Disclaimer: I don't own YGO.


Title: Cat and mouse with a vampire hunter.

Summary: She was one of them, half way anyway, but she dedacted her life to stopping them. Anzu Mazaki, half vampire, is a vampire hunter. After her mother was raped by a vampire and pregnent, she abondened Anzu in a forest where she grew up with a family of human's. Now, Marik, Bakura and Yami are out to stop her, just one thing they didn't count on...

Rated: M


Anzu Mazaki watched her prey linger on a body of a young girl. The girl was blonde, about ten years old. It disgusted her that she was part of their race. That she to, needed human blood to survive.

But she didn't get all the down falls. Unlike most vampire's she could breath in the smell of garlic. She wouldn't slowly rot away into nothing. She could breath in garlic like humans, one of the things she thanked her bitch of a mother for.

Oh yes. The very same mother that left her to rot in a forest, hopeing no one would find her. That she'd slowly die. How wrong were you mother.

She had been found by an old man and woman. They had seen her kind before and had raised her like their own nonetheless, and when the rest of the town had seen her drink the blood of a horse, they knew it to.

After that her foster parents had been killed and she was to meet the same fate. If it has not been for a vampire saving her. Yes. She had been saved by th very creature's she was hunting. That's why she was exteraminating then. As a favor to rid the world of their kind.

The very first human who' blood she had drank was her very own mother's. After that she was addicted, but not to much. Suprisingly back in her foster home she needed atleast two horses a month. But when it came to human blood. a few drops was enough to keep her full for a week. But she didn't stop with her mother. She had made sure every drop of blood had been drank before she left the creature to rot. The very creature that had tried to have her die.

It was then she realzied the difference. Human blood was sweet, thin and addicting, yet animal blood was thick, dirty and darker then it should be. It took her a while to understand the differences in human blood. It depended on your innocence, body and mind. She had only drank that once before, from a child, yes it was a terrible thing to do, but at the time it seemed like the only was to survive.

It was cold. Yes the cold did matter to vampire's. That's one of the main reason they loved blood, besides keeping them alive it also gave them insulation.

She watched the vampire suck out all the blood. She had guessed that since she was half vampire she didn't need too much blood. Either that or this vampire was amazingly greedy, just like she was with her mother.

There it was, her chance. The vampire had finished drinking, leaving him weak for while. Another advantage for her. His sences were at ease so this would be easy.

She lunged at him, ignoring the body of the young girl. It took him a while to sence her. Mostly because she was half blood. But it was to late, he didn't have time to react as a wooden stake went through his body where his heart would've been.

She watched as he fell to his knees. She didn't move when he screamed in pain. She didn't let anything flicker in her eyes when he looked at her in distaste. And she didn't help when he extended his hand to her. She didn't even move when he started to fade away, because she knew that he was sending a signal. And if she had the rest of the vampire's would've knew where she was. Last time she had tried to help, she barely got away alive.

Once she was sure there was no trace of him she walked upto the young girl and stared at her with pity. She reminded her so much of Annabelle, her foster sister. She sighed and felt emotions well up inside her again. Sadness, hate, anger. She shook her head. No. Letting emotions take control was the first sign of loosing control.


"She's a mutant!" shouted one of five fiquires.

"Calm down." came another. "She'll be out of the way soon."

"Ugh! How can you say that? We have to get her out of the way now! Before the princess is awakened! She's been a thorn in our side since the day she was born and you know it!" It was a woman's voice this time.

"Shutup! All of you!"

They quited down.

"We'll have her disposed of. Marik, Bakura and Yami."

Three of the fiquires stepped foreward.

"Yes, Peguses?" asked one with sandy blonde hair.

"You three are officially extermenater's."

The one with snow white hair smirked. "Let me guess. Undercover?"

"That's right Bakura-boy. You shall be Ryou Bakura." He pointed to the one with sandy blonde hair. "You Marik, are now Malik Ishtar." Then he pointed to the last one. "And Yugi Motou."

They smirked. Looks like cat and mouse had officially began, and Anzu Mazaki was the mouse.


Cat: Umm, there?

Bakura: Woman that was absolutely pointless.

Cat: (Shruggs) Yeah.. but.. (Starts dancing around like crazy).

Bakura: (Annoyed) Ok, ok! This makes twenty, right?

Cat: That's right! So review!