Hey everyone. This is my first CCS Fic.

I do not own CCS (duh)


Author's Note:

Sakura has already captured all of the cards and turned them into Sakura Cards. All this alters is Li and Eriol are late and Tomoyo and Sakura are not friend. I do not know if Me Lin will come into the story later, if you have an opinion please review.



Authors notes in story

Read on fellow fans!

Li Syaoran got out of his car and walked into school, his new school. He was just beginning high school and was ready for his final years in Tomeda. His family had moved him to Japan after they learned the Clow book had been tracked to the Tomeda area. So far he had not found it, even after five years of searching. He went to homeroom and did not recognize anyone there. He took a seat near the back; he always took the same seat each year, and waited for his two friends to arrive. They soon did, holding hands.

"Making out in the limo again," Li asked his cousin, Eriol. Toyomo, his girlfriend of two years, blushed and sat down in from of Eriol, answering his question for him. The two had been going out a while, but they never made Li feel like a third wheel.

"Hey Syaoran," Tomoyo said, "You look nice today." He was wearing black pants, sneakers, and a green tee. Li looked at Tomoyo, trying to keep from laughing at his cousin.

"You look hot today Tomoyo," Li said, reaching out to touch her hair. Her purple hair was drawn up into a ponytail, except for two strands on her face. She was wearing a purple pleated skirt and a white top with a black jean jacket and black-heeled boots. He almost got here when Eriol grabbed Li's wrist.

"Li," he said, "I know you're my cousin, but that doesn't mean I won't break your wrist."

"Li," a girl called. All her saw before getting tackled out of his desk was a bounce of blond curls.

"Caso," he groaned. The girl, thankfully, had not knocked him over, but she was grabbing his shoulders. "Get off."

"Li, it's Callie," she protested, her brown eyes staring up into his own, "Didn't you miss me?"

"As much as I missed Me Lin, and it's Syaoran to you," he answered, his cousin who wanted to marry him. Callie, on the other hand, took that as a compliment and only clung closer. Eriol smiled at Li and pried Callie off him.

"Caso," he said, "You are aware that Li hates Me Lin." Callie looked confused, but before she could say anything she was shoved away and landed in the lap of another guy who she became quickly preoccupied with.

"Thank you," Li said, bowing to Eriol before taking his seat again.

"She is such a whore," Tomoyo said, watching as the jock slipped his hand up Caso's skirt. She did absolutely nothing to resist him. "She's just after you because everyone else has already rejected her." The teacher walked in breaking off all conversation, she had long brown hair and was obviously foreign to Japan, probably English from the looks of her.

"Hello," she said in perfect Japanese, "My name is Mrs. Kiyasaki. Please take your seats." The students did so in total silence. "Before we get started I would like to introduce to you our new student, recently return from Tokyo." The door slid open and in walked, what Li thought, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Some winced at her approach, all the students from the other junior high school cringed away from her. The girl with long auburn hair walked up to the front of the class.

Li looked at her from the toes up, taking in every detail he could. She wore black soft leather boots, loose baggy jeans, a wide strapped ice blue tank top, and a black watch cap with matching arm gauntlets that came to her elbows. It was the gauntlets that sparked Li's intellect; they were the kind used when sparring with battle ready katanas and short ninja swords. His eyes took in her slim, but still well rounded, frame; he knew that his hands could easily encircle her waist. Li kept his gaze moving upwards, her hair reached her waist and was pulled back from her face by a black watch cap. She wore no makeup (Not that she needs it) but some black eyeliner and her lips were slightly darkened. Her eyes were the most amazing orbs he had ever seen. They were a deep emerald, like two jewels on a porcelain background. They were extremely well guarded eyes; he could read nothing of the girl's expression.

"Everyone," Miss Kiyasaki said, "Please Welcome Kinomoto Sakura." She bowed and walked to the back of the class to the only seat left, right in front of Syaoran. She dropped her bag and sat down. Li looked at the back of her head, wishing he could bury his hands in the silky hair.

Skip to lunch because I REALLY don't want to go though the rest of the classes.

