Okay you people chose Sequal 1 no rape, but the poll is still open.

Marinae was currently eight years old when Anakin picked her as his Padawan. Now she is thirteen and an excellent Jedi Padawan. Anakin is also older, and amazingly more mature. They were an excellent team as both Jedi and Pranksters. Their skills will go down in the Jedi Archives. Every Padawan pretty much despised Marinae because they were all jealous. But they learned not to piss her off because she and Anakin would have their revenge. That went the same with people who pissed off Anakin. All the teachers ,who the duo hasn't pranked, loved Marinae because of her improvement when she became a Padawan.

"C'mon you can go higher then that," Anakin said. He was sitting on a rock suspended in air, fifteen feet in the air. Marinae was on the ground of the training room lifting Anakin with the Force. "Twenty feet, almost there. There you go twenty-five!" Marinae didn't put him down. "Alright you can put me down now," Anakin said and Marinae grinned.

"HEY! Come on!"

"Hm…I wonder…" Marinae used the Force to try and shake Anakin off.

"Hey! Alright…Alright, what do you want?" Anakin asked.

"For you to stop cooking! I was in the bathroom for an hour last night because of your stupid bean surprise!" Marinae said pretending to throw up.

"Fine! Now put me down!"

"Suit yourself," Marinae said and disconnect from the Force.

"I hate you," he said and did one of the anime things where you don't fall until you look down. He fell the twenty-five feet. "Ow!"

"Hate leads to the dark side," Marinae said in a Yoda impersonation. "Fear leads to anger…"

"Anger leads to Hate," Anakin said for her.

"And hate leads to suffering!" Master Yoda said walking in.

"Oh….um…hi Master Yoda," Marinae said bowing.

"Hey Master Yoda what's cool?" Anakin said grinning guilty. Master Yoda cocked an eye and Marinae gave him a 'what the hell' look.

"Mock me you do, but proves you listen, it does," Master Yoda said.

"Seen your improvements, the Council has. Ready for a real mission you two are," Yoda said grinning.

"Thank you Master," Marinae said trying to hide her glee and bowed. Master Yoda walked out.


"Oh Yea!"

"So do you think you're ready?" Anakin asked.

"Yea! I think six hours in a corn field on a planet hotter then Tatooine proofs I am ready," Marinae said. She was referring to the last mission they went on. They went to a starving planet because they were too lazy to pick their food themselves.

"Okay I'll admit, that diplomatic mission, was TOO diplomatic," Anakin said and they both laughed.