Hey everyone. This is my first fanfic. I've wrote more but haven't had time to get them on here. I'll hopefully see to that soon. Here's a story that I'd had in my head for about a week before I decided to get it down on paper. Hope you like it.
Hermione stood on the plush carpet of the Gryffindor common room. She removed the Time-Turner from around her neck and hastily stuffed it into her bag. I'm going to be late! Bloody time-turner is so unreliable! I don't see why Dumbledore gave this back to me in the first place after destroying the rest of them, this is the worst one out of the lot. It either lands me right into the middle of the lessons and leaves the class looking dumbstruck as to how I had just materialised there, or lands me miles away from where I need to be! Such as now, when I'm supposed to be in Potions and I'm in the common room miles away! She annoyingly pushed open the portrait and made her way into the corridor and down the stairs towards the dungeons.
A change of thought made her stop suddenly. While I'm here, she thought, I may as well grab that book I said I'd lend to Ron so I can give it to him in the lesson while I remember. She turned around and made her way back up the steps. Jogging quickly now, she came to the portrait of the fat lady and muttered the password, "Bogeys."
"Oh how rude! Honestly. A lovely innocent girl such as yourself, uttering words like that. No doubt your friends with those other hooligans in your year."
"Whatever. Bogeys."
"Honestly deary I don't know what you're talking about, but if you think that's how you're going to get in then you're wrong."
"What? But the password is bogeys."
"Not to my knowledge it isn't. They changed it yesterday didn't you know? I'm afraid I can do nothing until you say the right password."
"But it can't be wrong! I used it half an hour ago!"
"You couldn't have done. I haven't seen you all day. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you before. Are you sure you're a Gryffindor?"
"Yes I'm sure. Oh whatever it doesn't matter. I'm late for class."
Hermione rushed
down the stairs, quite confused by what had just happened. She'd used
that password around thirty minutes ago before she went in to her
dormitory to get her time-turner, now the fat lady was saying the
password had been changed since yesterday.
As she ran past the Great Hall, she noticed a few things had changed since she last looked there. I must start to take more notice of things she thought to herself. She bumped into an erratic looking Hufflepuff with glasses and thick curly hair. "Sorry." She mumbled whilst making her way down the stone steps towards the dungeons.
Continuing down the steps she heard the door open and students pouring out of the classrooms.I've missed the lesson! I'm going to get endless detentions! Unauthorised absences! Stupid bloody unreliable time-turner! She took it out of her bag and shook it violently, as though attempting to punish it.
A tap on her shoulder caused her to quickly stuff it in her robe pocket and turn around. "Hello."
It was Harry; at least she thought it was. He looked like Harry anyway, except a little taller and his hair was messier. Growth spurts, they always happen when you least expect it. What has he done to his hair?
"Hello Harry. I can't believe I missed the lesson! Snape is going to kill me!"
"Woah hang on a minute there are you ok? Who's Harry? And if Snivellus tries to do anything to you just tell me and I'll hex him into oblivion."
"What are you talk-" Then at that moment, she noticed his eyes were not green, nor did he have that scar on his forehead.
"My name's James, James Potter. I'm in Gryffindor in the fifth year, you look like a Gryffindor too. Are you new? I haven't seen you before. Come on I'll show you aroun-" He made to take her by the arm when she stepped back momentarily.
She hesitated for a moment, in a short state of shock. Then stepped forward again and took his arm. "Thank you." She whispered. Oh my bloody God. Where am I?
"So what's your name then?"
"Nice name. So are you new?"
"Erm, yes. In a way."
"Oh right. What school did you go to before Hogwarts?"
"Oh er, my family used to live in Ireland but my dad had to move to London with his work, so I got transferred to Hogwarts, cause' it would be easier then, for... me to write to my family you know? Otherwise I'd have to pay those erm, owl fees." She realised this lie was getting worse. He can't be buying this, she thought worryingly. "But I didn't like the school much anyway, so I got transferred here."
James was looking slightly skeptical. "Oh. Well don't worry, you'll love it here. Come on I'll take you to meet my friends, they're a bit mad, well one of them is, but don't worry. He'll probably like you. He's got a thing for now what was it again? Redheads, brunettes and blondes." He chuckled. Hermione found herself doing the same.
"So just girls in general then?"
"Yeah..." James seemed to drift off slightly, and Hermione saw that he was staring at a rather attractive redhead across the hallway who was talking with her friends. Hermione didn't even need to guess who that was.