Li looked around outside, he noticed a lone figure out by the Sakura trees. He walked over there and found Kinomoto lounging under them. (How appropriate. Sakura under the Sakura trees) He sat down near a neighboring tree, waiting for Tomoyo and Eriol, but he knew they were probably making out in a deserted hallway. He took his lunch out of his bag and stole a furtive glance over at Sakura. She was eating a small salad and what looked like leftover chicken. It did not look like much of a lunch. She quickly finished her small meal and leaned back against the tree, the excess knit of her hat over her eyes. He saw several guys walk up to her, Li edged closer slowly, catching phrases of their conversation. Li recognized Yakul, the biggest and worst behaved guy in school. (This is trouble!)

Sakura leaned against the Sakura tree, ready for her nap before the next class. That was before she heard several pairs of shoes coming her way. She peeked out from under her watch cap and saw Yukal-chan and his two cronies walking towards her. She sighed inwardly. (More people looking for a beating.) She moved her book bag to one side and swiftly checked her arm gauntlets, making sure they were secure. Kodishi almost always had a blade on him.

"Hey doll," Yakul drawled, "How are you?"

"I was pleasant," Sakura said. She folded her hat back into place, brushing a few strands behind her ear and got to her feet. "What do you want?"

Yakul reached up and took a branch from the tree, presenting it to her. "I would like to escort you to a romantic dinner followed by a movie of your choice." Sakura snatched the branch, her eyes narrowing. (Why does no one respect nature anymore? Can't they just leave it the way it is?) She looked and Yakul and sneered.

"Yeah," Sakura said, "Except weren't you the one with your hand up Caso's skirt this morning?" He looked stunned. "Get away from me, creep. Oh, wait." She smacked him so hard there was an imprint on his cheek from her hand. "The next time you mutilate my namesake it will be worse." The two cronies, Kodishi and Jaul, both attacked at the same time, thinking that they had her cornered against the tree. Sakura smiled and jumped up, taking hold of the branch above her and kicking both feet out into their noses. She then elbowed Jaul, sending him stumbling back and snapped her foot into Kodishi's face, sending him flying. She then face Yakul alone.

He brought his fists up, and she lowered hers. She was in a master's stance; it invited the student in, luring them into a false sense of security. It worked. Yakul brought his fist back, expecting to knock the slight girl out in one shot. He never even got close. Before he could complete the punch Sakura caught his arm and ducked under it. From his side she snapped her leg up, lightly, hitting his nose and spun back under his arms, punching him hard in the ribs. A loud pop guaranteed at least some cracking in the bones. Yakul gasped in pain and backed away from Sakura.

"Now," Sakura said, "Fuck off, or you will have to spend a few more days in the hospital then planned." She stalked away to a different tree and sat down underneath it, hoping to resume her nap, then she noticed the Syaoran guy from Algebra walk over. (It's going to be a very long day.)

Li could not help but let his jaw fall. Sakura had just pulled off some of the best martial arts he had ever seen. He walked over to the girl, being careful to alert her of his presence first.

"Kinomoto," he said, a new admiration to the small girl before him, "How are you?" She flipped her hat back up, picked up her bag, flipped him off, and climbed a tree. (I don't get her. Why is she so cold to everyone?) Li, deciding to let the subject fall, walked away with his hands in his pockets. He was completely unaware of the two eyes following him from the tree.

(What is his deal?) Sakura leaned back against the trunk of the tree. (Why can't anyone just leave me alone? Can't they read a 'fuck off' sign when they see one? I wish I was back home with Kero, at least he's fun to be around.) Sakura dozed off, waiting for the bell. When it rang she stalked off toward the gym for P.E.

Sakura quickly changed into her PE uniform, shorts and a sleeveless tee, and pulled out her sneakers. She slipped them on and stalked out of the changing room.

"Hello Kinomoto," Tomoyo said, walking in as Sakura was walking out. Sakura just kept stalking on. She saw the teacher in dance cloths and ducked back in the changing room. It wasn't until then that she noticed Caso going through her stuff. (Oh shit, the book is in there!) Sakura, using her training, climbed up the wall using the exposed plumbing to support herself. She got right over Caso.

