Authors Note:Just to let to you i have just re done all the chapters for this story, changed a few things, added a bit more detail to characters and a few spelling mistakes... but i am sure there are some errors here and there.

Thanks to obssesion911, bIgSmILe737, writrfreak15 and Alexandria J. Malfoy, who reviewed the older version of the last chapter. Hopefully you can let me know if this was better I hope you can still enjoy the story

Chapter 4 D is for Dump, Date or Dare

Padma: Well, here's my chance. To prove to myself and get Blaise back.

Blaise: I seriously can't wait to get hold of those Gryffindors and beat them. Too bad Potter and Weasley weren't picked. Oh well, I've still got Creevey.

Colin: Whaaaa… I got picked! How did I get picked…? Wait! How did Luna get picked?

Luna: It must have been those Wrackspurts again. Doing their jobs of making brains fuzzy.

Justin: I had a hunch it could be me! Bet Granger's not surpised.

Hermione: I am shocked! I didn't know I was going to get so much support. I feel so grateful to those who voted for me. Laura and Rose deserved it too. They are hardly ever in the spotlight.

Laura/ Rose: Terry/Micheal got picked!

Terry: Hmmm… seems Prefects are popular me and Zeller got picked.

Micheal: Laura's cute. Why didn't Cho get picked? Maybe Su is getting more popular.

Su: Maybe I am getting popular

Theodore: I am not complaining! I just hope I'm not voted out first. Li is definitely getting more popular in Ravenclaw.

Malcolm: This is what I call a fantastic timing! I've gotta teach that Thomas a lesson… kept dodging my bludgers at last year's match.

Dean: I've got to make the most of this! Is it me or are the Gryffindor girls getting more attractive?

Natalie: I wasn't expecting it to be me ..... Kevin is quite all right I suppose.

Kevin: Who me?

Owen: Well, that's a surprise Harry and Ron didn't get picked. No surprises in the Slytherin part though Pansy...Malfoy…Wait! Did I just call her Pansy?

Pansy: Well done Draco! Well I suppose he's not the only good one this year… speaking of which I need to take care of a certain Gryfinndor as well.

Ginny: Yay! Fantastic time to get into really high spirits.. Colin and Hermione were both picked. Well too bad for Harry and Ron. Oh well I guess it's a good time to get back at that prat Malfoy.

Draco: Good! Now I can teach Weasley a few things about winning and why not to mess with a Malfoy.

That night was the beginning of the change, a change that would turn the lives of the chosen 20 in the forthcoming year.

Blaise Zabini came down earlier than usual for breakfast the next morning. He helped himself to scrambled eggs with toast when he thought back to the previous night. Professor Snape had told them that for this week they weren't expected to do much as houses still had to set tasks for each other. As he finished his toast he decided to help himself to some cereal and watched the so-called Gryfinndor Aspirers join their table.

What a group! he thought and sniggered

"What is it?" Pansy asked

"Nothing. It's just a bit difficult to digest" he nodded towards the table he had been looking at a moment before.

"Your breakfast?" Crabbe asked concerned as he eyed Blaise's cereals.

Pansy rolled her eyes above and said, " Crabbe whenever we need your opinion we'll ask for it ok? Till then… shut it!"

She moved across the table and seated herself next to Blaise so that the conversation was kept between themselves.

" I mean who'd vote for them! No Potter or Weasley, ok maybe the youngest is there and so is Granger...but Creevey, Thomas and McDonald! I'd never even heard of her until last night."

Pansy replied subconsciously with "Hmmm, Your right" every time he paused. She let Blaise carry on with his list of complaints about why Gryfinndors are useless and loyal prats and so on. Her mind travelled elsewhere once again when she had heard of Weasley's name.

"Seriously…" Blaise said as he sipped his orange juice and put his glass down "Gryffindors are useless, loyal prats. What say you Draco?"

Pansy snapped out of her trance immediately and looked to her right. Draco was watching her with a curious expression that made her feel transparent. Trying to get away from the situation she quickly got up and left the table. Blaise watched Pansy's departing figure and then looked at Draco who was looking the same way.

"Have either one of you been listening to me?!"

Draco was about to say no when the morning owls interrupted him and flew into the Great Hall, a handsome tawny one dropping a small package on his lap.

"From home?" enquired Blaise

"I can't think of anywhere else"

" You gonna open it here?"

"Is that gonna be a problem?"

"Well that depends on how much more attention you want to yourself"

Ignoring Blaise's comment he picked up and unfolded the letter attached to parcel. He quickly scanned it and returned it to his trouser pocket and thought about whether he should share it with others or keep it to himself. Maybe for once he didn't want this attention. Inside the simple box was a fist sized black orb with green engraving on it. Draco's eyes narrowed as he quickly covered it again and read the letter that was inside the box.

My dear son,

This is a keystone to our family. Now that your father has passed away, I feel that you are ready to possess this being the true heir. It will bring good luck to you. Keep it safe and take care of yourself.

Your loving Mother.

Feeling slightly distracted he excused himself from the table and decided he wanted to keep this information to himself. He was never superstitious but it was a family heirloom, and meant a lot to him he went back to his dorm and placed it in his bedside cabinet forgetting about Pansy.

