Through Your Eyes – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding Harry Potter.

Summary: Draco accidentally causes Hermione to become blind due to an incident in Potions. Now he has to become her personal guide…

Chapter One of Through Your Eyes:

"Did you not hear me the first time Ms. Granger?" asked the silky voice of Severus Snape, "Move!"

Hermione Granger wearily moved her stuff next to Draco Malfoy's and she sat down next to him with a sigh.

"Oh shut up Mudblood," he growled, "It's not as if I want to work with you too. I already see you enough everyday in my Common Room. I still can't believe you were chosen to be Head Girl. I know that I'm smart enough to be Head Boy, but you? You're just a filthy Mudblood!" he hissed.

Hermione frowned, but did not say anything. But, she was not in luck and Severus Snape, the Potions instructor barked out, "5 points from Gryffindor."

Harry Potter, Hermione's best friend, muttered a dark curse and Ronald Weasley, Hermione's other best friend, nodded in agreement.

"10 points from Gryffindor now," Snape said, glaring at Harry and Ron.

"And if the three of you" he said, staring Hermione, Ron, and Harry in the eye, "do not shut your mouths, more points will be taken off! Am I clear?" he asked in a menacing tone of voice.

The three nodded their heads, but gave Snape dark glares. Harry, who was working with Pansy Parkinson, turned to give Hermione a sympathetic glance.

She smiled at him, as if reassuring him that she was okay.

Ron, too, looked over at Hermione, but his partner, Blaise Zabini, kneeled him in the side and hissed, "Get over yourself, Weasley."

It was no hidden fact that Ron had a crush on Hermione. Everybody at Hogwarts knew except for Hermione. Hermione smiled at her two best friends, and turned back to gaze at her Potions textbook.

"Today we will be making the Caecus Oculus Potion. This is a very dangerous Potion," warned Snape, "but I'm sure a few will manage to perfect it," he said, glancing at Draco with pride. "As for the others..." he said, looking at Neville Longbottom, a boy who was clumsy in almost everything he did, "I'm not so sure."

Hermione tried not to gag. Just because Snape was Draco's godfather did not mean that he should spoil his godson. But Snape did it anyway.

"I am stressing the importance of wearing your safety goggles at all times! If one drop of this potion should get into your eye – either of them – you will become blind! Have I made myself clear?" he asked.

The students nodded their head.

"The supplies to making Caecus Oculus are on your table in front of you. First, I want everybody to put on your goggles," instructed Snape.

Everybody obeyed.

"You have until the end of this class period to finish. Start now! And the group that makes the best potion will automatically be given no homework!" he said slowly.

Hermione's heart leaped. No homework! The other teachers were already pouring loads of homework onto the seventh year students because of the NEWTS. Hermione smiled at the thought of not having to do Potions homework. It would be bliss!

Malfoy gave a low chuckle, "Hurry up Granger! I know you're dreaming about Pothead, but you have to start the potion!" he demanded.

"And why do I have to make this potion?" she hissed back.

"Because you're a Mudblood," he answered simply.

Hermione glared at him, and was about to retort, but she saw Snape looking threateningly at her, and she simply rolled her eyes.

"And what will you be doing?" she asked.

"I'll be taking notes and supervising your work!" he shot back.

Hermione shook her head, but she got to cutting the tea leaves.

"Granger, you want to cut it horizontally! And for Merlin's sake, can't you put a bit of muscle into it? At this rate, by the time you're finished cutting, Longbottom will have already perfected his potion," said Malfoy.

"Malfoy, if you're such an expert, you do it!" Hermione retorted.

Malfoy shook his head, "I told you! I'm supervising. Besides, I already know how to make this potion. Granger, the next ingredient is the newt's eye!" smirked Malfoy, knowing fully well that it was not, and hoped to throw her off track.

"Are you trying to throw me off so that we'd both get a bad grade?" asked Hermione, fuming.

Malfoy shook his head innocently, "Of course not!"

Hermione grabbed the faerie dust, and sprinkled a pinch in before throwing in the newt's eye.

"Do you approve?" asked Hermione sarcastically.

Malfoy nodded his head smugly and Hermione rolled her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, a tired Hermione was found stirring the Potion that was in the cauldron. She glanced at Malfoy, and saw him smirking.

"Now turn it counterclockwise," he said.

Hermione threw the ladle onto the desk and said, "You do it Malfoy! I'm tired of doing your rubbish work."

Suddenly, a dark shadow fell upon the pair, and Hermione looked up into the eyes of their Potions instructor.

"What is going on here?" he asked in a deathly tone of voice.

Malfoy spoke up, "Granger here isn't doing her share of the work!"

Hermione's mouth dropped open, "That's no such thing! I've been doing everything!"

Malfoy shook his head, "All she did was stir the Potion, sir."

Snape nodded, "So I see. And Ms. Granger, did I not warn you that this Potion is highly dangerous?" he asked her.

Hermione nodded.

"Then why did you throw down your ladle? Look at your table! There are drops of your Potion everywhere. If it should get into either one of your eyes, you two would lose the ability to see!" he shouted.

"50 points off Gryffindor for Ms. Granger's carelessness and detention tonight at eight o'clock sharp in my office," demanded Snape.

Hermione protested, "But, Professor Snape!"

"10 more points!" he warned, walking away to see what Neville was doing wrong.

Hermione closed her mouth and muttered a spell to clean the desk. She gave a glare at Malfoy and she picked up the ladle to start stirring again.

"I hate you!" she muttered.

"Likewise," replied Malfoy.

Hermione finally finished the Potion, and she wiped her head tiredly.

Malfoy smirked, "Tired? Fine, I'll put the Potion into the bottle and label it. But you have to clean up your dirty and filthy mess. After all, you are a Mudblood," he said, whispering the last bit.

Hermione's blood boiled, but she removed her safety goggles and got to cleaning the mess.

"I hate Malfoy," she muttered to herself under her breath.

She imagined the trash as Draco Malfoy, and as she picked up each piece of trash and threw it into the waste disposal, she felt better and better.

She looked up at Malfoy to ask if he was done. She saw that he was pouring the Potion into the bottle.

"Done?" asked Hermione.

Malfoy looked up at Hermione and sneered at her.

He opened his mouth to make a rude comment, "Why don't you do it? After all, you are a filthy little Mudb-" he stumbled at the look on Hermione's face, and when he stumbled, he caused his arm to give a little jolt and the potion that was in the cauldron went flying onto … Hermione.

"Malfoy, look at where you're pouri-!" and suddenly she screamed.

Before she knew what was happening, she felt her eyes burn and she saw red, orange and yellow. The blinding pain was too much for Hermione. She could bet that it hurt more than the 'Crucio' curse.

The last image she saw was Malfoy looking shocked, surprised, and perhaps a bit guilty, for once, as he glanced over at Hermione.

Then, she fainted.

Author's Note: I've decided to write a new fanfiction. The idea for this story has been on my mind for quite a while. I will update the other fanfictions as well, but I hope you'll enjoy reading this one. I'll update as soon as possible.


Caecus - Blind

Oculus - Eye

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