JyouraKoumi: I'm thinking of doing a story for you, a short story but the a peice of the end of this story is for you. Thanks for reading many of my fics.

Soramon: I had to leave it there. I had to make sure you would come back for more. This is the end however. Leaves you hanging but there might be a new story coming out of it.

karone-sakura: Thanks for the reply and I hope you enjoy this chapter too.

GG-Triela: That's alright, sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying. I hope you find some of this interesting. Thanks for all of your reviews.

Kuroi Black Nightingale: your kidding? I can't think of anyone who would want to keep their hands off of matt and I'm sure he's up for anything coming his way. This is the end so I hope you enjoy it.

They took a left on the sidewalk and across the street, as soon as they hit the park it was as if the world belongs to them. The sky was a clear blue; the breeze was just a little on the chilly side enough of a wind to rustle up the already fallen leaves and make them dance on the green lawn. Very few people had found their way into the park that day. A few children were playing on the swings that, below their feet, a puddle of water reminded them of the rain that fallen all week. The usually small stream that ran the length of the park had now over flow its bank and grew into a rippling river of muddy water. Children stood gawking at the over grown stream, tossing in anything that would float. Parents kept pulling the children's back away from the water's edge. The soccer field was torn up from a well-done game Sora and Tai had played just that night. Chunks of soil were upturned, facing the sky with little wiggling bodies of worms trying to make their way back into the soil.

"I can't believe I made a fool of myself." Sora shook her head. "I don't know why I did it. It is not like me. I…I just thought that maybe you, hell I don't know what I thought." She turned to look at the Blondie, "You didn't feel anything from that kiss? Nothing at all!"

"I told you, I was tired and I think I had too much of Tai. It was really late, Sor…" Matt shook his head.

"I am so embarrassed. I told Mimi…MIMI who will tell everyone else. It's going to be around the whole school that I kissed you."

"Plenty of girls kissed me."

"Oh great, now I am in a category with all the other stupid bimbos!" Sora threw her hand up in the air. "People are going to laugh behind my back!"

"No one will laugh at you. I'm sure Mimi didn't tell everyone." Matt reinsured her.

"Please, this is Mims we are discussing! Of course, she told everyone! It'll be in the school's news letter, bold prints!"

"Sora you are making a bigger deal out of this…"

"I kissed you Matt, I told the worlds biggest mouth, and you can't returned the same feeling I have for you. Of course, this is a big deal! We can't even be friends after this!"

"Sure we can…"

"No we can't. That kiss, it will always be in the middle."

Matt frowned a little before shaking his head, "You and Tai kissed before, you two remind good friends."

"A kiss on the cheek does not count as a "kiss''. Mimi's words!" Sora shook her head, "What am I going to do? My life is now ruin."

"I guess you'll have to kiss me again, then. I'd hate to see you end your life over something as small as a little kiss." Matt grinned mischievously.

"Kiss you again?" Sora stared up into his blue eyes, and then to the smirk on his face, "You expect me to kiss you again after what I just went though! Why are you grinning! It is not funny! I stuck my neck out for that kiss and you stood before me pretending that it meant nothing to you! Stop laughing!" Sora slapped his arm. "Why are you laughing? It's not funny!"

"You should have seen your face," Matt grabbed her arms, pulling her fists down to her side.

"I hate you!" Sora spat.

"Nah, you can't possibly hate me after last night's kiss." Matt leaned down and kisses her gently on the lips, "the only thing I regret from last night was that the kiss didn't happen sooner…and that Tai was there." Matt grinned, keeping Sora's right hand in his left as they started to walk again. "You wouldn't believe how many times the thought of kissing you ran through my mind last night. So many opportunities but then…"


"Yeah, Tai." Matt pulled Sora closer to his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she leaned into him. "So what do we tell Tai?"

"We don't tell him anything," Sora snuggled into his shoulder, breathing in his aroma. "How about, when we get to my house we…"

"Sounds great!"

"I didn't even finish," Sora nudge his ribcage, "We curl up…"

"I can do that."

"Stop it!"


"NO!" Sora placed her hand over his mouth, "We just curl up on the sofa, watch some movies and I'll heat up some coco or whatever you drink hot. What do you like?"

"More then a hot drink…That wasn't on my mind at all," Matt quirked up an eyebrow.

"I'm sure it wasn't however that is how we are going to play it. For now."

"Fine, but what I had in mind would be a lot of fun."

"I'll take your word for it."

"So…what movie do you want to watch?" Matt called out to Sora from the sofa in her living room. Her mother left her a letter on the refrigerator saying she would not be home until after three. With her father away on a business meeting, this gave them the afternoon together.

