on. She was happy to know that she'd fallen for the right boy this time.

Sarah felt Drakes hand find hers and she noticed how warm and gentile his grasp was. She liked that. Drake noticed how right this felt to him. He wanted to live in this moment for ever. It was a better sensation than playing lead guitar for Zero Gravity.

"Drake, I'm glad I changed my mind." Sarah said as they walked up her porch.

"Same here." Drake stated softly, all the while looking Sarah in the eyes. He bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. He pulled her close deepening the kiss and she gently ran her fingers through his aburn hair. His hand softly caressed her face and she broke away from the kiss. She looked up at him, his hair falling over his eyes, a slight smile on his lips.

"Night Drake." Sarah smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. She opened her door and stepped inside. She watched him walk into his house. She walked upstairs and turned on the Christmas lights in her room and began writing a new song.

"So did you kiss her?" Josh questioned as Drake walked into their room. It was all too apparent that Josh had stayed up for Drake to come home. He'd been acting a little funny, like he knew something that Drake didn't. But Drake just shrugged it off to being just Josh's boob factor. Drake ignored Josh and started taking off his clothes. He threw on his flannel pajama pants and an old grey tee-shirt.

"Fine don't answer me, but I always tell you when I kiss Mindy." Josh sulked.

"So, I don't always want to hear it, scratch that, I never want to hear it." Drake said grossed out by the thought.

"Well we're brothers, that's what we do." Josh stated with an air of finality.

"Fine if it makes you happy we did kiss." Drake said. "And that's all I'm gonna say. Goodnight." Drake said as he settled down under the covers.

Okay I'm a little sorry as you know my story format (the way I write) is changing all the time throughout this story. Just deal with it, I promise it'll get better.