Hey peep's I'm back.

Yeah, sorry it took so long to update.


Yes, this is the conclusion of my story.

I would like to dedicate this story to my first and faithful reviewers:


Vampire Jazzy


and all my other reviewers/readers

Without you I could never have written this story.

Now then…

Read on my fello fans. (I do not own CCS)

Sakura stood up so fast her desk and chair were knocked over. She was out the door before Syaoran could even move and Fujitaka Kinomoto was right behind her, a katana in his hand. Syaoran was the next one out the door, he turned into the hallway to see Sakura facing her father with the Sword Card in her hand.

"Hello Sakura," her father said sweetly, "It's been a while."

"Funny," Sakura replied, inching towards the door, "I don't think it's been long enough."

Fujitaka attacked a few times and Sakura blocked all of his blows, slashing at him. Syaoran ran foreword, but hit a magical shield. He looked down and saw that the ring blocking the two in was red, it was a blood shield, only those from the Kinomoto blood could enter the ring. He ripped out his cell phone and called Touya as Sakura and Fujitaka continued to trade blows in a stalemate.

"Touya," Syaoran said, "Get over here, now!"

"What's up?" Touya asked.

"Your father just…"

"I'm on my way," he said, "Don't call the cops, call Yukito on his cell phone and try to keep Sakura away from him. I'll be there in five minutes." Syaoran did not even have time to click his cell phone before Touya hung up. The sounds of battle returned and Fujitaka was hammering into Sakura. She was using Dash to dodge his blows, Syaoran had never seen anyone moved as fast as Fujitaka without magic. Syaoran called Yukito and he was running down the hallways before Syaoran had even hung up the phone.

"Touya's right behind me," Yukito said. "Where are…." He froze. Sakura and Fujitaka had once again stepped up their pace and their swords were blurs of color in the air. Sakura blocked a blow and locked his katana into hers.

"You have done well," Fujitaka said, "Little Clow. I am glad that we have gotten to see more of each other over the past few weeks."

"What?" Sakura asked.

"Perhaps you do not recognize me in this form, daughter," Fujitaka said. He shoved her back and lowered his sword. "Perhaps you will recognize in this form." Her father laughed and Yukito transformed into Yue as Kerberos flew out of the classroom in full lion form after stowing away in Sakura's bag. Inside Eriol was doing all he could to keep the other students back and avoid panic. Fujitaka continued laughing and Sakura ran away, only to be stopped by the blood circle. She pounded against it, to no avail. Syaoran could only watch as she cried out his name, but no sound came. The circle was contraction and becoming thicker.

"Syaoran," he read her lips as they spoke silently, "Syaoran, get Yukito and Touya away! Go!" Sakura pulled three Cards from the book and threw the rest at Syaoran. "Keep them safe." Sakura turned like one facing her death as Fujikito began to turn into a black mass and tentacles sprouted out of his back.

"Sakura!" Syaoran screamed. Yue, tears falling form his eyes, held Syaoran back as the boy fought to get to Sakura.

"Syaoran," he said, "There's nothing we can do. There's nothing we can do." Sakura brought her katana up and held a card over her heart, she began to glow.

"Yue," Kero said, "Look."

"Light!" Sakura called. However, instead of a beautiful woman appearing, nothing happened.

"She's bonding with the cards," Yue said, unbelievingly. "She is the true Master of the Cards, they've fully accepted her." Fujitaka laughed and tentacles flew at Sakura, she blocked two with her sword, it was enveloped by the tentacles and disappeared. She threw up her left arm to block the rest, but a ball of light destroyed the tentacles.

"What," Sakura asked herself. Fujitaka backed off confused. Sakura's left arm continued to glow and it soon spread so that she was glowing. "Wind," she called. A gold light surrounded her and blended with white.

"What is going on?" Syaoran asked as Fujitaka now found himself trapped by the very circle her created.

"Fly!" Sakura yelled. A card flew from the book and wings sprouted from her back. Sakura hovered a few feet off the ground and whind whipped around her.

"She is calling her greatest allies to her," Kero answered, "They will help her."

"Sword!" Sakura called. "Water! Fire!" Sakura was glowing, flaming, and twelve other things that Syaoran could not describe. Fujitaka watched as Sakura leveled her sword and waited.

Fujitaka let out a great yell and charged. Touya turned the corner and stopped dead, staring. Sakura blocked the blow easily and turned it back on him, sending a flume of water at him. Fujitaka dodged and sent an attack to her back. Sakura twisted her elbow up behind her and when the swords clashed a flash of bright light directed itself at Fujitaka, who shrieked and backed away. Sakura turned and sent a combined attack of fire and wind at Fujitaka who dodged, barely. The attack hit the wall and it disintegrated. Sakura followed her father's movements, never letting him get far.