"I don't know, just find something," Sora came out of the kitchen carrying two large mugs, "Here you go. Be careful it's hot."

"Thank you, even seeing the steam I would never have guessed!" Matt replied sarcastically.

"Don't get smart and drink up." Sora curled beside him, snuggling into his open arm. Matt rested his arm on her shoulder as he aimed at the Television set. He quickly ran through the channels, trying to find something that caught his interest.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Matt looked down at her with a devilish grin. "Why? You want to do something?"

"No," Sora rolled her eyes, "Is this all you going to think about now that we are dating?"

"We're dating? It was just a kiss!" Matt's azure eyes grew large.

"Don't make me dump this tea on you boy," Sora warned him.

"I never ask for us to be an item. We just had one kiss!"

"Two, remember at the park?"

"Oi, two kisses…" Sora pressed her lips over his, sliding her tongue in his mouth.

"Three." She mumbled against his lip.

"Hmm…three," Matt said dazedly.

"Now back to the television show."

"What show?" Matt asked still another kiss below her ear lope.

"Well see that's just it. I couldn't see what was playing because you kept flicking the remote so fast!" Sora squirmed out of his reach.

"There wasn't anything…"

"How do you know? You didn't even stop! How can you find something you might be interested in if you don't pause the controller?" Sora asked, throwing her finger in the direction of the television set.

"If there is hugging, kissing, crying, flowers, a wedding, a person in a hospital bed, or an animal it's not the show I want to watch. If I flick to anything that even hints in a few seconds that it will be one of those shows, I know not to stop and watch."

"And what shows do you know to stop and watch?"

"Explosion, cars, girls, dinosaurs eating someone, someone yelling in fear, someone with a large knife…"


"And cartoons."

"Cartoons? Really?"

"I love the Simpsons. I watched it all day once with Tai."

"The Simpson's?"

"But hey, if you find anything worth wild, let me know." Matt handed her the remote.

"You are giving me the remote?" Sora grinned, "This must be the first in history that a man voluntary handed a woman the remote control." She aimed it at the TV set but nothing happen. She tried again before hitting the back of the remote in the palm of her hand.

"Don't get carried away, Luv. I gave you the remote but not the batteries." Matt grinned.

"You took out the batteries?" Sora blushed at her new pet name.

"Yeah, pathetic I know but at least we get to watch what I want." Matt smirked.

"I hate you." Sora pouted.

Matt leaned over to kiss her. "Let's forget about the TV, Sor."

"Matt, we just confessed our feelings less then an hour ago…"

"Relax Sora as much as I want to ravage you right now, I promise to play by your rules."

"My rules? So no touching from the…"

"Make them fair," Matt whined.

"No hands on bare skin!" Sora warned. "Or I'll call Tai and Davis to visit. NO! I'll tell Mimi you are interested in a new wardrobe."

"Fine," Matt gently pushed Sora against the length of the sofa. "I'll keep my hands out of from under your clothes."

"Here? On the sofa?"

"Yeah," Matt mumbled between kisses.

"But Mum or Dad…"

"Better here then in your room." Matt whispered as he planted kisses down her neck. "We can look at least half convening here on the sofa then coming out of your room."

"Oh…OH!" Sora gasped when Matt gently squeeze her left breast. "No hickeys, I can't explain that…"

"Hmmm…." Matt tugged at her earlobe.

"Honey, we are home!" Sora's mum called out into the apartment as she stepped through the door. Mr. Takenouchi stood behind her, carrying two grocery bags. "Why are the lights outs?"

Sora untangled herself from Matt's arm sleepily. They spent the whole afternoon watching television between making out sessions on the couch. Her lips felt bruised but at the same time, she couldn't help but grin. Matt stood and followed her out into the kitchen.

"Oh, hello…." Mrs. Takenouchi looked up at the tall blonde-haired person that stood behind her daughter. "You look familiar," She glanced at her daughter, watching a blush crept into her cheeks.

"Mum, Dad, you remember Matt? T.K's older brother?" Sora smiled.

"Matt?" Toshiko covered her mouth, "I haven't seen you seen you were twelve!" She gave him a brief hug then stood back, "My you had a growth spurt!"

"MUM!" Sora gasped.

"Matt," Haruhiko nodded his head, "I'd offer you my hand but they are quite full right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry honey," Mrs. Takenouchi took a bag from her husband and led the group into the kitchen. "So, Matt what brings you over here?"


"Homework," Sora smiled, "I needed help in…"

"You get all A's." Haruhiko told her as he started unpack the grocery bag. Mrs. Takenouchi elbowed her husband. "What?"

