This is an idea I had while I was thinking on new plot lines for my other fics, don't ask me how I got here my mind works in strange ways. This takes place on SEASON 4 a couple of weeks after the whole spring break episode (sorry don't know the name)

Well enough of this, just read and tell me what ya'll think.

"What did you just call me?" Lorelai hissed at Jason.

"You heard me!" Jason yelled at her.

"How dare you!" Lorelai said.

"How dare I? How dare I! you have got to be kidding me!"


"Gladly!" Jason walked to the door.

"And don't come back!" Lorelai told him from the living room.

"I wouldn't even if you begged!" and with that Jason slammed the door behind him and left.

Lorelai and Jason had been broken up for weeks now, and frankly she couldn't be any better. But then something popped up and she had to make face to her fears and call Jason back, when she came face to face with him, and they confronted that little 'issue' Lorelai was surprised and glad of the out come that came from it.

WeEkS EaRlieR

LORELAI: Oh, you beat up his car.

LUKE: And then, all of a sudden, these cops pull up, 'cause some busybody in the neighborhood saw some lunatic attacking a car, and, well, you know the rest.

LORELAI: Did Nicole see you?

LUKE: I don't know. I don't know what she and the sock man saw. It's just...Sighs God, I feel like such an idiot. I mean, suddenly I became like one of those guys that gets jealous and, you know, does crazy things.

LORELAI: Yeah, you weren't "like" one of those guys. You were one of those guys.

LUKE: Snickers Yeah, well...

LORELAI: Was there any damage?

LUKE: No. Pauses, then gets out of the Jeep

LORELAI: Luke... She follows Hey, Luke, where are you going?

LUKE: See? Nothing- not a scratch. Those stupid dent-resistant panels.

LORELAI: This is the car?

LUKE: Yes, this is the car. He sat there. She sat there. They got out there, walked up there. I jumped out there, ran up here, was handcuffed there, was driven off there. I went to jail. And you drove all the way up here to get me... and they are still in there!

LORELAI: Oh, Luke.

LUKE: I mean, I can't believe they're still in there. What are they doing?

LORELAI: Luke, come on.

LUKE: I know what they're doing. But even if you took one of those pills that they were hawking at the super bowl, you know, they should have been done in four or five hours, tops. I mean, that commercial said it all- "If you're still active after four hours, you should call a damn doctor."

LORELAI: Come on, why don't we --

LUKE: What are they, talking? Making plans in my house? Damn son of a... Starts kicking the car.

LORELAI: Luke...

LUKE: continues kicking You lying piece of sockless garbage! Why don't you take home my socks, too?

LORELAI: Hey, hey! Luke- Luke, you were busted already once tonight -- that's it.

LUKE: All right, I'm fine. I'm fine.

LORELAI: Are you sure?

LUKE: Yeah.

LORELAI: Pretty soon, that car's gonna start fighting back.

LUKE: I'm fine...really. I'm fine.

LORELAI: Sighs You know, Luke, I know I've never really been Miss "This-is-great" about your relationship, but I am- I am so, so sorry. You don't deserve this. You really don't deserve this.

LUKE: Yeah. Sighs I guess that's it.

"Are you ok?" Lorelai asks concerned and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This marriage was a bad idea since the beginning"

"C'mon we'll drive back to Stars Hollow, stop at a liquor store on our way and we'll go to my place and drink the night away. What do you say?"

"That sound great right about now, but… I'll follow you in my truck, cuz' I REALLY don't want to leave it here" Luke told her.

"Ok, meet me at my house, leave your truck at the diner, and I'll stop for the booze on my way there" Lorelai told him and they both got and their car's and drove off.

BaCk To ThE PrEsEnt

"Kirk, why don't you try eating at Al's once in a while?" Luke asked him.

"Why? Don't you like me any more?" Kirk ask with a cracking voice.


"Why are you trying to get ride of me? what have I don wrong?" Kirk started asking frantically and luckily for Luke the phone rang.

"Luke's?" Luke asked relieved at whoever was at the phone.


"Oh my God, thank you thank you thank you! you have no idea what Kirk was doing to my right before you called"

"Was it something dirty?"

"Lorelai…" Luke growls into the receiver.

"It was wasn't it!" Lorelai said happily.

"More like disturbing"

"Well, then I'm happy I called"

"Good. So… did you needed something?"

"Yeah, umm… what are you doing tonight?" Lorelai asks sheepishly.

"Well, tonight will be my fifth night in a row drinking and doing nothing" Luke admits.

