
Ryoma wakes in the morning in his bed, uncharacteristically early. Today is a new day and it's going to be a great one. In fact, the young tennis prodigy feels like yelling 'GREAT!' like Kawamura, but he would want to alarm his family so early. Ryoma can't remember the last time he woke up early AND in a good mood. All he knows is that it has something to do with his new boyfriend.

Ryoma jumps out of bed, stretching is relatively sore back, 'It's not sore from tennis though.' He chuckles to himself. He slips on his uniform and runs to the bathroom to do his hygiene. Out of the silence of the house, he hears someone banging on his door shouting, "Hey brat, wake up!" Obviously Nanjiroh right?

"Shut up old man. I'm already awake. Quit bellowing like that; I'm sure Mom is still asleep. She got in late last night." Ryoma pokes his head out of the bathroom with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"Well, if it isn't my little girl." Nanjiroh scowls at his son.

"Eh, that's weak." Ryoma sighs.

"What do you mean by that? 'That's weak.' Are you saying my insults are bad?"

"Mada Mada Dane", he slips back into the bathroom and finishes brushing his teeth.


"Nanjiroh, is Echizen awake?" Nanako yells from the kitchen where there's a wonderful scent wafting to Ryoma's nose.

"Unfortunately, my little gi—OOMPH!"

"I'm up." Ryoma steps into his room and grabs his backpack and then heads downstairs to breakfast, stepping over his unconscious father, who was just pelted in the head with a bottle of lotion. And his morning started off so nicely.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Nanako greets her young cousin. "Good morning, Ryoma." Looking behind him, she looks for the missing link in the evolutionary chain. "Where's Nanjiroh?"

"He's asleep." Ryoma sits at the table and waits for his ever-loving Japanese style breakfast.

"Oh, he was just awake a few minutes ago."

"I don't know, it just hit him, like narcolepsy."


"Good morning, Ryoma." A voice says from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hi, Mom. How were the baths?"

"They were wonderful. Next time, I'll bring you and Nanako with me." Rinko sits down at the table across from Ryoma as Nanako brings over their breakfast. "Did you have a nice weekend?'

"Hai." Ryoma takes a bite of his food.

"What did you do?" Rinko asks as she begins to eat.

"Tezuka. I mean I was at Tezuka's all weekend."

"Why weren't you here with your father?" Rinko puts her chopsticks down, looking sternly at Ryoma.

"Ne, he—"

"RINKO! Good morning! How did you sleep?" Nanjiroh shouts running into the room like a madman. He glares over at Ryoma as if saying 'You tell her what I did, I will cut you'.

"You interrupted me, hairy old man."

"He's right, Nanjiroh. You should be more polite."


"But nothing. Finish what you were going to say, Ryoma." Rinko chides Nanjiroh, who's completely floored at the fact that his wife, the woman he married, would take the brat's side.

Ryoma mumbles something so quiet, his family couldn't understand him. "What was that, brat?"

"I said, I'm gay." Ryoma smirks up at his father. Nanjiroh knows Ryoma has the advantage in the unspoken war between them; the upper-hand being Ryoma doesn't have a dirty secret to get into trouble for anymore, while Nanjiroh can never have the 'Bunny' incident spoken of. EVER.

Rinko and Nanako simply smile at the green-haired teenager.

"WHAT? Where's the reaction? He just said he likes guys. Rinko? Nanako?" Nanjiroh looks frantically between the two women of the house.

"Honey, we knew this when he went to Seigaku Junior High. I could tell by the way he looked at his buchou."

"Ne, you knew back then?"

"Hai, but why are you telling us now?"

"Tezuka and I are together now." Ryoma slips his hat on after he finishes his food.

"Oh how cute: your first boyfriend. And he's gorgeous too." Nanako clasps her hands in front of her, her eyes become glazed.

