AN:Okay people, This story had me crying. Sad when your own story makes you sad.
Its a story of unrequited love and it is complete.
hmmm i did have more to say but i've seemed to have forgotten >
It's my first Naru/Sasu and it is Angsty. On with the first Chap and enjoy
I know you.
I watched him a lot, you know?
When we were younger.
Those tear stained cheeks, those sad blue eyes, that wild gold hair. I could never really understand WHY i watched him, why i seemed to feel his pain resound sharply throughout my own chest.
and that was before i ever knew him.
Before i knew his stength at bareing the horrible treatment of the village, before i even knew OF the treatment of the villages. I know him now, and i still watch him. I watch his smile widen into a grin, a real grin, when he is with the gang; with full knowledge that he has been accepted and is liked, that he has friends that would die for him and who he would be happy to die for. I watch him show when he is sad or annoyed, when he is serious or calm, no longer needing to draw attention to himself because of his desire to be acknowledged. that of course doesn't mean he isn't just as loud or annoying as before, it just means that there are rare occasions where he is blissfully silent.
I watch him with knowledge that he is stupidly oblivious to the fact that out of us all, i know him the best, that out of us all, i accept him and acknowledge him more and that out of us all, I love him the most.
He will always be oblivious to this and i know that, after all, he may of dropped his mask but he is still a stupid Loud Ninja. And I accept it, because that is just the way that he is, and i wouldn't change him for the world.
But that doesn't stop my dreams, dreams that seem to take me over at night. Imagining us together:
Him laying in my lap, my fingers on one hand playing with glorious gold hair, the other hand stroking scarred cheeks. Him babbleing non-stop about trivial things and me, being true to form, not listening to a word and both of us knowing and accepting each other enough to realize this and just not care, both content to stay in each others, both content with the others company to ignore the fact that i'm not listening and he's babbleing nonsence just to stop his boredom and inability to stay inactive for to long.
I love these dreams really, dreams of us together, but at the same time i hate them, or rather, i just hate waking up from them, i hate the reality i'm presented with, the reality and the truth that what i dream is simply impossible to ever be fulfilled.
So i watch him, i watch as he and the Hyuuga girl gets closer every day. And how he and i get so distant.
He doesn't need me anymore there was a time, not to long ago when he counted on me and needed me, i was the only friend he had. But my own stupidity caused him to drift from me. Drift? who am i fooling? i took the best friend i had, someone i needed more that life its self, someone i needed to retain my sanity, and i threw him away like rotten meat.
No wonder whenever he sees me now he looks away, eyes downcast and as sad as they had been when we were children. I hate the fact that I caused that, i never wanted to see that look again, and yet i am the cause of his pain. so in my eyes, it is better for me to simply watch him live out his life, making sure that he is happy and safe in his relationships as can be. And when he marries that Hyuuga Girl, i'll be there, watching him, and knowing that the Hyuuga will never ever know him as well as me, and NEVER EVER EVER love himas much as I, Uchiha Sasuke love Him, Uzumaki Naruto.