First of all, I want to say a big "THANK YOU!" to all my readers who either loved (or loathed) my ficcy. If not for you guys, I won't have the desire to continue writing this. Thanks, thanks, thanks, so much to your reviews, especially with Hannah! I've always looked forward to reading your reviews in every chapter. Love you too, sweetie! (,) And to the future readers of my story, thank you too for dropping by!
To my six-year old computer, that always hung because it's so old, but still cooperates with me in writing my fic, thanks a lot too!
To the staff at fanfiction, for giving me the chance to publish my thoughts down on this story. Indeed, this website is a blessing, for it gives Star Wars fans like me to let loose with my creativity and imagination. I feel lucky to be living in this generation, for fans have become more expressive through fanfic writing.
To the creator of Star Wars and owner of Lucasfilm, Mr. George Lucas, for being so kind enough to allow us fans to write fanfics. No infringement here, just pure, clean fun. We fans are so happy and inspired with this movie. Star Wars rocks! Yeah!
To the actors who played Han and Leia in the film, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, respectively... hehehe! Just feel like writing this one! (Although sometimes, I imagine Korean actress Song Hye Kyo playing the part of Leia in my fic, no thanks to my Korean dramas overdose.)
To my parents, who tolerates my addiction for Star Wars... thanks mom and dad! I'd do my best not to get overboard with this.
Most of all, to the One who gave me this talent and creativity, the Big Guy in the Sky (a.k.a. God)... Lord God, thanks so much for this talent! I believe I give glory to You by writing this, as my way of saying thanks. A big, big "THANK YOU!" to the Lord our God!
-Maiden of Endor