"Ne, I'm going to school." Ryoma gets up from the table, slips his cap down over his eyes, and walks past his idiot father, who seems to be having trouble breathing. Walking to the door, he picks up his tennis bag. As he reaches for the doorknob, the door bell rings.

Upon opening the door, Ryoma's eyes grow wide in undeniable shock. Tezuka is standing on his porch, picking him up for school. "Kunisu, what are you doing here so early?"

"I thought we could walk to school together." Tezuka answers shyly.

"Who's that, Ryoma?" a female voice calls from the kitchen.

"It's Kuni—I mean Tezuka-buchou." He shouts back.

A chorus of 'aw, how cute' sings through to the couple's ears; they blush out of apparent embarrassment.

"You told your mother and cousin about us?" Tezuka looks mildly ill.

"They knew about me since I was in junior high so they weren't shocked when I told them that we were together."

Tezuka cocks his head to the right. "Really? I wonder if anyone else noticed."

"I don't think so because I would have been teased non-stop by Eiji-senpai and Momo-senpai."

Tezuka nods his response. "Let's go. We shouldn't be late."

Ryoma walks out the door, closing it behind him, but almost running into Tezuka's chest. Tezuka looks down at the shorter man, eyes filled with love and lust. "I missed you last night." He gently caresses Ryoma's cheek with a slender thumb.

"I missed you, Kunisu." Ryoma puts his hand into Tezuka's free hand, lacing their fingers together. Tezuka's breath hitches when he hears his new pet name roll off of Ryoma's tongue. He swiftly leans in and captures his boyfriend's lips in a passionate kiss; a battle between the will of their tongues. They basically eat at each other's faces until a squeal is heard from inside the house.

"That is so cute! They're kissing like lovebirds."

"We need to go." Ryoma says breaking the kiss, heaving for air,

"Hai." They walk in comfortable silence all the way to school. They don't hold hands because...that's not their style.

Since there's no early morning practice because the coach was out of town, Tezuka is able to walk Ryoma to his classroom. Standing outside the door, they lean against the wall, shoulders touching. They each greet the three freshmen tennis players that happen to be part of Ryoma's cheering squad with unusual politeness today. Horio nearly falls over when Tezuka greets him, but the other two were there to catch him and drag him off.

"Ne, Kunisu, do you want to eat lunch today on the roof?"

"That's fine."

"I'll see you then. " Ryoma pushes off the wall. He turns to look at Tezuka, his eyes roaming over the tall form. He smirks as he walks into class. Tezuka pushes away from the wall and goes to his own class with only the image of the smirking Ryoma on his mind.

Unfortunately, that smirk caused focus issues for Tezuka, or rather the lack thereof.

The first hour of class, he tried to take notes and pay attention; after that hour of strange torture, he finally gave up and just stared at the clock, waiting for lunch time to roll around, doing a little fantasizing about Ryoma.

That would have been ok had his sensei hadn't called on him to read. As Tezuka stood up to read, he realized something very important.

He was hard.

He sat back down quickly. "Kunimitsu, are you ok?"

Before the buchou could answer, Fuji, Eiji, Oishi, and Taka all turn to stare at him. Funny thing is, Oishi, Eiji, and Fuji aren't staring at his face, rather his crotch.

"No, sensei; I think I need to go to the bathroom. Please excuse my rudeness." Tezuka packs up his book bag and places it strategically in front of him as he walks out of the classroom.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he heads in the general direction of the bathroom. He walks past Momo and Kaidoh's classroom, nodding as they wave to him. Stepping into the bathroom, he leans against the door with a soft thump. He walks over to the sink and begins washing his face, trying to wash away the flushness of his skin.

'What's wrong with me? I need to focus on class and not on Ryoma. Ryoma – I can almost feel his breath against my skin and his hands on my chest. I need to touch him, hold him, kiss him, love him. It's a strange feeling really.' Tezuka steps into a stall and locks the door as soon as he's in. He immediately slips a hand under his shirt to caress his nipples and a hand into his boxers, slowly stroking himself.