The same afternoon, when Draco was walking down a corridor to get to the library, he heard a pair of angry voices. Swiftly he got behind a closet that hid him from view.

"You told me you've never been with anyone like me before." A female voice shouted.

"And I meant it." This one Draco recognised instantly. It was Blaise. "I have never been with an 'Asian' girl before. So my statement was kind of literal. If you took a wrong meaning of that sentence then I am not exactly to blame am I? Look Padma, you ever get a problem then I'll hear you out, if you are in trouble I will always be there to help you; but don't expect 'us' to go anywhere. Let me get one thing very clear. We are done. And over with."

"You think I am gonna give up just like that! You are crazy. You chose the wrong girl to play around with this time Zabini. I'll make sure that you pay for what you've done and come to back to me."

"Wishful thinking Patil" Draco muttered to himself as he heard her storm away and Blaise turn towards a corner. Draco was about to step out of his hiding place to catch up with Blaise when he heard a second pair of voices come up. A quick peek showed him that it was that Weasley girl and the other Gryffindor champion Thomas. He heard him speak slowly and carefully

" So I was wondering may be this Hogsmeade trip we could go together by ourselves?"

"You mean like a date?" Weasley queried

"I'm gonna embarrass myself and say yes"

"Well.I don't see a problem with that. Its not like we haven't gone out together before. But I guess it'll be nice to give a try"

"True. What's the worst that could happen? We'd not enjoy ourselves and regretfully never try it again"

Ginny gave a hearty laugh as she slipped her arm into Deans and said " Or maaaybe both of us could have a great time and hopefully do it again"

"Yeah. That.... is also another possibility" Dean replied smiling as he and Ginny walked off together.

"What's the worst that could happen Thomas? You have no idea!"Draco thought to himself.

Reaching the Slytherin Common Room, Draco's eyes scanned for Blaise and quickly found him by the fireplace reading a Quidditch magazine.

"Hey" Blaise said as he looked up "Whats up? You look like you've done some serious thinking for once." He smirked going back to his magazine.

"I heard your row with Patil this morning in the corridor. Quite ugly to be honest"

When there was no reply Draco spoke again, "Blaise how many girls have you been with?"

"Don't worry not more than you"

"Seriously .. how many?"


"In Hogwarts?"


"In Slytherin?"

"Nearly all, except Pansy of course"


"Quite a few"


"Not many... too dumb"

"And Gryffindor?"

At that moment Blaise looked up seriously

"Why bother asking me about that one, you should already know the answer and just for safety's sake it's nil."

Draco stayed silent for a while, while Blaise went back to reading his article. Finally Draco spoke, " It's been a while since we've played."

"You wanna play Quidditch now! It's raining outside, you feeling ok?"

"You're worse than the Hufflepuffs at times."

"All right, calm down. What game?"

"I'll pay you 50 Galleons to do this for me."

"And that would be…"

"I want you to kiss a girl in the next Hogsmeade trip for a whole minute and keep it as a memory for me to draw out."

Blaise gave Draco the most incredulous look he could hoping that he had not said what he just had.

"You're acting strange. In simplest terms you've just asked me to give you a memory of memaking out with a girl!" When Draco just nodded Blaise started getting a bad feeling about their whole conversation since he had arrived "Which girl?"

"Ginny Weasley"


"You're crazy you know that. How could you even think of it! What's wrong with you! Me! Kiss! Weasley! You're mad! YOU'RE BLOODY MAD!…."

The conversation had been taken to the 7th year boys dorm as Draco knew by Blaise's expression that he was about to explode.

"Even if you pay me a 100 Galleons I am going nowhere near that Gryffindor!"

"Look, I would have done it myself if I wasn't with Pansy!"

Blaise turned around to face as him with the same expression he had some time back.

"You'd better have a good reason to back all this up"

"Come on think about it carefully what have you got to lose?"

"My reputation to begin with"

"I doubt it. No one's going to speak over you in this you're very well aware of that. I'll handle Pansy but the other houses, you don't really care of they think do you?"

Blaise kept quiet

"Plus your rep may just rise. A history will be made in Hogwarts."

"Yea. Once I touch that girl I'll definitely be history"

"Blaise, from my point of view you've got nothing to lose but she has quite a lot at stake"

"What do you mean?"

"Her family, friends, they all hate Slytherins. Come on think of her brother's reaction if he found out. She's going on a date with Thomas on that trip. He never even look at her again, plus he's a champion. They'll be ripping their whole team apart making our path quite clear to win the first Aspirers title. The best way to end our year, don't you think?"

Blaise settled himself on his four-poster, thinking again while Draco waited patiently. He knew he'd thought this out very carefully to convince him.

Pansy stepped away from the dorm door that moment and headed towards the 7th Year girls. She repeated the whole conversation between Blaise and Draco in her head as she got changed and slipped inside her bed. She would have gone to sleep with little effort but a certain sentence of Draco's kept her awake the whole night.

Look, I would have done it myself if I wasn't with Pansy!

Back in the 7th Year Boys Dormitory

"So you'll do it?"

"Alright Draco, I got myself a dare"

Authors Note: By this chapter you may be getting the wrong impression but don't worry it is still a Draco/Ginny fic! So until the next chapter I am expecting more reviews plz! I will try and update soon. I just wanted to close all loopholes.