A/N: Last chapter's the shortest, probably, I know. But this is supposed to be something of a prequel almost for Fatherly Problems. There will be at least three Alex and Jack stories, starting with Blood Relative, then Fatherly Problems, and then another one I'm working on right now. So, please stay tuned, and keep the kind emails going!

It had been two weeks since she had first been discovered, but Alex still was not allowed off the base. There was a meeting going on in the conference room with SG-1 and General Landry. Alexandria was also there, listening closely to the conversation, which was mostly directed at her, or regarding her position on the base.

"…and so I have come to the conclusion that you should live with Dr. Jackson at his home and receive an education, after all, you are a teenager. If you voluntarily promise to go to school, and return here every weekend to assist us with your knowledge, then you are free to leave the complex this evening with your father", Hank had finished saying.

"Will I be able to go on off world missions?" Alex asked, smiling.

Daniel shook his head, "No, not right away, but perhaps in time, you'll be allowed to. Besides, we don't want something big taking you away from your studies."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Not like I really need a lot of studies, anyway, because I have the genetic memories of you, Osiris, and Sarah, not to mention my own, newly forming memories. I don't think that school will really be much of an issue."

"There are new things you can learn, new experiences to have", Daniel glared at her in a fatherly way.

Alex leaned back in her chair and looked between the people in the room, "Fine, I agree to go to school and return here every weekend."

"Welcome to the team, Alexandria, I'll be seeing you around", Hank smiled before getting up and leaving the room to talk amongst itself.