"Hey," she said, "Lets see what the bitch has in her bag that she's so secretive about." A few girls laughed, but Sakura saw Tomoyo come out of nowhere with a large bitch slap.

"Get out of her stuff whore," Tomoyo said, "Just leave her alone."

"Why are you defending her," Caso asked.

"You're just jealous because you saw Syaoran drooling over her in Algebra," Tomoyo said, "Besides, are you scared that you'll find condoms in her bag like there are in yours?" Caso paled and turned on Tomoyo with death in her eyes.

"Your dead Tomoyo," Caso said. Sakura took her moment and let down lightly behind Caso.

"Touch her," She said, slipped her arm around Caso's neck and pulling her in a headlock, "And you will find yourself in a very uncomfortable position for quite a long time." Sakura pulled her stuff out of Caso grasp with a simple arm twist. "Also, the next time my bag is found in your hands, your wrists will be broken. Understood?" Caso whimpered as her arm was slipped further up her back. "Good." Sakura turned on her heel, gave a small nod of thanks to Tomoyo and stalked out of the changing room. She slipped her dance sneakers on there.

The boys changing room.

"Hey Li," Eriol said, "How's it going?"

"Ok," Li said, pulling his uniform on, "Do you know what we're doing today?"

"Basketball," Eriol replied, "I think. Anyway, it's not like I'll be paying attention. The girls are going to be dancing."

"Cool," Li thought. (I wonder if Sakura can dance? She certainly has the body for it.) Suddenly Yakul stalked in. He had a black eye and winced when he put his left foot down.

"What happened to Yakul-chan," Eriol whispered to Li.

"Kinomoto beast his ass after some sort of argument during lunch," Li said, "I didn't catch the whole thing, but I think he asked her out. She sent his two friends to the hospital."

"Oh," Eriol said, "And I'm not going to ask why you sound pleased she didn't accept his offer."

"What," Li asked, pulling on his sneakers.

"I saw you drooling over Kinomoto during Algebra," Eriol said, pulling his own shoes on, "And homeroom, and biology, and as we were walking in. I do have to admit she's hot, but her personality would freeze fire."

"Keep hallucinating," Li said, walking out and over to his teacher. "I'm surprised you could notice anything besides Tomoyo's hair." Eriol blushed and punched Li's shoulder. "Hey!"

"Keep your eyes off Tomoyo," Eriol said, "She's mine." Li just shook his head at the jealous cousin. (Yeah, there's the Eriol I know.) He walked over and began doing warm-up drills with the rest of the class. When he got to the back of the line he saw the girls beginning to stretch out for dance. He looked around and saw Sakura sitting on the ground near the bleachers. It was another moment before he realized that she was facing the bleachers and her legs here out in the splits.

"Ouch," Li said, not knowing he said it out loud (even though that is really hot).

"What is it," Eriol asked, "I knew you were a weakling, but I pulled the punch."

"No, not you," Li said, directing his cousins head at Sakura, "That." Sakura had changed position, she was now bent over at the waist and her leg was braced against the bleachers, perpendicular to the floor.

"Ouch is right," Eriol said, moving up a little, "I didn't even think that was physically possible." Silence fell between the two, but Li still kept taking furtive glances at the beauty. Her hair, now freed from her hat, was pulled back into a simple half ponytail. It fell around her waist in a shower of silk. She lowered her leg and began stretching without any support. She brought her leg up to the side until her knee was next to her shoulder, then stood up on her toes. (Dam, that is really hot!) Li almost missed his turn at lay-ups because he was looking at Kinomoto. The teacher soon became annoyed. He called everyone in.

"All right," the sensei said, "If no one misses a basket in the next round of point shots, then you all can take the day off and watch the girls dance or have a free period. Is it a deal?" Every single one raised his hand in favor of the idea, and no one missed. That fact was a first in the history of the school almost. "Looks like I need to bribe them more often," the sensei said to himself. Li changed back into his regular cloths and took a seat on the bleachers with the rest of the class to watch the girls dance. He saw the dace teacher say something to Sakura, she nodded and walked over to her bag, cursing.