"Ryoma..." He moans quietly, rubbing himself a little faster.

"Kunisu?" a voice asks on the other side of the door. Tezuka freezes all motion.


"It's me." The door opens quickly and the shorter man is grabbed by the front of his shirt and pulled into the stall. Tezuka locks the door behind him right before he pounces on the freshman.

He kisses the green-haired teen hard, tangling their tongues together. Ryoma runs his hands up underneath Tezuka's shirt, feeling the rippling muscles and hard nipples with his calloused fingers. Tezuka pulls Ryoma's hips against his as he pushes them back against the wall with Ryoma against it.

Breaking the kiss, Tezuka looks into half-lidded gold eyes. "I couldn't stop thinking about you in class. All I could think about was your hands on me, on my chest, on my hips, and your breath hitting my cheek. I wanted to feel you against me, to be with me, to be in me." The thought and memory of being in Tezuka causes the freshman's legs to start buckling beneath him.

"Aaah, Kunisu. I...aah...want you so bad right now, but we can't do it now." Ryoma stammers as Tezuka begins nipping at his collarbone. "The bell for lunch is about to ring...aaah! Kuni!"

"Ryo, I don't want to stop." Tezuka rubs his hard member against Ryoma's thigh. "But if we don't stop now, I won't be able too." Tezuka wraps his arms around Ryoma's waist and rests his forehead against the other's. Ryoma places his hands on each side of Tezuka's face, holding him close enough for their nose to rub together.

Ryoma hovers above Tezuka's bruised lips, warm breath hitting them. He rubs their noses together as the lunch bell rings. "We better get going; it would be unfortunate if somebody found us like this, ne buchou."

Unbeknownst to the couple who begin to exit the bathroom, the statement above is just the tip of the iceberg of what has already happened.

When Tezuka and Ryoma reach the roof for lunch, Oishi, Fuji, and Eiji are there already eating. Well, that is, if their buchou and ochibi hadn't just walked out. Apparently, this didn't go unnoticed by the new couple. This is probably because everyone's faces all looked the same. The three seniors are quite flush and gazing in at the general vicinity of Ryoma and Tezuka's waistline and below.

"Eh, what are you all staring at?" Ryoma deadpans rather annoyed at the undue attention.

"Nothing." The three teens say in unison, averting their eyes quickly.

"Mm, senpais are acting weird today." Ryoma sits against the railing and pulls out his bento. Tezuka sits across from him and pulls out his own bento only to look up to find the other team members staring at him once again.

Scowling at his friends, Tezuka clears his throat in an attempt to get their attention. "Is there something you need?"

Eiji, who seems to be in a trance, answers for the others. "We were wondering if you really fucked for forty-five minutes straight." Upon completion of the sentence, Oishi and Fuji clasps their hands over Eiji's mouth.

Evidently, as Ryoma squirts Ponta out of his nose and Tezuka's eyebrows begins to twitch uncontrollably; this is not what was expected as a request. After getting control of the twitch, Tezuka finally responds to the strange outburst.

"Eiji, you wouldn't want me to tell your mother that you cursed, would you?"

Eiji looks down at his lunch, but he doesn't waste anytime to begin explaining. "Well I just wanted to know because we prank-called you last Friday, but when you answered the phone we heard you and Ochibi going at it."

"I didn't know you were so vocal during sex." Fuji is apparently the same sadistic bastard he was three years ago. Ryoma blanches at the revelation: they heard them having sex over the phone. But when?

"I didn't answer the phone on Friday; nobody called me." Tezuka replies.

"Yes we did, sometime around 7 or 8 o'clock." Now it's Tezuka's turn to lose blood in his face. Whipping out his cell phone, Tezuka begins a search of monumental proportions. When he finds what he's looking for, his head falls and one thing is heard, very quietly, coming from the buchou.

"Fuck me." Apparently his cell phone is set to answer when any key is pressed. It must have pressed as they called when the phone fell from Ryoma's hand as they started round 2.

