A/N: Well, last chapter was fun, was it not? This chapter will be focusing on several matters at hand. One important one is why Yuki is at the Estate and Kagura's jealousy over Kyo and Tohru.

All right! I am on Summer Break and I am heading to High School! (AnimeFan-Girl scream) I want to go to an Anime Club! (Smiles)

Disclaimer: Yup, I don't own anything that has already been owned, ect ect ect

Quote : "If you have the courage to love, you have the courage to suffer."

oOo Love Blossoms within Time oOo

Shigure and Hatori decided to head to another room, away from Yuki, in case he accidentally hears anything he is not suppose to know until the time is right. They both stood outside of Hatori's office on the pavement that squares off the Japanese Zen garden.

"Shigure, I am going to be blunt and straight-forward to you," Hatori looked towards the bright blue sky, " Akito is in worse shape than ever and is falling closer to his death."

"Isn't he always? I am surprised he was actually able to lash out at me earli-," Hatori cut him off assertively, "You do not understand. He has until the end of the summer until his painful demise"

'Painful? Oh really,' Shigure looked at him strangely, "I see…" Hatori sighed and gazed back at him, "Alright then. Do you have anything on your mind you would like to ask me?"

Shigure had an unreadable expression written on his face, that had Hatori baffled. Shigure not saying anything, he supposed that maybe Shigure found out a few secrets Akito had been planning.

Lately Akito had spoke to Hatori of his plans and forcing him to be quiet. Hatori had done so but was still quite unsure what to do.

Why had Akito chosen Hatori to hold all the secrets lately? At first, it had been Shigure, him being the dog with his loyalty.

Although, even a dog is quite untrustworthy because no one can be truly sure where a dog's loyalty lies, Akito must have realized this. He had probably lost his trust some time ago.

Shigure looked at Hatori intently, trying to decipher his reasons. What an unusual morning and afternoon, it just makes you want to think what the evening has in store for him.

Nevertheless, the more he thinks about the matter at hand, it sure got him thinking. Why would Akito tell Shigure that Hatori would be the one to tell him the information before Hatori even came into the room?

'How strange… did he know the date of his death even before Hatori had come in this morning? Hmm,' Shigure turned his head toward the sky as well, 'No… Hatori did not come into his room this morning to evaluate that, did he? They had both already known beforehand.'

"Hatori, I do have a question for you," He said still looking at the firmament of the sky, "Is Akito forcing you to hide information?"

"Well, someone like you certainly would know, correct?"

"I suppose" Shigure replied then thought, 'That is not the type of answer I was looking for…'

"Alright," Shigure yawned and stretched his hand enough to hit Hatori's nose, " Enough with this palaver about Akito, Let us get out of this depressing place and get packed for our leave to China!"

Hatori held his bleeding nose him pain, "Sure, just let me ease this bloody nose…" Shigure laughed and grabbed his cell phone and called Ayame to get ready for the plain ride.

"Moshi Moshi, Aya," Shigure walked inside the office while snickering at Hatori's pain.


"Delicious! What is this Tohru," Kyo questioned with glee and a full mouth.

Tohru looked at him weird then giggled, "Is it that hard to tell? It's Miso soup, except with different ingredients like Tofu."

'Oh' he whispered then continued onto eating his breakfast of Steamed rice and Miso Soup. Tohru sat next to him and they both began a small conversation about what Movie to watch.

Kagura looked at the two and sighed dreamily, 'They look so perfect together it makes me want to cry… Maybe if I make myself look and act like Tohru, Kyo would love me too!' She thought with a playful smirk and thought of herself putting on a wig that looks similar to Tohru's hair and giggle next to Kyo.

'Oh! He would love me eternally!' Kyo and Tohru stopped their conversation and looked at Kagura squeaking in joy and muttering a few incoherent words. "What the hell are you thinking Kagura?"

"Oh, nothing in particular," She smiled, 'Ugh, I'd rather not continue with that plan… I heard when people start faking their true self they become

Schizophrenic! I'd rather not want to go through that'

'Maybe I should give up on him… oh, But life will seem so boring without something to look towards into the future,' She started chewing on the steamed rice and swallowed. 'So then, whom will I end up with? Does this mean I will end up a-all alone,' She looked at her food and continued thinking of alternatives.

"Hey guys, so where is Yuki? Should he be awake by now? Um…" She looked at both of their faces, which both were troubled and full of secrets, "Did I miss something?" She heard nothing except an awkward silence. Kyo took a guilty peek at Tohru, a little shameful that he had read what did not belong to him. He certainly knows that Yuki is not sleeping, like Kagura thought, but at the Sohma Estate.

