Summery: The war is over and Harry has returned to teach at Hogwarts. He has lost the only love he ever knew, but finds it once again in the most unlikely place. Admists a secret and a mystery most had long sense forgotten… This is not what your expecting, not in the least. I dont want to give anything away, you'll have to read. And Let me warn you... This is fluffy... And i dont wish to hide it.
Disclaimer: ObviouslyI do not own any of the recognizable characters from the HP series. They belong to JK Rowling alone. I do however own any and all characters that I have created and are distinctive to this story. Thanks
The atmosphere of Hogwarts was nothing like he remembered. It still held the warm comfort of home that Harry loved dearly from his days at school. But no longer was there joy in the air. No longer was there friendship. No longer was there love.
The war had ended and Harry had defeated Voldemort, just as he was destined to do. But unlike the thankful witches and wizards who returned to their lives without fear, Harry felt no peace. His life had been so brutally damaged that it seemed nothing could repair it. Not even his friends, though they tried to bring the vibrant smile back to his scared face, it was not to be found.
And even now he refuses to let them close enough to try. Hermione and Ron are getting married. He can only imagine the joy they must feel. The joy he so dearly wished to feel.
Oh how he wanted her. How much he wanted to wake up beside her, knowing that she would be his now and always. How much he loved her.
But Ginny is dead. Her life was taken by a death eater along with hundreds of others. They killed her like she was nothing but a bug to be crushed. She got in their path and was swatted, without a thought.
Sometimes he thought it was better that way. Them not knowing what she meant to him… Her not knowing what she really meant to him. Oh, she knew he had a school boy crush on her at one time, and maybe even still liked her a little. But she had no idea how deeply his love ran.
And maybe, just maybe that was for the best. If they had known would she have died a more painful death?
Maybe they would have used it to weaken him. God knows he barely had any strength left when he finally won. Maybe if he knew Ginny was dead because of his selfish needs, he wouldn't have been able to finish what needed to be completed.
But as Harry walked solemnly down the halls of Hogwarts, deserted for the summer, he finally felt at home. None of his previous residences made any sense. He found he couldn't live with any of his friends, that wasn't right… he couldn't stand their happiness. And he couldn't live alone, for he couldn't stand the sadness.
He didn't want a job. No job fit either. The ministry offered him a top ranking position. But he hated making high wages working at a boring job that others like Mr. Weasley worked their whole lives to have. He couldn't be an Auror; it was like living in the painful chaos of the war everyday. Never knowing what was coming next.
No matter how hard he thought, he simply couldn't think of anywhere he belonged… that is until he received a letter from Professor McGonagall, offering him a position as the DADA professor. He could live once again, in the only place that felt like home.
It wasn't perfect, it too held painful memories… but it was the best he had. At least this is where he remembered Ginny, and his youthful happiness. At least this is where he had once known love.
"I don't want normal teacher's quarters." Harry explained solemnly to McGonagall as he gently examined the old nick knacks that once belonged to his beloved Headmaster. "I want to be somewhere secluded."
McGonagall giggled. "You know who you sound like Harry?"
"Snape, when he first came to teach."
Harry sighed, despite his utter hatred for the man; for once in his life he understood at least something of the bitter potions master.
"I suppose next you'll be asking to skip meals and all social functions?"
Harry gave her a look of annoyance. He would rather not be compared to his old teacher, no matter how truthful the comparison may be. And now he'd rather not admit that he wasn't in fact planning on coming to meals, that is if he could at all help it.
"I appreciate your generosity professor, but not your sarcasm."
"Alright alright. But please call me Minerva." She said joyfully in an attempt to lighten Harry's solemn disposition. "You're a professor yourself here now you know."
Harry forced a small smirk. He didn't need to be reminded. "So… Do you think you have somewhere for me?" He asked, hoping to escape the dreaded small talk as quickly as possible.
"You know, I think I know of just the place… It'll take me an hour or so to conjure it up into something appropriate. But, nevertheless I think even you'll approve."
"Really… What do you have in mind?"
Minerva kicked a box against the wall in an attempt to clear a walking path in the clutter and dust.
"We'll of course clear away all this." She said motioning to the many boxes and old furniture stacked against the walls. "We'll have to make more closet rooms to store them in… And of course we'll add adequate lighting in these halls. It can get so dark." She squeezed through a small space between what looked like an old cabinet and a table covered in discolored cloth.
"At the end of the hall are a cluster of closets. Some bigger than others. And if all goes well I can clean them out and connect them… making a rather lovely living space if I do say so myself. And then of course I can furnish it, add pluming and such."
Harry looked at her, rather taken aback. "That sounds complicated. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"
"No not at all, it's really all easy enough… in fact to tell you the truth we don't have any empty teachers quarters... Aside from Snape's in the dungeon. But I can't imagine you wanting that."
Harry nodded. Yes, well that was for sure.
"What is this place exactly." He asked noting the cob webs and old peeling paper the graced the walls.
"The Hogwarts basement so to speak… Not many know about it. We keep any old furniture or unused artifacts here. It's probably quite interesting really if I had time to go through it. Oh well." Minerva looked around, the truth of her age shining in her eyes.
Suddenly there was a creaking in the low ceiling boards, followed by a small bang, as if something heavy had hit a wall.
They both looked up, and Minerva sighed. "Oh, I forgot about that… well I suppose we'll have to cast a little silencing spell on your rooms."
"Where is this basement exactly?" Harry asked, having a feeling it was quite deep under the school.
"Under the staircase actually. Directly above lay dozens of moving staircases. I trust you remember them?"
Harry chuckled. He most certainly did. "Well it appears I once again reside in the closet under the stairs." He said with an air of finality.
Minerva laughed heartily. "Yes, I suppose your right…" Her eyes twinkling.
"Well anyway, we always kept it as well hidden from students as possible. You can only imagine what kind of disasters might occur down here. No one is ever around to keep tabs on what happens here, not even Finch cares to lurk around these halls... A student could achieve a god awful amount of mischief and no one would ever know." She winked at him.
If only he had known about this as a student. In fact…
"Minerva, I don't remember any account of this hall on the Marauders Map." Harry commented curiously. It was true; he had looked over that map numerous times. He was sure he knew Hogwarts like the back of his hand.
"Well, Mr. Potter. Have you ever considered that perhaps not even the famous Marauders knew about every part of Hogwarts? That maybe, there are still some secrets hidden in this school?"
Harry chuckled. "No I supposed I always thought that that map held every secret Hogwarts had to offer."
"No. I can assure you. Hogwarts still holds plenty of mystery. Even some you Mr. Potter have yet to discover."