dl-sPirit: Hello! This is the sequel! Jack, Omi, and Rai are still on vacation, they'll be back next chapter. About the sequel: it's a bit darker than the last one.

Ferret: Disclaimer! dl-sPirit doesn't own 'Xiaolin Showdown'! She's back! Yea!

dl-sPirit: Thank you, Ferret. Here is the chapter!

Stupid Spicer. I just want to strangle him. I can't remember the last time he remembered that I need food too. I've had to live off of scraps that not even a dog would eat. I need to kill something.

Maybe that's why he won't go within three feet of me. When he's not here, or when he's asleep, I'm in a fairly large cage. But size doesn't matter. The thing that does is freedom.

What happened to my friends? They swore to get me out. It's been a month now. I haven't seen them at all. As far as I know, there haven't been any new wu. Then again, I don't know where my friends are. What's taking so long? I'm only left with the darkness and Escuro.

Let me explain. Escuro's my dragon side, my dark half. Sometimes, he talks to me.Yeah, you're probably laughing or asking if I went insane. I haven't - not yet, anyways. If you thought I was sarcastic, you never met Escuro. He's pretty mean, but, hey, if it stops me from going insane, I'll talk to him.

I hear Wuya yelling something. A shen-gong-wu? Great. I can finally get out of this hell-hole for a bit. As Jack comes, one question repeats through my mind...

Will I see my friends? Are they still my friends?


Kimiko was on Dojo's back, with the rest of the warriors. They were looking over the scroll at the new shen-gong-wu. "The Cat's Eye. It can see through illusions," Omi read aloud. The other two weren't paying attention. They were wondering how Raimundo was. They had a reason to be worried. Jack had raised security to an all-time high over the month. They hadn't been able to get into Jack's house, much less see their friend.

"Ok, everyone, this as close I can get you," Dojo said, landing in a forest. Clay looked around. The animation had shown a necklace with a decorative design around a gem of some sort. "Dojo, could you tell us what it looks like?" Omi asked. Dojo answered, "Amber-colored, rather small..."

"And right there!" Kimiko interrupted, pointing to a patch of ground, with an anber-colored stone sticking up. Omi ran over and grabbed an end, only to find that someone had grabbed the other end. Everyone looked at their foe and gasped.

It was Raimundo. But Raimundo looked horrible. His skin was pale, with a light-blue tint, and his hair seemed a bit longer than usual, and it was no longer as spiky. They saw several bluish scales on his neck and arms. His eyes had dulled, and he seemed thinner and, well, more serpentine.

"I am sorry Raimundo, but I must challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown," Omi said resignatedly, "Your Thorn of Thunderbolt against my Eye of Dashi. The challenge is a race across the stones. First one to finish wins."

"Bring it," was Raimundo's cold response. Kimiko and Clay saw Wuya and Jack hovering overhead. They (Raimundo/Omi) both yelled,"Xiaolin Showdown!" Like usual, the scenery shifted. Omi's robes transformed into his robes while Raimundo, oddly enough, shifted into his armored-dragon form. "GONG YI TEMPAI!" they both yelled and the Showdown was on.

Omi and Raimundo were both evenly matched. Omi's light weight allowed him to jump from stone to stone easily. Raimundo's wings, though he didn't use then to fly, allowed him to skip several stones. As he landed on one, he shot a glance to Omi and rage he had never felt before welled up inside.

Yeah, friends. Where were they while he was stuck with Jack? They never came even once to check on him. They could've, but they chose not to. Great friends. They abandoned him. Before Raimundo realized it, he heard a voice call, "Thorn of Thunderbolt - Wind!" A lightning blast, accompanied by a wind funnel, hit Omi hard enough to knock him off his rock. It then hit Raimundo like a brick - he had the Thorn of Thunderbolt and the wind element. He had been the one to attack Omi.

The scenery shifted back to normal. Omi automatically lost because he couldn't complete the challenge. He didn't look too good. Raimundo returned to his form, with more scales on his arms. He didn't realize that he still had his dragon teeth, he only registered one fact: he attacked Omi.

"Well done," Jack said, snatching the shen-gong-wu from Raimundo. Raimundo growled in response, but did nothing else. "Let's go; evil won't get itself done," Wuya added as two Jack-bots picked up Raimundo and followed Jack and Wuya.

dl-sPirit: That's the first chapter for you! Quick notes: Escuro is porteguese for 'dark'.

Ferret: Oh, Silver Satoshi Syoran, in case you didn't get the memo, you can borrow Raimundo -

dl-sPirit: But I want him back soon!

Ferret: Review!