A/N: Okay, I am writing, then typing my stories, and I'm trying to keep up with everything (I have a few chapters already written in case I do get behind) so bear with me for a while here. Thanks much and huggles to all reviewers! Hope you enjoy this chappie, and again, if you think I need to be doing something differently, let me know. Thanks! -Avian Dincht

We drove home, singing along with the song on the radio, "Smile like ya' mean it...dooowoooowoooooo..." I laughed as Peter howled the lyrics. The laugh died in my throat as I saw him on the sidewalk, watching me. I tore my eyes away, but he already knew I had seen him. I saw his mildly satisfied smirk, and he turned on his heel and strode away. Peter saw where I had been looking, but he made no comment on it. He seemed a little...jealous. I shook my head and kept driving. When we arrived home, Peter was acting a little overly cheerful. As soon as we got in the door, Peter slammed me against the wall and kissed me- hard. He whispered fiercly, "No one but you."

Someone was kissing my forehead. He moved to my throat. He licked the flesh there, sending tingles up my spine. I moaned as he brought his lips to mine in an agonizingly slow manner, like he had all the time in the world. When our lips met, I tasted shreiks of the condemned and slaughter on his mouth.

I screamed, and Peter jolted from where he was kissing my mouth with alarm. I shook irrepressibly, while Peter held me, muttering, "I'm not even going to ask..." I said, "Yeah...nightmarishness..." It was 3:30. I pulled myself off him, brushing myself off, trying not to remember the way I could even feel the devil's hands all over me. I went to my room, not bothering to shut the door. I snuggled up under my covers, and I sensed Peter as he padded into the room, gently shutting the door after him. He came to sit by me, whispering of charming pixie's dances and fawns and all sorts of sweet things until I fell asleep, dreaming of nothing but the thoughts Peter whispered in my ear.

I awoke the next morning about 7, wondering what woke me up. Then I remembered. I looked at my clock, which read 7:00 am.

"SHIT!" I leapt from my bed, grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on, wincing as my injured hand worked as well. My mum would need to change the bandages fast before we left for school. I ran downstairs and grabbed a couple peices of toast. I dashed towards the stairs, slamming into someone at the bottom. Peter. I shoved a peice of toast in his mouth, then continued on my mad dash up the stairs. I reached my room and quickly stripped off my shirt , replacing it with a collared red one that brought out the color in my cheeks and mouth. I shoved the remaining peice of toast into my own mouth, snatched up my backpack, coffee thermos, and five bucks that my mum'd left on the counter and dashed out out to the car, where Peter was calmly sitting and waiting for me. I jumped in and glanced at the clock. It was 7:00. What? Then I remembered that we had set this clock to the right time, and the one in my room had been incorrect since a thunderstorm in the summer. I took a deep breath. I glanced at Peter from the corner of my eye. I could see he was about to dissolve into laughter. As I looked at him, he turned to me, and we both blew up laughing. About four minutes later, I wiped the tears of mirth from my face and settled back into my seat. Peter gasped between sniggering like a loon, "You...should have...seen...your face..." I smiled and shook my head. I went back inside with as much dignity as I could muster, setting Michael's lunch money back on the counter. Peter had gotten ours. Then I set down John's thermos of soup, picking up my thermos of coffee. Finally, I set Slightly's backpack where I'd found it, and picked up mine from the couch where I'd left it the previous night. I brushed my hair quickly, then gave each family member a quick kiss on the cheek. My mother re-did my bandages with twenty minutes left to get to school.

We parked amd walked in; Peter satring around at everyone and everthing. We made it to our first hour after checking what it was, and recieved out schedules. Mine looked like this:

Hour 1: Modern Literature

Hour 2: Spanish 4

Hour 3: Creative Writing

Hour 4: Chamber Chorale

Hour 5: Painting 3

Hour 6: Photography 1

Hour 7: Drawing 3

Peter's was rather different, we only had 3 classes together. His was like this:

Hour 1: Modern Literature

Hour 2: Drawing 1

Hour 3: European History

Hour 4: Chamber Chorale

Hour 5: Painting 1

Hour 6: Photography 1

Hour 7: Beginning Guitar

We only took the fun classes because we were done with most of the classes we needed to graduate, Peter having been homeschooled, of course. After we were assigned seats (luckily next to each other), Peter grinned wryly at me.

"Well, at least that's three out of seven together."

"Don't forget lunch." I reminded him. I was okay with the turn out, even if it wasn't so we could be together all day. The rest of the class filed in shortly; I was happily greeting a few old friends and introducing them to Peter. I choked on Peter's name when I saw the red head from the pet store from yesterday, then recovered quickly, not wanting Peter to think something was amiss.

I smiled when I saw the title of our first book to read : When They Bring The Streetcars Back. I had enjoyed that particular book before. The teacher handed out the syllabus, breaking into my thoughts. The rest of the class was typical first-day-of-school stuff. When Peter and I got to his second hour class, I kissed him quickly, but actually tearing myself away from him was difficult. I mean, after being joined at the hip all summer? Literally once- Slightly and Tootles - super glue is actually very interesting. But I did it. I tore my eyes away from his, and walked away without looking back. My mind was still on Peter when I entered my spanish class late, so seeing the red-head barely registered. But it did. The rest of the day was a swirl of paperwork- but one thing stuck out inmy mind- the fiery haired boy was in every one of my classes.