A/N- didn't die! At least, I don't think so… I feel really bad though, because I know people wanted to read this and now they're gone…TT it's my own fault. Mainly the update pause is due to the fact of finals and I've been really concentrating on my original writings. If you want a taste of one of them, tell me and I'll e-mail you an excerpt. READ ON FELLOW LOVERS OF LITERATURE. ( Mellow-dramatic.) p.s.- Ravensis, thanks for the pick me up review! (it's the reason I sat down and wrote!)
Beast Boy had always had a disposition to act like an excited child, and Cyborg also tended to follow that example; but really, this was going too far…
"Dude! The there's a moon roof in here! Ohhh! I can control the radio with this!"
"Yes, similar to the last five times you've told us, they still work. Fascinating." Raven said, sarcasm biting her words.
"Oh come on Raven! You've got to admit, this is pretty sweet!" Beast Boy said, smiling as he rolled the moon roof back to it's closed position.
"Dick," Starfire started, forcing herself to use the name. An awkward pause filled the limo as Startfire left her thoughts in order to focus on the gunky clogged feeling the name left in her throat. Robin decided to break the lull.
"Yes Starf-" He stopped and sighed, smiling apologetically to everyone in the car. "Obviously, this isn't going to work… Let's turn back."
"Nuh-uh birthday boy! Not tonight, tonight is your night to be a normal teen and you're going to enjoy it!" Cyborg said indefinably. Robin groaned and waved his arm in the air, motioning to the lush environment they were in.
"This isn't normal, this is the opposite of normal- this is-"
"Un-normal." Raven said, rolling her eyes. "Yes, I think we got that. But you've never been normal, Dick," She said, saying his name very forcefully, "It'd be a shame to pretend you're anything but what you are… So what if you're caretaker is loaded? Where's the shame in that?" She paused and looked very sternly into Robin's eyes, her face expressing more friendship then annoyance, "I think that for one night you can enjoy who you are without the mask… But then again, it's your birthday, if you want to leave I'll gladly following you back to our very special giant T."
"Raven…" Beast Boy said, swooning, "That was just beautiful!" He exclaimed, clinging to her as she blushed wildely from the unexpected close contact and tried to swipe him off. "Who knew you were such a motivational speaker?" He continued to gush. Robin sighed and rubbed his temple.
"But what about you guys? You won't necessarily 'blend in'." Robin stated, looking at his supernatural friends.
"Ah, what's the big deal if a super star billionaire heir has a few celebrity friends?" Cyborg said, smiling. "I think we'll blend in more then you think."
"Yes and I shall be on my best behavior. Dick." Starfire said smiling, remembering to say the name without faltering, well, hardly faltering.
"And where's Robin through all of this?" Dick questioned.
"Working, naturally." Raven commented off hand.
"Like ALWAYS." Beast Boy added.
"Yeah Dick, like ALWAYS." Starfire mimicked, smiling. Eternally proud of herself for using the name correctly. Sometime through the pep talk the limo had halted to a stop. The people inside not noticing, forcing the limo driver to do his job and walk around and open the door for the young guest.
"You have arrived." He said through his raspy voice. He was sick, why was he at this party ushering around a bunch of wily teens?
"Thanks," Robin said, slipping his a $100 bill. Oh yea. That's why. Satisfied, the chauffer walked back to the driver's seat. "Alfred and Bruce must be inside already," He mumbled, climbing out of the limo carefully, helping Starfire out she wouldn't accidentally flash anyone or rip her dress. As the VIP group of this elaborate party walked in, Robin and Starfire stayed in the back not even realizing that Starfire had shifted her arm after Robin took it to help her up and had locked their elbows around each other's.
"Wait Star," He said quietly as he let the others slip in before him. He took a deep breath. "Promise me something tonight,"
"What is it, Dick?" She said, slipping into her 'I'm the superhero guest of the birthday boy' persona she had been practicing. He frowned.
"Can I be Robin for a second?" Starfire quickly realized she had made the situation slightly awkward and sunk back a little, embarrassed.
"Of course." She said meekly. Robin exhaled slowly.
"I hate this." He said quietly, "I hate almost everyone in that room… All they want is to get in your business, to find out everything about you so they'll have more to gossip with on their yachts… Bruce was always good at being charming and distant, but not me. I can keep my cool and be diplomatic, but it's different. I know it's different." Starfire was thoroughly confused. "-I just don't want to screw this up," He summed, "I don't want to embarrass Bruce or make any of you guys uncomfortable; I'm not good at combining my two lives, it's easier just to keep them separate-"
"I don't think that's true Robin," Starfire said melodically, "Perhaps it's better for protecting those around you; but I will not believe that it makes life easier. You don't want to live two separate lives Robin, people who want to live two separate lives do not keep pictures of their family in their sock drawers. Maybe deep down you have always wanted to see what it was like, to only have to be one person. Well tonight here is your chance, don't cheat yourself out of it." Robin smiled.
