Daisuke swallowed nervously. "What, Takeru? What is it? Tell me!" he cried.

"Well, the truth is that I'm dying," Takeru replied bluntly.


The whole restaurant looked over at them. Daisuke blushed and lowered his voice. "I... I don't understand. How can this be? What do you mean, you're dying? You can't die! You're too youg!" -insert several poetic lines about how Daisuke can't live without Takeru-

"Sorry." Takeru shrugged. "I have cancer."

Daisuke felt his eyes filling with tears. "But... but I love you!" he blurted out.

Now Takeru looked uncomfortable. "To be honest Daisuke, I was just in it for the sex."

"Yamato, what would you do if Taichi broke up with you but you really wanted to stay with him because he was a great source of sex?"

Yamato looked up from the food he was cooking (haha, no sex with Taichi this time!). "Daisuke broke up with you?" he asked incredulously.

Takeru lifted one shoulder helplessly. "I told him the truth about our relationship."

Yamato rolled his eyes. "That was dumb. Go lie to him and tell him you love him, and then you can have all the great sex you want. That's what I do with Taichi. Just a little Ishida trick of the trade." He winked.

Takeru grinned. "Great idea! Thanks Yamato!" He waved and left.

As per usual these days, Daisuke was angsting. He was angsting greatly. In fact, he was angsting over so many different things that he was starting to get lost.

Takeru really didn't love him. Takeru only wanted him for the great sex. Takeru couldn't care less about him. He continued to angst. Tears rolled down his cheeks at a furious pace as he scribbled angsty gothic poetry in his notebook.

Takeru had cancer. Takeru was dying. Takeru wouldn't be around much longer. Takeru didn't love him. His Take-chan...

Sobbing uncontrollably, he turned on some angsty emo music to lose himself in. No one understood his pain like his favourite bands...

Oh, the angst! Why had he broken up with Takeru? Takeru had such a short time left on this wonderful Earth! He should have sucked it up and stayed with Takeru until his death. Even if it was just sex, it was better nothing. He'd give anything to have Takeru back now.

Alone in his room in his apartment, Takeru flung himself down on his bed and sighed. He had just come back from a round of chemo therapy and he was feeling incredibly horny. There had been a male nurse there, one that looked like a slightly older version of Daisuke, and he couldn't help but lust after the man the whole time he was there.

He'd really wanted to jump the man's bones right then and there, Daisuke or no Daisuke. But he restrained himself, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea. He probably would be horrible at sex. No one was better at it than him and Daisuke.

Daisuke was the best sex that ever happened to him? Why, oh why hadn't he just lied to Daisuke about his feelings from the start? He'd give anything to have Daisuke back now.

Author's Notes: only a few "chapters" left of this... my great-grandmother just died though, so I probably won't feel up to writing for a little while. but it will be finished this summer, I promise!