A/N. Whoa how long has it been since i wrote a month I guess, lol so sorry for the wait anyways heres a bit.

Chapter 6

The song that was promised for Gabrielle soon ended, Ginny saw the disappointment in her face but, ignore it not really understanding it. Harry grabbed Gabrielle by the hand and led her out of the dance floor, Ron following with a girl. I wonder if Hermione knows about Ron's new little friend, she thought.

"Hey where we going?", Ginny said when Dean grabbed her by the hand too and started to lead her toward Ron and his best friend.

"I think we should hang out with Harry and Ron for know, you know be around more friends and stuff", Dean said casually.

"I don't think that's such a good idea", Ginny said.


Ginny hesitated she didn't know if she should tell Dean of the little issue she is recently having with Harry. I know they're 'friends' but, What if Harry doesn't want him there and does something.

"No reason I guess", Ginny finally said

Dean looked at her suspiciously but, only shrugged off any thought he was thinking.

Ginny and Dean both reach the previous table that she had been sitting. The only difference know was that Gabrielle and her cousin had decided to join the trio to Hermione's disappointment.

"Hey Ginny!", Hermione exclaimed when she saw her please to see her again.

Ginny only gave her a weak smile.

"Hey you guys mind if we join you we don't fancy been all alone", Dean said happily.

"Oh of course we don't mind", Hermione said brightly.

Both Dean and Ginny sat down.

"So what exactly are you doing here?", Ron asked rudely.

Dean looked at him weirdly but gave him the same answer he had giving Ginny.

"Did you guys get back together", Hermione asked carefully with a quick glance at Harry.

Dean shook his head, disappointment clearly visible.

Dean trying to get the subject of him and Ginny out of the way asked Harry, " So why did you and Ginny break up?".

Ginny looked at Dean dangerously but, he only shrugged with a grin in his face.

Harry stood quiet deciding to ignore the question, what's the point in answering it.

But apparently Dean wasn't the only one interested in that subject.

"I didn't know you two were together, Why did you break up". Gabrielle asked in her French accent.

Harry knowing that he couldn't avoid the answer twice gave the first excuse as an explanation the came up in his mind

"We just didn't click, I guess".

"Is that right, well it was you who broke up with her or was it the other way around", asked Dean with little effort to hide the curiosity in his voice.

"Dean why do you care?", Ginny asked.

"Just wondering".

"Well don't!", Ginny said.

"Fine whatever", Dean said getting annoy.

Harry didn't like the tone he was using on Ginny but, stood silent not saying anything.

"Look Dean don't use that tone on me, ok", Ginny said calmly.

"I'm not using any tone!", Dean said angrily.

"Your doing it right know!"

"I could talk however I want".

"Leave or shut up Dean", Harry said.

"You stay out of this", Dean said losing his temper.

Harry clenched his fist and stood half up ready to jump on Dean but, Hermione sat him back down.

"Harry calm down, you too Dean", Hermione said. Gesturing to Dean who had stood up when he saw Harry do so.

Harry locked his eyes with Dean, Ginny could see the anger in them.

"You stay out of this too!", Dean said enraged pointing to Hermione.

"Don't talk to her ---", Ron was interrupted by Hermione who told him to be quiet.

"Its no point to get in a fight over this", Hermione said.

"Well I'm not going to let him talk to you like that, "Ron said.

Dean stood up and started to say something but, Ginny grabbed his hand and let him out of there.

A/N Hope you liked the story for those who read anyways Review:)