He sighed, got up from his chair and headed, supposedly, towards the roof leaving Kagura utterly confused. She looked at Tohru waiting for a response and if she does not get one voluntarily, She will just have to force an answer.

Tohru sat in front of her and Kyo's food, which is turning cold, after reminded of her mistakes she replied to Kagura depressingly, "Kagura…" Kagura replied a 'Yes?' and stared sternly at Tohru waiting for another response.

"Well, Yuki isn't here. Akito demanded that he stay at the Sohma Estate for the summer. Neither Kyo nor me know why," She looked up at Kagura, teary-eyed. "Alright, so what are you so sad about? This does not seem too bad… I suppose," Kagura pondered, putting a delicate finger on her chin.

Tohru looked up at Kagura, surprised she would ask, " Well, I…-"

"Do you have a crush on him, Tohru!"

'Oh what a dream come true, there is hope for me yet,' Kagura thought excitingly. If Tohru is in love with Yuki, she can have Kyo and they can all live happily ever after, She smiled.

"No, I don't. Um, had we not already discussed this, Kagura? That you would… maybe… leave Kyo alone…." She whispered.

"Hey! I said nothing about keeping Kyo for myself! You and your horrible accusations, " Kagura arrogantly grabbed her personal Orange cat spoon and took a sip of her Miso soup. "All right, so who is it that you like…? Tohru," She interrogated Tohru, giving her a suspicious side-glance.

"Oh crap! Aaah," the girls directed their attention to the noise and spotted Kyo on the floor, along with a peeved face, "You guys want to go the movies now?"

'And shut up about that stupid Rat…' He turned onto his back and stared at the Off-white ceiling. The girls looked at each other, confused, and both had thought why would he be falling from stairs… Although it was a tad obvious to Kagura, unlike Tohru who kept wondering why he would do that.


"Achoo," Yuki sneezed as his head quickly dropped down; he reached for a tissue and wiped his nose. "Am I sick? Or someone might be talking about be," He said remembering a superstition.

So far, when he had first entered the Estate, a personal maid had brought him to a guest room, without a word. When he got there, he had been clueless as to what to do, for no one had appointed him to anything or told him his reason being there.

He had started to think about why he could be there. Perhaps Akito has learned Yuki and Tohru's progression in their relationship? Yuki knows better though.

Akito must have more than one reason to keep him there away from Tohru. There must be something that Yuki is missing to solve his most recent problem.

When that crazed Dog had skipped in, Shigure proved correct on Yuki's first accusation. Although, Shigure had not given him any clues for his other suspicions and Yuki was still clueless, and now he was also peeved that he cannot even have contact with Tohru.

After Shigure left, Yuki realized there was absolutely nothing to do and it now seems that there had been no point for him being here but have him annoyed for Akito's amusement.

'Nothing to do now…' He listened to the eerie silence, waiting for something to happen but when nothing happened he sighed. 'Nothing to do except sleep…'

He got up, approached his sleeping mat, and laid himself down. Minutes later he fell asleep….

"Yuki! Wake up! It's me, your most loved cousin," Yuki's ears ringed and he quickly sat up, turned head to the knuckled head that had awakened him from his slumber.

He glared at Shigure whom was waving his arms excitingly as if he had something important to say. Yuki doubted that.

"Good Afternoon, Yuki! Why would you go to sleep on such a wonderful afternoon? The Sky is blue with no cloud in sight and yet I see you in your dark room… Sleeping!"

"And I would rather go back to sleep instead have a stupid conversation with you…" He yawned, realizing he had been so sleepy. He looked back at Shigure, seeing that he had not left yet.

'He would not leave even I asked him to,' he thought. He waited for Shigure to say something but instead got a crazed look form him as if Shigure was waiting for him to give an ok to speak.

He sighed, "What is it that you want to say, Shigure?"

"Hatori, Ayame and me are getting ready to leave to China! Is there anything you wish for us to bring back for you?"

"No… now let me go back to sleep"

He laid himself back down and waited until he heard Shigure leave. He does not want anything from China…

He has no reason to want anything from there. All he wants is to leave the Sohma Estate and never have to encounter Akito.

A/N : Steamed Rice: Hot steamed rice is the most important dish in Japanese-style breakfast. Usually it is plain without any seasoning.

Miso soup: Common ingredients are tofu, green onion, seaweed, etc.

Miso soup with Tofu

Had anybody catch what Hatori meant by "painful"? Shigure caught it! Please, do not think too hard, it is quite simple. (Nods) Okie Dokie-Ogi Togi! That is the fourth chapter… Sorry it took me so long. I could not upload any documents for about a month! (otherwise I just got lazy)