Ryoma seemingly smirks to himself as he remembers the weekend.

"It seems as Ryoma already did." Fuji smartly replies. He must have missed the news flash because he doesn't know that his life is in grave danger. Tezuka grinds his teeth together as he grows hot with anger and lust? What? He looks over to Ryoma to find him looking back at him with the same look in his eye. In fact, the younger man looks as if he breathing has gotten heavier and deeper.

"Um, Tezuka, I need to talk to you privately, please." Ryoma virtually bounds for the door with Tezuka close behind, leaving the three blushing men staring in their wake.

Ryoma guides them to a secluded bathroom in the empty wing of the school. As soon as the door closes, Ryoma pushes Tezuka against the door and kisses his boyfriend's still slightly bruised lips, lashing his tongue around his mouth. Tezuka reciprocates with the same sense of urgency.

"We had an audience." Ryoma simply states as he unbuttons Tezuka's pants.

"Nnngh!" Tezuka pushes his hips against Ryoma's, wanting more contact.

"Knowing that turns you on, doesn't it?" Ryoma slips his hand inside Tezuka's boxers, stroking him.

"Oh hell!" Tezuka swiftly opens Ryoma's pants and thrusts his hand in to stroke the hard member. Ryoma straddles one of Tezuka's legs to as they stroke each other in time. "Ryo, I'm not going to last long. I've been hard since I...aaah...woke...ah...morning." This is clearly a sign of lose of coherent thought.

Tezuka throws his head back, hitting the door behind him, as he arches his back, thrusting he chest closer to Ryoma's. The green-haired teen leans and kisses Tezuka, savoring the taste of his lover as he speeds up his strokes. Tezuka bucks into Ryoma's hand, gasping desperately for air.

"Faster", he growls at the younger man, to which he complies. Tezuka slips his free hand down the back of the shorter man's pants and begins teasing his entrance.

"AAAH! Kunisu!" Ryoma shouts at the top of his lungs as he is surprised by the warm fingers teasing him. His hips begin to buck into the hand stroking him; he shudders as his orgasm begins to overtake him.

Tezuka feels Ryoma shudder, signaling his impending orgasm, so he let's go of his own, which he had been holding back for quite some time now. Tezuka leans over and bites Ryoma's shoulder with a sneer as he spasms in orgasm. Ryoma cries out as he feels teeth sinking into his shoulder as he begins to orgasm; he covers Tezuka's hand with his own as the senior continues to stroke him through his orgasm.

As their orgasms subside, Ryoma leans against Tezuka in exhaustion. "You ok?" Tezuka asks the panting man.

Ryoma lifts his head long enough to capture Tezuka's mouth in a lazy kiss. "Yeah. You?"

"I'm fine." Tezuka pulls his hand from Ryoma's pants finding it, not surprisingly, covered with Ryoma's essence. Tilting his head slightly, he brings his hand slowly to his mouth, catching his boyfriend's attention and seductively licks his hand clean of all the substance.

Ryoma smirks at his buchou. "Sexy, but mada mada dane." Tezuka quirks an eyebrow. Ryoma pulls own soiled hand from Tezuka's pants and proceeds to lick his hand clean more seductively than Tezuka did his own.

"Mmmm, you're good." After zipping up their pants, they wash their hands and faces before they head back to the roof to finish their lunches.

Upon arriving on the roof, their fellow teams look at them once again, but this time with a knowing grin on their faces. The couple reclaims their lunches.

Tezuka turns to the three teens and restates the question posed earlier. "You wanted to know if we fucked for forty-five minutes straight on Friday, right? Ryoma?"

"Damn straight we did."

Owari...or TBC...

AN: Hey ya'll! Thanks for reading. I did some editing to this chapter and soon enough I'll add more chapters and maybe more couples into the mix. How 'bout it? I think I might bring in some of the lesser used characters like Kajimoto or Davide (cuz they're HOT!). Please review and let me know.