Disclaimer: I do not own NoES or any of the characters involved or any of the other characters or their respective films…

Summary: (Sequel to Love is in the Air) Maggie Burroughs has won a luxurious cruise to the Caribbean…the sun, sea, sexy waiters at her beck and call. Sounds like paradise…or is it?

Chapter 1: Bon Voyage

It was a pleasant summer's afternoon at New York Harbour. Docked at the bay was a huge magnificent cruise liner called the 'Ship of Dreams' ready to begin it's voyage along the eastern coast of America to the Caribbean where it would be docked for three days for it's passengers to taste and experience the exotic nightlife and traditions of the infamous islands. It was painted in beautiful pearl white and its name was written along each side in dazzling gold paint.

One of its lucky passengers was Dr Maggie Burroughs. Excitement flowed through her veins as she pulled her black suitcase behind her heading towards the main checking point to board the luxurious boat. She smiled as she chatted on her cell phone to her close friend Tracy back in Central City Ohio, "I can't believe it Trace! I'm actually going to go on a cruise. It's always been a dream of mine to go on a vacation like this!"

"It's unreal…too unreal. Man, I wish I was there with you!" Tracy mumbled.

"Now, don't be jealous" Maggie teased.

Her friend laughed, "I'm not jealous…well, not that much. Anyway, what was the question again that you had to answer to win this cruise?"

Maggie frowned. She didn't want to remember that disastrous event again. "Well" she began slowly, "The question was what was the worst romantic evening of my life and so ultimately I said that it was that infamous night at the Starlight Restaurant in Springwood"

"Oh, yes" Tracy giggled, "I remember. You had that unexpected blind date with Chucky and that asshole was there too!"

"Yeah, that's the one" she breathed, "All I can say is never again"

"At least this time you'll be on your own with loads of hunky men to take your pick from!"

Maggie nodded and glanced at several gorgeous tanned men that passed her on their way to the check in post, "Oh yes there are. I think I'm going to be lucky on this cruise, if you get my meaning"

Tracy smiled, "Yeah. Look, I'll let you go. Have fun and take care"

"Thanks. I'll ring you and Doc tomorrow. Bye" she quickly snapped her phone shut and followed two tall muscled men towards a large building that was more than likely the boarding check point.

She swiftly dished out her boarding pass and ticket for her grand prize and soon was following a long corridor towards the various parts of the ship of which to board. As she walked passed the beautiful men that leisurely took their time towards the boat she couldn't help but smile, trying to grab their attention. She got several nods and some of the men seemed to ignore her altogether and were only interested in talking to their male counterparts. For one thing Maggie did notice that there were quite a lot of men and she had hardly come across a woman or a child. Perhaps the other female and children passengers were boarding the ship in another part.

At the front of the line a rather chirpy voice greeted each passenger as they finally boarded the cruise liner. The owner of that voice was Randy Peters, a young entertainment organiser upon the cruise liner and was extremely popular with the guest. He cracked jokes and made each passenger relaxed and content as they looked forward to the voyage. Maggie was taken aback not just by his cheerful manner but also by his luminous lime green Hawaiian shirt. "Hello, and you are?" he asked.

"I'm Maggie Burroughs" she replied, smiling.

"Oh! Miss Burroughs! You were the one that won!" Randy screeched, "Congratulations! Welcome to the ship of your dreams!"

"Thank you. Mr…?"

He grinned and shook her hand firmly, "Just call me Randy" He glanced over to his colleague and nodded for him to continue welcoming the guests on board and then gestured for Maggie to follow.

"OK. So, Randy…what is your job on this fantastic ship?"

"I'm the entertainment organiser. So, any enquiries or questions just ask me and I'll fill you in on everything you need to know!"

Maggie gave a curt nod and enquiringly watched as he walked in front of her through the corridors. She cocked her head to the side. He definitely was walking in a very womanly like manner and the way gestured with his hands as he talked. It was very larger-than-life.

But she had to be jumping to conclusions. It had to be her nerves and how thrilled she was. Her mind was playing tricks on her.

Suddenly Randy twisted his head over his shoulder and smiled, "Would you like to know a little about the cruise liner?"

She nodded.

"Well, it was built late last year and has one thousand cabins. There are two large swimming pools on the top deck and a Jacuzzi along with a mini golf course, a games room where you can play pool, billiards, chest and other board games and a small table tennis room. There is also a cinema, a library, and a promenade that goes the length of the ship with various small bars, restaurants, shops and other amenities.

And just two months ago the Casino opened and has been a major hit with the last two cruises"

"Oh" Maggie beamed, "That sounds wonderful!"

"There is a buffet for breakfast between 8am and 10.30am in the main dining area. The lunch is between 12.30 and 2pm, while the dinner is between 5pm and 7.30pm. But if you so desire you can go to the restaurants on the promenade and have your meals there. Oh, here we are"

Maggie slowed down and gave a quick glance at the door number.


She blinked. For a split second she had thought it said. 1428.

Her attention rapidly turned to Randy as he used a small card, which was key to her cabin to open the door. He slowly pushed it into a small slit such, as a credit card machine would have. A small green light appeared above the lock and slowly Randy eased the door opened.

What she saw caused Maggie's jaw to pop open in awe. The room was beyond her wildest dreams. A double sized bed was against the wall to her immediate right that was covered in cream silk sheets. Facing the bed was a 28" inch TV with DVD player a silver hi-fi system underneath. To the side of the TV was a cabinet filled with the latest in DVD and CD titles. Her eyes then fell on the oak mini bar in the corner of the room which several wine, pint and shot glasses all waiting to be filled.

"Oh…my…god" was all that Maggie could whisper.

"What?" Randy gasped, believing something was wrong with the room.

"Nothing…it's just amazing. I love it!"

He gave a hearty chuckle and gestured her over to the cream curtains and pulled them across to reveal a fairly large balcony with a small oval table and two chairs. Upon the table was a silver bucket filled with ice and a huge bottle of champagne. "Now, before I leave I must inform you that you are to be guest at the Captain's table in a few nights time"

"The Captain's guest?" she exclaimed, stunned at this piece of news.

Randy gave a small nod, "Yes. Did they not tell you in your letter about the other details of your prize?"


"It's just that you are the Captain's guest and also you have an extra $500 spending money!" he chirped and handed over a cheque.

"Oh…thank you very much" she murmured and smiled in utter appreciation.

He smiled back and rummaged in his over sized Bermuda shorts for his cell phone, "Here is my phone number if you wish to contact me throughout the trip in case you need me and if it is OK may I have your number if I need to contact you?"

"Of course" Maggie responded and swiftly they exchanged numbers.

"I'll let you get settled in" the entertainment organiser flashed that pearly white smile of his and headed towards the door, "Ta-ra sweetie!"

Maggie gave a quick wave and closed the door after him. He sure was delightful and very helpful. She gave a high squeal of pleasure and bounced towards the stylish bathroom that was apparently was very expensive to make. The tiles were of an ivory colour and the taps of the sink and of the bath were gold plated to her wonder. She delicately ran a hand over several neatly folded towels that had Ship of Dreams embodied at the corner in gold. It was beautiful and would look stunning in her own bathroom!

Slowly she moved back into her bedroom and curiously browsed through the rows and rows of CDs and finally picked one that suited the beginning of her vacation.

She popped it into the CD player and pressed play and advanced to the balcony where she cracked open the bubbly and began to relax as the soothing sounds of Rod Stewart's We Are Sailing filled the room and filtered out onto the balcony. She pensively gazed out onto the New York that silently moved pass as the ship began on its voyage. It was perfect.

Or was it too perfect?