A/N: Hey everyone, this is my first evah fanfic. I hope you guys like it. It's basically my version of the story of Remus Lupin. There will probably be some Lupin story cliches but I hope to keep things interesting with original characters and such. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but a couple of the characters and whatever plot that is not the brilliant J.K Rowlings'.

Chapter 1


A five year old Remus Valent colored happily in his coloring book. Unlike most children his age, he did not scribble haphazardly all over the page. He put all his effort into making sure the colors stayed neatly inside the lines. He could only color one hand because the other was clutching a rapidly melting bar of dark choclate his grandmother gave him despite his mother's protest.

"Remus, dear you had better eat that before it drips all over the new carpet," Mrs. Valent chided.

Mrs. Valent, or rather Magenta Valent looked far to young to be living in a small comfortable house with a child. She was no more than 22 years old. She had wavy, sandy hair that flowed past her shoulders. Although her blue eyes were still alight with youth, dark bags of exhaustion hung noticably under them.

"Oh Magenta let him make a mess, it's nothing a good scourgify charm wouldn't fix," Zelda Lupin said casually. She looked down at little Remus and said, "After you're done with that one, I have a bar of white chocolate for you."

"Tank you Gwanma Zelda," Remus grinnedtoothily up at her.

Zelda's heart melted at the sight of her adorable, sweet grandson. She could not believe she once consuled her daughter to give the baby away. Magenta had gotten pregnant from some irresponsible sod in her seventh year. Though she was a bit of a whore in school. I remember the time I found all of those birth control potions in her dresser when she was 15. Zelda had been so angry about the pregnency, she disowned her daughter for more than ayear. Magenta went off and married the first almost half way decent man she could find. Zelda eventually came to her senses and was now a part of her daughter's, grandson's and I suppose even THAT man's life. Shecame over to visitthem every weekend.

"Lucy, I'm home!" shouted a rather stubby sort of man as he walked in through the door. Zelda and Magenta rolled their eyes at the cheesy Muggle impersonation.

"Daaaaaaddddyyyyyy!" Remus squealed as he hopped up from his artwork and ran to hug his father's legs. Mr. Valent recoiled a bit from the chocolatey mess but patted the boy on the head.

"Hey woman, where's dinner?" he asked expectantly. Zelda fumed at this statement. How dare he apply his chauvanistic half Muggle notions to a proud witch!

"Sorry honey, I've been so busy. I didn't get round to it," Magenta replied with an embarassed look on her face.

" What could possibly keep you busy, all you have is a part time job at Madame Malkin's and Remus to take care of," he complained.

"All you do is sit around on your ass all day and file Dark Creature reports for the Ministry," Zelda snapped. She had a very short fuse when dealing with this whiny man. Caring for a child while keeping a job is hard work.

Remus giggled at his granma's use of a bad word, unaware of the tension in the room. Zelda knew she needed to leave the room before she used one of her self-invented hexes she had been famous for at Hogwarts on her daughter's husband.

"C'mon Remus, we are going for a walk," Zelda said as she grabbed the toddler's hand and headed towards the door.

"Zelda are you senile? It's ten o' clock at night!" Mr. Valent exclaimed.

"The fact that it's so late highlights your foolishness even more when you expect your wife to fix you a meal. There's somemeatloaf, it'sbeen spelled frozen, heat it up you lazy wanker!" she spat and slammed the door behind her with Remus in tow, who was currently giggling at the use of the word "wanker." She looked down at Remus and was embarassed for her slightly juvenile behavior in front of the boy.

"Granma, look at all the fireflies," Remus piped, pointing his finger at a giant lone oak tree which indeed have glowing fireflies around it.

"I see them, they're beautiful. Go see if you can catch one Remus," Zelda said as she nudged Remus toward the tree. Her anger disapated as she watched boy scurry about with his hands in the air, gleefully (though unsucessfully) trying to catch the bugs.

Zelda was glad she gave this house to her daughter, despite her earlier misgivings about giving handouts to people who didn't deserve it. She owned this piece of real estate for decades and had not done anything with it. It was a small quaint house with the basic magical amenities. It was located in a small country town with many wizarding folk and Muggles as well. The house had an acre of well landscaped land which went right up to hundreds of acres of beautiful dark forest.

Magenta and her husband were living in a squalid apartment in London when Zelda offered them the house. She cooled off about the pregnancy and knew acramped ratty apartment was no place for a child to grow up.

Remus gave up chasing the fireflies and was spinning around in circles looking up at the giant full moon with his arms windmilling about. "Look at the moooooooooooon!" he shouted making the word moon sound like a howl.

Zelda laughed at the boy's antics but stopped when she felt a chill coming from inside of her. Something's not right. "Remus come over here for a minute sweetheart," she called uneasily. Her instincts were screaming. All of those years she served as an Auror were flooding back. Danger. She pulled out her wand, hoping she was not becoming paranoid as so many Aurors did in their old age. Zelda heard a rustling in the bushes and snapped her head (and wand) in the direction of the noise. What appeared from the brush would have made most mortals quail in terror.

A beast of massive height swaggered into the yard. The sleek sliver fur that covered its bulging mucsles shined in the moonlight. Its white teeth were bared and glistened with saliva. Zelda suddenly realized that Remus was not at her side. He was twenty feet away, frozen to the spot, brown eyes wide with terror. Shit.

"WEREWOLF!" she screamed trying to distract the beast, "BASTARD CHILD OF HELL!"

The werewolf however had no intention of being distracted from his small juicy prey by the stringy old woman. It lept forward with its tounge lolling from its mouth, howling in victory. It sunk its fangs into Remus' shoulder and chest. It was about to crush its jaws down for the killing bite and feast on freshly spilt blood...

"PYROS," the former Auror shouted with all her might. Angry golden flames shot from her wand and enveloped the werewolf. It roared in agony, stumbled away from Remus and fled into the forest.

Zelda would have fainted from the exertion of such a powerful fire spell had she not seen little Remus lying on the ground in a growing puddle of his own blood. She rushed toward him and scooped him up from the ground. Magenta was in the open doorway.

" Mum, what happened? I heard yelling and saw this great flash of-Oh gods Remus!" She gasped at the sight of her mutilated son.

Zelda entered the house,"He was bitten", she explained breathlessly. She touched her wand to his side, "Skienlif," she said. The blood which had been oozing out of Remus' body stopped its fatal flow.

Mr. Valent saw the grotesque scene and collapsed in a heap on the floor at the sight of the blood. Zelda Lupin couldn't help but roll her eyes despite the dire situation. "I'm taking him to St. Mungo's, he's lost a lot of blood and the lycantrophe virus really takes a toll on the system. Let's go."

But all Mrs. Valent could do was stare dumbly into space. What the hell is lycantrophe? "I think I'll stay with Harold, he's fainted. You can take care of Remus.," she managed to say. She secretly wished her mother would leavequickly, the smell of the blood was sickening, then she thought for a moment and said, "Oh, damn what about the hospital bills, mum? Maybe we should keep him here and wait it out."

"DAMN IT YOU STUPID GIRL, YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE A MOTHER!" Zelda roared as she apparated with a loud crack to St. Mungo's.

Well guys, what do you think? Any reviews of comments, praise, or criticism are very much appreciated : )