A/N: Read. (Helpful, huh?)
Luke sat on the rather uncomfortable couch in his apartment and tried to figure out how this day had become such a big deal.
His alarm had woke him up at a ridiculously early hour. He had taken a shower, gotten dressed, and went downstairs to start working. Lorelai had stopped in a little while later for her caffeine fix and then Luke had worked serving customers like he did every day.
Everything was blissfully normal … until the lawyer arrived. He had short, brown hair that was combed neatly and was wearing a suit. He came straight to the counter, set the brief case he was carrying on the counter, and took a seat on one of the bar stools. Luke approached him with ordering pad in hand and asked the stranger if he was ready to order.
The man replied, "Yes, I would like a cup of coffee. But first I need to find a Lucas Danes. Is there any chance you know where I could find him?"
"Well, I'm Luke Danes, so I guess I can get you that coffee."
Luke went behind the counter, took the coffee pot, and started to fill the cup in front of the stranger while the man said, "Hello, I'm David Peterson and I have very important news you need to be informed of."
"Yes, please sit down so we can discuss your options." He said this while gesturing to the seat next to him and Luke put the pot back on the coffee maker and sat.
"Well, it is my job to inform you," David began, "that your old girlfriend, Rachel, has passed away."
This is the moment at which Luke had froze. He wasn't in love with Rachel but she had always popped in and out of his life. Luke had always figured one day she would inevitably pop back in, maybe not at a lover's status, but she'd still be there.
"And she has left behind a daughter … your daughter … Piper."
The rest of the day was a blur. David talked at Luke for a while until Lorelai showed up. When Luke gave David permission to discuss everything with her, Lorelai saw the state Luke was in and took over. She arranged for David to come back tomorrow to give Luke time to think.
And so here he was, upstairs trying to grasp everything while Lorelai was downstairs helping Caesar close up.
This morning Luke had worked at his diner, the one he had inherited from his father, as he did every day. And he was engaged to a beautiful woman he has known and loved for eight years.
This morning everything had made sense. But now he was a father. He and Rachel had conceived a child, but she had never told him.
He was initially mad at her, but then he realized that she was dead and being mad at her was wrong, wouldn't make him feel better and couldn't help him make sense of anything.
Piper was fifteen years old. And Luke remembered all the times he had seen Rachel in the last fifteen years. They weren't terribly often, but he couldn't help wonder how she hadn't told him when they were together.
Piper. The name was definitely chosen by Rachel. It was strange, but beautiful and definitely sounded like Rachel's style.
Luke's thought's were interrupted when Lorelai entered the apartment smiling. She was carrying dinner for both of them: a salad for Luke and a burger for her. The fact Lorelai figured that he hadn't eaten made Luke smile.
"Hey, how are you doing?"
She set everything on the table and he sat opposite her and started to eat his salad.
"Fine, I guess."
"Well, let's just remember that this is probably ten times worse for Piper. Her mom, the only family she knows, has just died and now she is going to live with the father she has never met."
"Does she know that I never knew about her and that if I had I would of definitely been involved in her life."
"I'm not sure, honey. Listen, David called and said that he could bring her over tomorrow. Only if you want her to."
"I'm not sure. I mean we both agreed that we have to take her in. She's my daughter and I can't just leave her alone. Rachel doesn't have any other family members. But I'm not sure. Do you think tomorrow is too soon?"
Lorelai thought for a minute and then said, "How about we finish dinner, watch TV for a little while, and go to sleep early since I know you have an early delivery tomorrow. We'll call David in the morning."
"I've already called out of work for tomorrow, so there's no use in arguing."
"Is there ever?"
"Nope." They both smiled and Luke tried to relax for the rest of the night.
A/N: Good idea? Reviews, please!