"Everyone tonight is just full of good advice," His smile faltered, "I don't want to mess this up-"
"You won't."
"Promise?" He said, searching her emerald eyes for the reassurance he needed. She smiled brightly and nodded.
"Mmmh! Now let's get inside Dick!" She said happily, pulling him by his arm. "Whee! A party!!"
The two entered the grand roman-liked room at the same time. It was lush, beautiful, expensive, and of course crowded with people. And while the Cyborg, Physic, and green creature were all gawked at endlessly from their scattered places in the room; Robin, or Dick, got the full throttle of attention. As guests started to recognize the youth, bright bleached smiles spread as well as a thunderous clapping and yells of 'happy birthday'. Robin took a deep breath.
'I've done it before, I can do it again.' Echoed in his head. He beamed, his bright sapphire eyes almost glowing with admiration of his esteemed guests.
"All of you came? I'm so flattered! Thank you all so much." Most guests nodded, accepting the gracious remarks and turning back to other conversations and guests.
"Dick!" A girl squeaked, all Titan members turning to looked at the source. A young, around their age, red headed girl scuffled gracefully towards Robin, outstretching her arms and embracing him in a giant hug.
"Hey Babs, great to see you." He said, giving her back a tighter squeeze as the two separated, Barbara resting her hands lightly on his shoulders.
"Took enough trouble to get you here though." Robin gave her a stern look.
"Yeah, well I'm here now, aren't I?" She cocked a grin.
"Yes, yes you are, and I'm glad." The tone the girl used made flames ignite in Starfire's stomach. And they were holding onto each other a little bit too long if you asked her. Plus, didn't Robin say that he didn't like anyone here? Or was this different, because this was Dick? Either way…
"Ahem." Star coughed into her hand.
"Oh, right, Barbara, these are my friends: Cyborg-"
"-Beast Boy,"
"Hee hee, nice to meet you."
"-And Starfire."
"…Nice to meet your acquaintance." Starfire said, sounding a bit wavering. Babs paused and stared awkwardly at her for a moment.
"I know you, you're the girl who was in Robin's room, right?"
"You were in Robin's room?" Cyborg asked, completely shocked and thoroughly amused.
"You were at the T tower before? Awe man, why didn't you come say hi?" Beast Boy whined, upset at missing the chance to talk to a pretty girl.
"It wasn't like that-" Robin started, directing Cyborg.
"Then what was it like? Two girls in your room without anyone else knowing?"
"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Robin said, completely humiliated.
"Stop yelling." Raven commented off hand, not even bothering to point out the growing amount of looks the teens were getting.
"Oh, Barbara, there you are." A older man called out from a while away. He wore a tuxudedo, the white of the shirt matching perfectly to his snow colored hair and mustache. His thick rimmed glasses and thinned lips gave him the appearance of looking both grave and warm at the same time.
"Oh hi Daddy, look at who I found!" Babs said, beaming with pride as she stepped closer to Robin again. The man turned and broke into a small smile, the warm side showing out.
"Why if it isn't Richard. How've you been? You've been having a good time at home?"
"It's nice to see you too commissioner. I've been very well, thanks. And yourself?"
"Dandy, just dandy… How's that new school of yours?"
"The school? Oh, it's… great. I've met a lot of interesting people." The commissioner grinned again.
"A magnum school like that couldn't have been easy to get into."
"No Sir," Robin said, trying to keep his cover story as in line as possible. "It did take a lot of long hours or work, but I believe it paid off in the end."
"Yes well, if you want to end up like Bruce I suppose you'd have to-" Suddenly, the commissioner realized that there were other people listening and standing in on the conversation. And they consisted of a mutant, half a machine, a goth and an alien. "Friends of yours, Dick?" Robin tried not to frown at the tone.
"Yes Sir, may I introduce you to-" He waved him off.
"No need, no need, I know perfectly well who they are, myself being in law enforcement. Nice to meet you kids." Babs smiled sweetly, her father's interest in super humans giving her a perfect opportunity to run before the conversation got too boring.
"Well while you get acquainted Daddy, me and Dick will go get something to eat, Huh?" She asked, looping her arm around the hero's. "We have a lot to catch up on." The fire in Star's stomach was coming back, burning a little bit more intensely then before as she groaned and started to chew on the inside of her mouth.