Toshiko rolled her eyes and leaned against her husband and whispered, "Sora likes him so she asked him to help her. Be nice now. This is the first time she brought a boy over besides Tai and Izzy."

"But she gets…" Haruhiko whispered back.

"I know, you know, she knows but he doesn't. Don't you remember, it's how I got your attention?" Toshiko said softly. Matt and Sora exchanged smiles.

"You mean you didn't have trouble…"

"No dear," his wife sighed, "I was a straight A student." Toshiko picked up a bottle of pickles and places them in the fridge.

"Your dad didn't call," Sora leaned into Matt, who just smiled down at her and winked.

"He winked at our daughter, should I throw him out?" Haruhiko pretend he needed something and had to reach around his wife for the object.

"Of course not…" Mrs. Takenouchi whispered back. "Matt, Hun. Would you like to stay for dinner or is your father expecting you home?"

"No Ma'am he isn't and I don't really want to intrude."

"It's no intrusion." Toshiko smiled, "Besides, maybe we can catch up on how you are doing. Wow, how old are you now?"

"Seventeen." Matt replied.

"I remember you now, didn't you and Tai roll around punching each other all the time?" Mr. Takenouchi asked.

"Yes sir and we still do." Matt nodded his head.

"You are in that band, right?" Mrs. Takenouchi asked, still unloading the groceries.


"How's that doing? From what I had heard, it is an amazing group. A lot of fans come in the flower shop wanting to buy roses for you boys."

"We are doing really well with it. There might be a new name change; The Wolves seem a little childish."

"So this band is something you want to do permanently?" Toshiko asked.


"It's not?" Sora looked over at Matt.

He shook his head, "I actually applied to an Unversity, and I'm on my way to being an Astronaut."

"Oh, how exciting! Your grades must be really good." Sora's Mother fished for more information.

"Very good, Ma'am." Matt smiled. "I'll graduate with honours."

"Really?" Sora folder her arms, "And he's a blonde too! I am amazed!"

"Didn't I throw you and Tai out because you broke a vase?" Haruhiko asked.

"MUM!" Sora turned to her mother.

"Honey that was a long time ago."

"I like that vase…"

"Hey Mum, why don't you and Dad relax while we cook you dinner?" Sora beamed.

"I don't know…"

"I'm an excellent cook," Matt offered.

"Really Mum, this boy can cook!" Sora smiled.

"Well, I suppose it's alright but if you need help let me know." Toshiko pushed her husband out of the kitchen.

"You are letting them in there?" Her husband asked.

"I would like to know if he can really cook. Face it; Sora would lose twenty pounds if she ever moved away from us. She cannot even make toast with out messing that up. She is a klutz in the kitchen."

"Yeah but…did you see that hickey he was wearing?" Haruhiko asked.

"How could I miss it?" His wife sighed, settling down on the sofa. "It was dark when we came in, her hair was a mess…I couldn't tell if his hair was suppose to be a mess or if that was the way he wore it. They were not just watching TV. Remember when we were at that age?"

"I'll kill the bastard!"

"Calm down, I know Sora and she wouldn't let it go that far…"

"But what about…"

"He's a good boy," Toshiko sighed, "She could do worse. They have been friends for a long time and this is her first 'real' boyfriend. I think it is serious and if we do not accept it, she will just see him behind our backs. This way, we can keep a watchful eye on them."

"I must say, I made out pretty good." Sora leaned towards her guest, watching as Matt chopped up some celery.

"What do you mean?" Matt arched an eyebrow.

"Well not only does my new boyfriend have looks but he's real smart and he knows how to cook." Sora stole a piece of celery.

"I'm not your boyfriend, Sor. We never made it official." Matt winked at the red head.

"Is that so?" Sora asked, she grabbed the front of his waistband of his jeans and pulled him closer to her, "Matt, do you want to be my boyfriend?" For good measurements, she slid her hand down his zipper stitching, while nibbling on a spot on his neck which, she had found from the earlier make-out sessions, drove him crazy. Matt moaned a yes, while placing his hand on the back of her head. She felt him grow hard against her belly, with a lot of willpower, she pulled away. "I need to cool off!" Sora gasped before walking to the refrigerator, pulling the freezer door open and placing her head inside.

"Okay…" Matt turned back to the celery. "That was…odd. I have seen Tai do that a thousand times. But never thought I'd see the you doing that."

"Oh, does he make passes at you too?"

"That's not what I meant."

Sora walked back over to Matt and pulled herself up onto the counter to watch him cook her family a meal. "Matt?" She swiped a strain of hair that fell across his forehead.

"Hmmm?" He looked over at her.

"I love you," She smiled, "I think I have loved you for a very long time."

Matt leaned forward, his forehead touched her own, "I always loved you." He smiled before touching her nose, "Beboop."