"Shield!" Sakura called, and her father was once again trapped. "You will yield." Fujitaka let out a shriek and attacked. Sakura blocked it with her hand and grabbed the blade, she held it there and raised her right to his face, her sword now strapped to her back.

"What are you doing?" The monster shrieked.

"You are not Fujitaka Kinomoto," Sakura said, "You are simply an evil spirit." Sakura's hand began to glow and the monster screamed in agony. The light was blinding, but Syaoran did not turn his eyes. Create made a bottle and Sakura stripped the monster from her father and trapped it in the bottle. The still glowing Sakura lowered her father to the floor with her aura and the light began to fade. Sakura placed the stopper in the bottle and the light fully left her, the cards returning to the book. Sakura groaned and collapsed to the floor, only to be caught by Syaoran. Touya was by her in an instant.

"Sakura?" He asked, fear etching his voice.

"She fine," Syaoran said, sword was lying on the ground in katana form. Syaoran cradled her against his chest. "She's just asleep, she used up a lot of energy drawing that spirit out of your father. She'll be weak for a few days."

"I think we can shorten that time period," Yue said, "Touya, go get Sakura's bag, and Syaoran's. The rest of the class need not see this, but you can bring out her friends."

"Sure," Touya said. He got up and walked into the classroom.

"You can heal her," Yue said, "Just enough so that she will be awake soon." Syaoran put his hand on her head and focused inwards. He opened his eyes in surprise as he found a well of power he never knew existed. He then closed his eyes and let the power flow from him until Sakura, though far from replenished, was a little stronger.

"Where did that power come from?" Syaoran asked the beasts, now in their lesser forms.

"It is the bond between you and Sakura," Kero said, "And your love for each other. It will only grow as time goes on." Syaoran nodded and a great cry came from behind him.

Fujitaka was diving towards Sakura with a katana ready. Syaoran wrapped his arms around Sakura, but could not move so much dead weight from a sitting position. He turned a little to provide whatever protection his body could offer. Fujitaka would not be halted and Yukito was out of range. Suddenly Fujitaka was thrown backwards, a red-handled dagger lodged in his heart. Syaoran threw himselef backwards and rolled, staying in the same position barely an inch from the point of Fujitaka's katana. He then looked back to see Touya's hand still extended from throwing the knife. Blood dripped from Fujitaka's mouth as he looked at his son, realization in his eyes. Fujikita drew his last breath and collapsed, Sword disappeared from under his body. Syaoran sighed and Touya lowered his arm.

"I'd better take Sakura," Touya said, "We'll have to go."

"No," Sakura said softly, sounding very tired, "Call the police Touya. You were defending me and you have done nothing wrong. He is the one who kidnapped Yukito."

"The police can't help Sakura," Touya said, "They won't help. Not after I kidnapped you, what happens if they find out you're living alone?"

"Yukito is one of my legal guardians," Sakura said, "I have friends here at the police force, they will help us. And Yukito's room appears to be lived in, we can tell them that he only uses the apartment for times when he has to work late and doesn't want to disturb me by coming home late." Sakura looked at her big brother. "We'll work it out Touya, everything will be all right." Touya smiled at his baby sister.

"One question," Touya said, "What the fuck was going on back there?" Sakura smiled and leaned against Syaoran.

"That," Sakura said, "It a long story, and I guess it's time you heard it, but it will have to wait until later."

The police came and took everyone's story. There was no case to be made, it was clear-cut that Touya had been defending Sakura. Touya didn't even have to be taken down to the station, he just made an appointment to sign paperwork the following day. Eriol made up a story that would explain why he had kept the class inside ("Look sir, how often do you want to run after a guy carrying a katana?"). Touya drove Sakura home and Syaoran put her on the couch, where she was soon asleep. Syaoran threw a pudding cup at Kero and walked back into the living room, gently lifting Sakura so that she could lean against him.

"I love you Sakura," Syaoran whispered, kissing her hair.

"I love you too, Syaoran," Sakura whispered back, half-asleep. Syaoran wrapped his arms around Sakura and felt his own eyes begin to droop. He smiled, everything was all right, and it was going to stay that way.

The End.

I must announce that there will not be a sequel to this story. I do not like sequels very much and I did not write this story to be an epic. Thank you.

Well, what did you think?

Like it, hate it?

Please review, I still like feedback even though I suck at endings.

Aa'menealle nauva calen ar' malta. (May your ways be green and golden.)

Hannon le. (Thank you)