Sakura walked over to her bag. Cursing the teacher all the way. (Why does she have to make me do this? Why? I know I'm one of the few with dance training, but I don't even want to dance here. The guys are watching too! God, I have a reputation to keep here.) Sakura kept on grumbling. She had her leotard under her gym cloths and she couldn't dance in shorts. Sakura cursed her teacher again and pulled out her shoes and leg warmers, she also pulled out of ballet top just for good measure, it was easier to move in. She walked to the far side of the bleachers, hoping none of the guys noticed.

Li saw Sakura walk over to the side of the bleachers; he pretended not to notice but watched out of the corner of his eyes. (Holy shit! Is she going to change out here?) It took all his years of training not to gape and she slid off her shorts and tee. He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and saw a beautiful green leotard with gemstones that she was wearing under her gym cloths. It had spaghetti straps and matched the color of her eyes perfectly. She was also, surprisingly, wearing dance tights under her gym cloths. (I guess she really is just that pale.) He slipped on a grey, loose shirt that fell to just below her hips, that too was sleeveless. She then got up on the bleachers and pulled on a set of point shoes. (She does dance!) She laced them up and slid black leg warmers from her arches to below her knee, folding the long fabric over several times. She then let her hair down and pulled it up into a high ponytail and winding it into a perfect bun.

The change totally changed her appearance. From a punk teen to a ballerina student in five minutes. (Dam, she is so beautiful.) Sakura then walked over to the teacher, her posture was now perfect.

Sakura walked back over to her teacher. She could not help but notice the stares in her direction, she glared back. They all soon looked away, she was ice to her core. The only thing that could open her up was dancing; everyone else was kept out of her life. (That is the only way to survive. Every one of these bimbos are going to be hurt before they turn 18.) The teacher nodded approvingly.

"I'm ready," Sakura said, bowing.

"Thank you Miss Sakura," the teacher said.

"Kinomoto," Sakura said out of habit, "Please call me Kinomoto." The teacher looked surprised and then nodded.

"Thank you for doing this Miss Kinomoto," she replied, "You have far to much talent to go unrecognized. Do you know the dance?"

"Which one Miss Juno," Sakura asked.

"Any you would like," Juno replied, "I just want you to let yourself go."

"I am not a soloist," Sakura said, "I just know a few chorus dances."

"Well, perform one of those," Juno said, "I just want everyone to see what their potential could be with hard work." Sakura sighed. She looked through the cd's her teacher had. It was mostly pop, very few classical numbers and even fewer Broadway pieces. (Maybe I could do lyrical improvisation. She does have Phantom and Wicked. Those have some pretty sad songs. Wait, I know.)

Li saw Sakura put in a disk and nod to the teacher.

"All right class," she said, "Please proceed to the bleachers." Sakura stayed behind, still stretching. "Now then," almost the whole class had their attention on the teacher, wondering what she was planning. "Miss Kinomoto has graciously agreed to give us a presentation of dance. So please, give her your attention and do not break her concentration. Some of these moves will be very dangerous, so please do not distract her or she could become very injured." The class turned their attention to the girl before them. She stood totally and utterly alone before walking to their left. Juno turned off the sidelights, creating a makeshift stage in the windowless gym. Li waited apprehensively before the music began. Waiting and waiting. He barely noticed Tomoyo climb up and sit in Eriol's lap; his hands were once again buried in her hair. Juno looked out, waiting patiently for the music to begin.

O.K. I know this chapter is boring, but the first one usually is. Don't let this get you down, it picks up pretty quickly. I always set up the story in the first couple chapters and then pick up the action pretty quickly from there.

Review please. I already have an idea for the second chapter, but all suggestions are welcome.

P.S. I am looking for the name of the Arbiter in HALO 2 before be becomes the Arbiter. If you know this information please e-mail me.