"Uh, well," Robin started, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"Oh, they don't mind. Do you guys?"
"I … guess not." Beast Boy replied, a bit confused on what to say.
"See?" She said, as if proving her point entirely.
"Ok then, let's go." He said very non-chalet like, after all, he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss Barbara. Starfire growled a little more audibly as the couple left, arm in arm.
"Excuse me," She muttered as she turned in the opposite direction and stormed away.
"Uh, shouldn't you go after her or something?" Beast Boy said under his breath to Raven.
"And do what? Tell her to ignore him because he's just having hormonal problems? Nuh-uh, no thank you. YOU go give her the birds and the bees talk."
"-And then we crushed plasmas under a rock!" Cyborg said enthusiastically.
Starfire stormed and chugged a glass of champagne on a refreshment table down.
"Excuse me miss," Starfire turned, ready to chop of the head of whoever was talking when she saw a boy, not too much taller then her with blond wavy hair and green eyes staring back at her. His face immediately whet to surprise. "Oh, Miss. Starfire! Forgive me, I didn't know it was you. I simply wanted to know if someone knew where Dick was." Starfire went back to black.
"He's around here somewhere… with that zuthorx." She added quietly.
"Forgive me for being so permissive, but I'm quite honored to meet you."
"Huh?" Starfire said, suddenly aware that the young man was holding her hand, his lips grazing the top. "Uh, excuse me, but what are you doing?" Starfire asked as sweetly as she could; her anger plowed over by her curiosity.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. That's what I was taught to do at my private school when we meet a beautiful young lady- but I forget my place. Being form such a civilized and sophisticated place as Tameran, I'm sure you don't have to deal with such a degrading welcome."
"Tameran?" Starfire said, brightening up. "You know of Tameran?"
"Yes, I find it to be a fascinating place, beautiful really, in every aspect." Starfire beamed, grabbing his other hand and eagerly leaning forward.
"I enjoy Tameran as well!" The young boy smiled again, very politely.
"It seems we have something in common, do you care to accompany me to-" Thwunk. Starfire watched dumbfoundly as the blonde fell to the floor, unconscious. She then noticed a black man's shoe on the floor. Quickly turning, Starfire saw Dick look on angrily at where he was standing and started walking towards her, ignoring Bab's protests.
"Sorry," He said coldly, reaching down for his shoe once he reached her, "It slipped." Starfire gaped, her mouth searching for the words.
"That was NOT nice, nor polite or even excellent aim!"
"You shouldn't have been flirting!" Dick shot back angrily.
"I was NOT flirting! I was making a conversation with a person who had similar interests and thoughts as myself. That's not flirting-"
"Do you even know what flirting is!? Because you were doing it!" Robin asked, practically hissing.
"No I do not, but I still do not see how it is at all fair that you are allowed to run around with other girls where I am not even permitted to speaking with another-"
"You're allowed to speak, just not to flirt!"
"What is flirting!?"
"It's when- Well… it's complicated, okay?"
"Complicated." Starfire said in disbelief. "I can not see how it can be so un-definable if you can cast me as 'flirting' so easily… I was just trying to make a friend." The horribly broke tone in her voice made Robin melt a little, his expression immediately softening.
"There is a difference between making a friend and what he was doing though," He added bitterly. Pure rage flew through the young Tameran again.
"But there was no difference in how you acted with 'Babs' and how he acted upon me!"
"There was too!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Was no-"
"-Can we please keep the shouting to a minimum, it would be lovely to not have my ear drums blown out because you two can't have a civilized conversation." Raven said calmly, if not a little irritated as she brushed past the two, got a glass of champagne and left.
"Hmph!" Starfire said as she stormed away, nose stuck in the air.
"Dude, what'd you do to make her so cranky?" Beast Boy interrupted, popping up next to him with a plate full of food.
"Just… shut… up." Dick said, frustrated beyond belief and still angry that the bleach-blond stuck-up brat had the nerve to kiss one of his guests, much less Star. He should have-
"Hey, what is this stuff anyway?" Beast Boy said mindlessly, popping another cracker filled morsel into his mouth. Robin started at him blankly for a moment before returning his cool gaze back to watching Starfire leave.
"Caviar; fish eggs." Beast Boy chocked, his green toned skin turning a sickly pastel color.
"What?! No…. my animal friends…! DUDE, why didn't you tell me sooner!?"
a/n- I'll update much sooner then last time, promise!!! But I'm exhausted, so this is all for tonight! Also, who do you think was more right, Star or Robin? I'm not really sure who I think yet… hmm… feed back would be lovely by the way! So review por favor! (I'm taking a Spanish class this quarter…)