"Wow, what have you been celebrating?"

"MY freedom" Luke states simply.


"I am a free man, again. The divorce was final five days ago and I've been celebrating since. I was gonna tell you to celebrate with me, but you've been on a different planet lately"

"Yeah, sorry bout that, and congratulations on your freedom"

"Don't worry about it and thanks…" there was a little silence then Luke asked. "Why did you ask?"


"Why did you ask what I was doing tonight"

"Oh, I thought you might want to come over"


"Around seven?"

"Fine by me, do I need to bring something?"

"Just your presence and an open mind" Lorelai said a little cheerful.

"Ok" Luke said weirded out bring an open mind? What's that supposed to mean? Luke thought to himself. "Anything else you needed?"

"No, that's it. Well, see you later" Lorelai told him.

"Yeah, bye" and they hung up.

WeEkS EaRlieR

"Wow, that's a lot of alcohol" Luke said as he walked up to the Jeep and helped Lorelai get the 3 bags of alcohol into the house.

"Well we're supposed to drink the night away, remember?" Luke nodded. "And how are we supposed to do that without alcohol?"

"Ok then, sorry I mentioned it"

"You are forgiven. Oh no not in the kitchen! Over here!" Lorelai said from the living room. "No point in putting them in the kitchen I we're gonna drink them over here"

"I like how you think" Luke said sitting down next to Lorelai. "Where are you going?"

"To get the tequila shot glasses" Lorelai said in a duh' tone.

"Of course" Luke responded and he settled back on the couch.

BaCk To ThE PrEsEnt

The doorbell rang and Lorelai felt her heart jump out of her chest, it was seven o'five.

"Hey you're late" Lorelai said opening the door.

"Huh, weird, I actually thought I was gonna be early. Since you always say to come here fifteen minutes after the time you actually said to come here"

"You're just talking to confuse me huh?" Lorelai asked Luke eyeing him from head to toe.

"Hey I learned that from you" Luke responded. They walked into the living room and Luke took a seat. Lorelai, however, just paced back and forth in front of Luke. "Are you ok?" Luke asked lifting an eyebrow at her.

"Me? yes, great, never better… I called Jason today!" Lorelai blurted the last part out.

"What?" Luke was confused now.

"I called Jason today" she repeated more slowly, Luke just nodded.

"And you asked me here to tell me that?" he was still sitting and she was still standing, although she was not pacing anymore.

"Yes! No!... I…I called him, he came, we talked, he called me a whore and he left"

"What!" Luke got mad. "He did what!" he stood up and faced her. "Why would he do that!"

"Because he told me he 'shoots blanks' that's why!" Lorelai yelled out of nowhere.

"What the hell? Lorelai what are you talking about?"

"I called him over and he came all happy and thinking we were gonna get back together and then I told him I was pregnant and he said that I was a whore and that how dare I cheat on him he was 'digger stiles' and I told him how dare he call me that and he explained how it was impossible for him to be a father and that he had changed all my pills for mints so he could know if I was cheating on him…" with that Lorelai drew in a big breath and looked at Luke's shock expression.

WeEkS EaRlieR

"Seriously Luke, any girl would kill for a guy like you" Lorelai told him, they were both past a little tipsy now.

"Yeah right" Luke responded and took a swing at a bottle of tequila in front of him.

"I mean it, Nicole is an idiot if she thinks she can do better that you"

"I agree with one thing there"

"The Nicole thing?" Lorelai asked and Luke nodded, they both started to laugh. After they stopped laughing and there was a little silence Lorelai said. "I know I'd be damn lucky if I could find a man half as good as you are"

"You have" Luke told her seriously.


"Yes, you just haven't noticed him yet"

"Aw darn! Sucks when that happens! Has it happened to you?" Lorelai asked and he nodded. Silence again. "Hey Luke?"

"Hmm?" even though they hadn't talked in a couple of minutes they hadn't taken their eyes off each other.

"Who is this guy I haven't noticed yet?" Lorelai asked really wanting to know. Luke signaled with his finger for her to get closer. "Ooh is it a secret?" she asked him and he nodded. Once Lorelai was close enough Luke kissed her, slow and tender first and just as Lorelai was gonna react to the kiss he pulled back and said.


Ok so this is what I have until now, it does go longer. A have a really good idea to where I'm taking this. All I need is some feedback. Tell what you think. Oh and if there are mistakes SORRY I DON'T HAVE A BETA.

OH! And I'm gonna up date my story 'Oh baby' soon, I have most of the chapter done.