Predilection Over a Piano

By Luca

Disclaimer: Me own nada.
Not warning: Shounen ai is not a warning!
Heads up: Shigure/Kyou, Kyouke And yes, they have a piano now. Ssh. I need that piano. And there is some heavier action in this chapter. Enjoy. Oh yeah, chapter highlyinspired by Okiayu Ryoutarou's "Hikari No Saki." Great song, go get it! It made me think of Shigure for some reason. Okiayu Ryoutarou being Shigure's seiyuu, but the song being from Prince of Tennis.
Dedications: Shigure/Kyou fans! To Kiawna, for sending the song! If not for her and the song, there would be no chapter 2.

Last chapter:
Shigure got up and stalked over, leaving Kyou feeling rather hunted. He leaned down and murmured into his ear, "You have milk on your lips again."

Kyou pulled back. "Wha…?"

With nimble fingers, he tilted Kyou's chin and did what he refrained from doing before. He lapped the bead up.

Kyou stared blankly ahead of him. What the hell just happened?

By the time he gathered his wits and temper, the novelist was long gone.





The orange-haired Sohma sat in his seat, hand still gripping his empty milk glass. Was the Dog's hormones out of whack? His mind kept replaying the scene; his traitorous body still felt the heat the older man emitted; his lips, they felt warm, tingly.

Shigure wanted to kick himself. Bad, bad Shigure!

Opening the door to his study, Shigure slipped inside and sank into his chair. Bad…but it felt so good too, he reflected a bit lecherously. He briefly considered moving a bookcase in front of the door to deter an possibly murderous Kyou but decided against it. He knew Kyou. The poor boy would be too shocked and naive to attempt anything.

Ah, how he loved Kyou's naiveté. The fiery teen was so utterly delicious and different from him. He was pure in his feelings. He exuded a raw innocence Shigure wanted to capture. And, to put it plainly, he was hot.

Well, I want him. Who's to say I can't or won't get him? With that in mind, the Dog decided to get himself Kyou.





Kyou could only stare in silent awe, though if anyone asked, he'd deny any such action or feeling towards . . . him.

He hadn't known the Dog of the Zodiac had another talent besides writing. Yes, talent. He had seen the smutty pieces Shigure had fabricated and he had to admit, aside from the plotless smut, the real plot was quite intricate and plausible. The characters felt very real, very raw.

Writings aside, Kyou was left still gazing at the tall, dark-haired young man.

Shigure's long, slender fingers danced lightly across ivory, black and white. His voice deep but mellow, flowed over the orange-haired teen. Surprisingly a very good singer, warm and fluid.

There was more to the Dog than he had given him credit for. A lot more. He hardly blinked, watching the warm sunlight spill through the open rice-paper doors to illuminate the singer. Eyes closed, profile sharp against the blue, blue sky, his whole body relaxed.

"Are you coming in, Kyou? Close the door." He stated, eyes still shut.

Starting, the Cat almost bristled. How did he know- He promptly shut the door and crossed the room, settling on a cushion near the piano.

Silence overwhelmed the room until Kyou couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you playing or not?" He demanded, brusquely.

"If you insist," Shigure smiled serenely.

"I'm not insisting," he sullenly muttered as he leaned against the doorframe, the one leading to the outer balcony.

With a placid smile, one that gave nothing away, Shigure resumed his playing. Once more, the tune filled the room, speaking volumes without words.

Kyou said nothing, biting back disappointment at the lack of singing. Giving a tiny sigh, his gaze drifted outside.

Skies blue, clouds fluffy and white. Bird chirping away, annoyingly enough to make his fingers itch.

Something shifted in the room.

It took him a moment to figure out what had changed; ah, the novelist had started singing again.

The song reached a high pinnacle, notes spinning out faster and faster, impossibly high, impossibly beautiful, haunting. In contrast, his voice dipped, soft, low, melodious; oddly in harmony. It fell, notes drifting into a dreamy, soft close.

"Did you like that song, Kyou?" Shigure asked softly. "It was called 'Love Me Hard'."

Blushing, the Cat whipped his head around and glared at the man, who was leering at him. "Shut up, you sicko!"

The taller man gave a wounded, wide-eyed look. "You hurt me, Kyon-kyon!"

"You're such a perv!"

"I was kidding. The song's called 'Night's Surrender'. Not like that though."

Kyou thoughtfully paused. "It was . . . nice."

"I know," smirked the novelist. "I wrote it."

Blink. Blink. "You wrote that?"

"Yes, even I can write songs, Kyou." He gave him a measured look, before standing. Grace in every move, he made his way over to the sitting Cat and joined him on the floor

Like floodgates opening, his memories of the other night washed over him and he instinctively leaned away.

"What's wrong, Kyou?"

"You-you-!" He pointed a finger, accusingly, too angry for words.

Deciding to take the opportunity presented, Shigure smiled. Far be it from him to waste a perfectly good chance. Taking a hold of the proffered hand, he tugged and found himself with a lapful of kitty. A bristling, snarling cat.

"What do you think you're doing, you stupid-"

"Kyou." He broke in quickly.

"What?" The teen growled.

"Shut up." With that, Shigure leaned and captured soft, pliant lips.

Gasping, Kyou felt a hot tongue invade his mouth, tangle with his. His hands reached up to push at the broad shoulders, to shove the man away. Somehow, they found purchase on them instead, fingers digging in a little to steady him. Shifting uncomfortably, he eventually ended up straddling Shigure's lap. His hands wandered, tangling in silky, dark strands.

The novelist groaned, feeling those questing fingers. He nipped, sucked at Kyou's tender lips before kissing a trail to that tanned neck and biting lightly. His own hands didn't stay idle, instead they roamed underneath that black shirt, skimming over Kyou's warm torso, sneaking up to toy with a hardening nipple.

It felt like forever before the Cat pulled away, panting for breath, lips swollen, eyes dark with desire. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Kyou, I—"

Shaking his head, the confused teen scrambled away. Without stopping or looking back, he fled the room.

"Damn," Shigure uttered softly. "Looks like getting Kyou may be harder than I thought."





Damnit! I wanted to end the ficlet here, nice and neat and all wrapped up but noooo, Kyou has to be difficult! Now, I know the piano keys used to be made of ivory but for animal safety reason, we've changed to plastic. Let's just say the piano is oooold. XD And I can't recall if it's all ivory or ivory and another substance. I thought it was ivory and ebony but I'm not sure.Please, ignore any errors. I was itching to get this fic out and made some changes directly within edit system, which not does include spellchecker. Read and review please.