"So who are these friends of yours then?" She said, waking James up from his moment of daydreaming.
"Oh well there's Sirius, he's my best mate, off his head. He's a real rebel. Me and him are like Bonnie and Clyde, except that well, we're both guys...anyway, then there's Remus, he's a bookworm, real clever though, always helps me with my homework, or should I say, does it for me! Then there's Peter, he's a bit.. strange, but can be quite funny at times." Hermione felt a tiny flush of anger at the sound of his name.
They reached the Great Hall and Hermione made to push it open. "Wait!" James whispered, and pointed his wand to set of bookshelves. "Levicorpus!" He shouted, and suddenly a tall, handsome looking boy with shoulder-length dark brown hair was being hoisted by his ankles from behind the bookcase. "I should have known Sirius! Going to jump me from behind and steal my glasses like you did last time! It won't work twice mate." Sirius produced a smug grin.
"Ah well, can't blame me for trying. It was funny last time I did that though. I took your glasses and then you walked straight into a pillar trying to get them back off me! I was in stitches for hours after that!" He broke into an uncontrolled laugh. "So are you going to let me down or what?"
"Sure." James let Sirius down quickly, landing him in a heap on the floor. He scowled and dusted himself off and came to join the other two.
"Right well, now that's over with, perhaps you can introduce me to your new friend here?" He said, glancing at Hermione.
Hermione stood forward and introduced herself just as James took in a breath to speak. "My name's Hermione. I used to go to a school in Ireland and got transferred here."
"Such a lovely name..." Sirius took her hand and bowed low to kiss it. She felt herself blush.
"Bloody hell Sirius. You can't leave it off for five minutes can you? Honestly. Raging hormones what are you gonna do eh Hermione?."
Hermione didn't reply. She was trying to take in everything that had just happened. Here she was, in what she presumed to be the 1970s with the strange hairstyles and clothing, but not only that, she was in the company of Harry's father, James Potter, and she'd just seen Lily before and now the sixteen year old Sirius Black had just took her hand and kissed it. It all felt weird to her, but she felt trapped as though she couldn't leave now she had been seen. Yet a part of her didn't want to leave just yet.
She looked at Sirius for a while. He was indeed handsome, just as she'd imagined him to have been when she first saw him in the Shrieking Shack. Rugged and careworn, but underneath you could see that he had once been handsome. Long dark hair, dark eyes, the bad boy. Oh my... she thought. No wonder I had a bit of a soft spot for him!
"Hermione are you OK?" James asked. "You look a bit dazed and confused."
"Led Zeppelin!" Sirius interrupted. "That's a great song." Suddenly he started singing. "Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true! Wanted a woman, never bargained for you!..."
Sirius Black: Notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation? She thought to herself, remembering a headline she'd recently read in the Daily Prophet. I know the answer twenty years before the question was even asked. She quickly flashed a smile.
"Shut up Sirius I've had enough of that bloody band. Sorry, he's obsessed with Muggle hippie bands."
"Remus got me into them, you know him being a half-blood and all his mum's brother got him to listen to some records. You know Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, that kind of stuff-"
"Remus?... Remus Lupin?"
"Er, yeah. Do you know him?
Hermione tried to suppress a smile. She certainly didn't think Professor Lupin to be into that sort of music. "No I don't know him personally, just heard the name. Heard he's-"
"A Werewolf? How did you know that! Has Snivellus been spreading things again? I'll kill him!" Sirius made to march off but then realised she hadn't actually mentioned anything about Remus being a werewolf.
Hermione looked shocked. "Actually I was going to say that I've heard he's quite good at Defense against the Dark Arts." James was looking at Sirius with horror. Sirius looked a little embarrassed, like he'd just blurted out the biggest secret he knows to some new girl and she was going to run off crying in terror. Surprisingly she didn't move. "Well I knew that too, I mean, that is to say, I've heard things, but don't worry! I don't mind though, I um, know a werewolf myself and he's such a nice person."
"Yeah so's Remus, I don't think he's got a nasty bone in his body." James chuckled. "Anyway let's go inside shall we?" James opened the doors of the Great Hall and Sirius moved his arms to face the door and looked at Hermione with a face that said "After you." She smiled at him and walked in. Maybe I'll stay here for a bit, then go back to the 1990s, what harm could it possibly do?
Well that's it for now folks. Please review! The next chapter should be up shortly.