Author's Note: I'm nearly positive this has been done before. I'm sorry if I just totally ripped off someone's fic or drabble or ficlet or anything. ;-; I wrote this for the 30romances community on Livejournal, to go with the theme "crème de la crème". Yup. So, here's a stupid little Raito x L thing. No super harsh reviews, because it's not -meant- to be amazing writing. Just for fun. D

Disclaimer: I don't own them.


"Do you enjoy candy, Yagami-kun?"

The question broke what Raito estimated to be an hour of silence. Blinking work-weary eyes, Yagami Raito leaned back in his office chair and ran a hand through his greasy hair. He felt like he hadn't showered in days--all of this work on the Kira case was truly taking its toll. Their hotel-room base was empty then, save for the two boys, and Raito could only guess at the hour. Midnight, however, was well past. Sighing, he mumbled, "What was that, Ryuuzaki…?"

L sat across the room in front of his small laptop computer, the screen's glow reflecting bright in his eyes. Raito watched L lean forward in his chair, his knees pulled up to his chest. His wide, curious eyes were mischievous, analyzing. "Do you enjoy candy, Yagami-kun?"


"That is what I asked…"

Furrowing his brow, Raito studied the detective and slowly smiled. "Does this concern the case? Do you think that Kira enjoys candy…? If I reply 'yes', will you still think that I am Kira…?"

L put a finger to his pale lips. "No, this does not concern the case. I thought, perhaps, since we have been working since this morning, we could discuss something else."

Raito blinked. This was quite unlike L. "Yes, I enjoy candy--though I don't eat nearly as much as you." He grinned and chuckled but the gesture was not returned. Raito found himself wondering if L ever laughed.

"Come here, Yagami-kun. We'll work on this computer and I'll share this candy with you. It is quite good."

Though he didn't say it, Raito welcomed the break, however brief it might be. He rolled his chair across the carpet and positioned himself beside L, facing the little laptop.

"It truly is wonderful… sweet, as all candy is, smooth and satisfying. It makes me sigh. There are plenty of sweets in this world, Raito--yet this, I must say, is the crème de la crème. I hope you enjoy it, Yagami-kun."

Raito blinked, uncomfortable and blushing in L's stare. The tiny spark of mischief still gleamed in L's eyes, and he leaned even farther forward. "Ryuuzaki, I don't see any candy."

Soft lips pressed clumsily against Raito's in all but an instant; L's hands were on his neck, touching softly, clinging. Raito felt a sensation both strange and fascinating sweep over him--it was a spin his stomach, tingling his shoulders, warmth where L's fingers graced his skin and in his lips. L tasted like candy…

L pulled away and sank back into his chair, dark eyes downcast and more shadowed than usual. Whatever courage and strength he'd worked up to commit the act had obviously melted away, and L was silent.

Raito touched his cheek where L had touched him--it was nothing like he'd felt moments before. The tingling in his shoulders had only just begun to fade. Raito licked his lips. Crème de la crème….

"Ryuuzaki," he asked slowly. "Do you have any more of that candy…?"

End Note: Pwahahaha. They're cute. Please keep reviews kind--as I said above, this was just for fun and not intended to be omgawesome. Just for fun. )