Disclaimer: Furuba © Natsuki Takaya. "I Love Rock and Roll" © Joan Jet and the Blackhearts.
Hey! I was listening to this song the other day, and I was inspired. I don't know why I had a visual of this. Seriously, all of this was running through my head as I listened to the song. Kinda scary, yet cool.
I Love Rock 'n Roll One-shot
An orange-haired teen was standing in the back of the club. He was leaning against the supposed "bar", as the "bartender" slid him his water down the way. He took it, sipping at it, only stopping when a commotion started over by the stage.
A silver-haired teen had walked up on the stage. He was wearing a pair of tight leather pants and a white long-sleeved shirt to mix. His violet eyes locked with the other teen's for a moment before music began to play, and the staged one took the microphone. Nearly pressing his lips against the mouthpiece, his voice began to echo as he sang: "I saw him dancin' there by the record machine…I knew he must a been about seventeen …"
The scarlet-eyed teen noticed HE was the only one standing by the record machine, and he knew the other teen knew he WAS 17. He smirked. This was gonna get good.
"The beat was goin' strong, playin' my favorite song…" The other's leg ran against the microphone stand. "An' I could tell it wouldn't be long till he was with me, yeah me. And I could tell it wouldn't be long till he was with me, yeah me," He threw his hand in the air, and everyone around the place began to join in. "Singin'! I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time an' dance with me!" The teen swung his head back and forth, messing up his almost perfect hair. The orange-haired teen just shook his head, a smile on his face. He started walking up to the stage as his other continued.
"He smiled so I got up and asked for his name. 'That don't matter,' he said, ''Cause it's all the same.'" He smiled as the scarlet teen stepped on stage, then walked up to him, caressing his chest with one finger. "Said, 'can I take you home where we can be alone? An' next we were movin' on, he was with me, yeah me. Next we were movin' on, he was with me, yeah me," Again everyone around began to join in. "Singin'! I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time an' dance with me!" The silvered one was grinding/dancing with the orange on stage, causing cheers all around. Huskily, he continued. "Said, 'can I take you home where we can be aloOoOoOoOoOoOone? Next we were movin' on; he was with me, yeah me. An we'll be movin' on, an' singin' that same old song, yeah with me. Singin'! I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, So come an' take your time an' dance with me!" The orange kissed the other as the crowd continued singing: "I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, So come an' take your time an' dance with-I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time an' dance with-"
"Yuki, you're something else," the orange-haired teen muttered. "Especially when you're drunk."
Violet-eyes, Yuki Smiled. "You seemed to enjoy yourself, Kyou." Smiling drunkenly, he sing-songed: "I love rock n' roll, So put another dime in the jukebox, baby, I love rock n' roll, So come an' take your time an' dance with-" He was interrupted by a kiss, and they walked out, the ending of the song behind them.
"I love rock n' roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, baby! I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time an' dance with me!"