Sora grinned, her head still touching his, "Beboop huh?"

"Yeah," Matt kissed her softly.

"I tried to call you yesterday afternoon," Tai threw a piece of bread to the ducks that swarmed his feet at the park.

"Oh yeah?" Matt wrinkled his nose, trying not to step in any bird waste.

"Yep," Tai glanced over his should, watching at the blonde-haired person found a seat on a clean bench, "You must have turned off your cell phone."

"I don't think it works anymore. Not since the trip in the water fountain." Matt shields his eyes from the sun, glancing over the destruction of the five-day storm.

"Oh. I guess that's a good reason not to get back to me." Tai threw another piece of bread.

"Tai, you are suppose to feed the ducks not kill them with stale bread." Matt told the brown-haired person.

"It's not stale!" Tai took a bite out of a slice of bread, "It's good."

"You keep hitting the birds in the head!" Matt accused.

"I'm just throwing, it's not my fault they can't catch!" after finishing off the loaf of bread, Tai sat next to Matt. He surveyed the ground before him, taking it all in. The air smelt cleaner, fresh. Everything looks more alive. "Where'd you get the hickey?"

"Hmmm?" Matt quickly glanced over at Tai.

"The bloody hicky on your neck, where'd you get it?" Tai asked again. "Someone gave it to you. I can't see you doing that to yourself."

"Don't worry about it," Matt shrugged it off.

"Why? The girl doesn't matter to you?" Tai asked.

"Forget it Tai," Matt started to get up.

"No, I won't," Tai reached over to grab the sleeve of Matt's jacket. He yanked the other boy down onto the bench.

"It's none of your business Tai," Matt warned him.

"You know, that's were you are wrong." Tai glared at Matt. "If you think you are going to play her like you do all the other girls you are deeply mistaken. I won't let you hurt her."

"Tai," Matt started.

"No, don't Tai me. I am not stupid, Matt. I saw this happening, the way you two were yesterday. Just understand this, you hurt her and I will hurt you. Don't screw things up." Tai stood up and gave a loud yawn.

"You knew about this?" Matt arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I already talked to Sor. Of course, I'm not going to hurt her." Tai winked, "It's more fun messing you up."

"Like hell. Your sister hits harder then you do."

"Why would my sister hit you?" Tai glared, "What happen behind my back?"

"Hey, there is Mimi." Matt pointed to a girl walking towards them.

"Don't' change the subject!"

"Get over yourself," Matt rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Mimi gave Tai a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You two fighting again?" She sighed.

"Us? Fight? Phftt. Never," Tai shook his head.

"Yeah, right. OH Matt I just got off the phone with Sor!" Mimi squealed, wrapping her arms around the tall boy and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"You got a bit of lips stick there," Tai motioned to Matt's cheek.

"You too," Matt started to wipe his own cheek.

"Don't!" Mimi slapped Matt's hand. "I have a wipe in here." She started to dig though her purse.

"A baby wipe?" Tai laughed.

"What's so funny?" Mimi glared before grabbing Matt's face and rubbing the lipstick off. "I will have you know that these come in handy." She then turned to Tai and rubbed a little harder on his face.

"Ow, Mims!" Tai tried to pull away.

"Stop being a baby!" Mimi smirked.

"Hello everyone. I didn't expect to see you three out and about," a new voice broke the trio up.

"Izzy," Matt bit his bottom lip, "How are you?"

"Fine," Izzy said slowly looking between Matt and Tai. "Did I miss something?"

"No but it looks like we did," Tai gave the red-head a broad grin. "When did you start wearing lip stick?"

"You know Tai," Matt put his arm on Tai's shoulder, "That lip stick colour, it looks familiar. Don't you think?"

"You know Matt," Tai put his finger to his lip, "I think you are right but where have we seen it before."

"Knock it off," Mimi blushed.

"Mimi, don't you were that shade?" Matt asked.

Izzy quickly glanced at Mimi before wiping at his cheek.

"Can't get it off can you?" Tai asked, "Mimi has some baby wipes that does the trick."

"And it also helps if you wipe it where she kissed you," Matt lifted an eyebrow, "It doesn't look like it was done on the cheek."

"Unless, you started to wear it lip stick too," Tai chuckled.

"What's going on with between the two of you?" Matt asked looking at Izzy then at Mimi.

"It's not important right now. That's another story, right now I want to hear about you and Sora and I am going to hear all the juicy parts," Mimi linked her arm around Matt and looked over her shoulder. "You two coming? I figure you three boys could buy me lunch."

And that's the end. Hope you liked the story and thanks to everyone who had read it!


did you beboop someone today?