Walking down the hall on the first day of school, the W.I.N.X. Club couldn't help but examine the newest Sophomore in their class. She was quiet, walking down the hall by herself with a thick braid of raven hair swishing behind her.

"Look at her fashion style! Ick city!" Shaking her head, Stella peered at the new girl.

"Don't know Stell. I think it's sort of cute." Bloom said, coming to the girl's defense.

Light shone through the windows igniting the very air. Like magic, the girl's black silk halter seemed to absorb it. Once the light reached the thick white belt though, it twinkled with intensity, reflecting onto the jeans and black tennis shoes that completed the outfit.

"Though, I do wonder where she got her pearls." Stella conceded. "They are to die for!"

Indeed, the new girl was wearing a pearl bracelet and earrings. The soft silver jewels shone as the light reflect off of them, lovely and majestic.

Musa looked closer at the girl. She walked with her shoulders back and head tilted, pride radiating from every pore of her being. Even as some fairies who she passed laughed behind their hands at her. Bloom looked confused as one of the laughing fairies turned to her friend and threw a few punches, laughing all the while. The new girl was watching this, and when she made eye contact with Bloom, she quickly looked away. But the W.I.N.X. Club still saw the sorrow in her silver eyes.

"I wonder why she looks so sad," Flora mused out loud.

"Well duh. She's got no fashion sense! I mean paw-lease. A silk halter in the middle of winter! It totally goes against Rule #19 in this month's issue of Teen Fairy! Never wear- Hey!" She cried. With her concentration on her speech, she did not see the new girl run off. Nor did she see Bloom, Musa, Techna and Flora rush after her.

"Guys! Wait up! I can't run in these heels!" Stella pleaded, stumbling.

"Come on guys!"

"What is she doing?" Techna whispered, peering around the door. "Bloom, either tell us or move!"

Bloom stared at the girl's reflection in the mirror. Behind her she could hear Stella whimper and Musa's growl. Bloom readjusted herself near the stall's crack.

The new girl had run into the bathroom and Techna's sharp eyesight had seen tears before the door slammed and locked. They had waited for Stella to catch up, and had her (complaining all the way) transport them into the bathroom stalls.

Unfortunately, she had to transport them into the janitor's closet. Now Bloom was pressed uncomfortably towards the door, but she had nothing to complain about. Techna was being squeezed in between a vacuum cleaner and Bloom, holding her head from her run in with said vacuum cleaner. Flora had fallen on her butt in a pile of sponges. Wet sponges. Stella had landed knee deep in cleaning water. She had promptly fallen over, landing on Musa, who had tripped and was now lying across the closet floor, a dripping Stella on her back.

Bloom shook her head and looked back at the girl. She was doing something, feet moving, hands flying, braid whipping through the wind. Bloom lost herself in watching the rough dance, mesmerized by the movements in the mirror.

"That's it!" Stella cried. "I am a Princess and deserve to be treated like one! Now get me out of this slime infested muck before it ruins my new couture!"

Techna jumped in surprise, toppling over a spray bottle and into Bloom who fell into the door, effectively bringing it down with her.

"You know," the girl said, never breaking her pattern. "Next time you try to hide, you might want to do it quietly." She crouched, moving from left to right, before spinning around and walking out the door.

"Well…that went well."

"So Bloom… what was she doing?"

Bloom shrugged.

"I don't know. I couldn't really see."

"What!" Stella cried, turning on Bloom. "You mean you pulled me in a stinking broom closet, into a pile of filth that won't come out of my one of a kind tailoring and you don't know!!!"

"Not to mention we're late for class." Flora murmured, worried.

"Don't worry Flo!" Musa grinned, patting the girl on the back. "We can still make it if we run!" And run they did, right on down the halls of Alfea.

Hey Guys!

So, here's another chapter, very poorly written, but I didn't feel like re-writting it. I'm kinda ashamed of it, so any reassurances would be nice. : )

But I'm sorry about the delay; I was busy with life and lemondade.

(When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, you know?)

Hopefully I'll get another section up soon. I swear!