Hurky: A new story by me, hurkydoesntknow, aka, Hurky!
Riku: You again!
Sora: Why must you put us in weird situations?
Riku: Yeah, because of you, Sora and I had to stop production of a movie, Sora lost his memory, got sick and nearly died, played pranks against Ansem when he ran for mayor, went into TV land, and looked for my car! What now?
Hurky: Shut up or I'll make you put on chicken suits and sing Little Brown Jug!
Sora: EEK!
Hurky (sighing): Just do the disclaimer!
Riku: Hurky doesn't own Kingdom Hearts, Disney, or anything else she spoofs
Sora: But she does own Superdork!
Hurky: Sweet (takes a drink from a can of orange soda). Now onto the story!
Sora, Riku, and Kairi were sitting at the paopu tree, just chilling. They were talking about the events at school and stuff. Suddenly, Kairi asked a question about a DVD and some kid in their class.
"That Josh guy landed in a coma after watching a crazy DVD." said Kairi. "He watched it and got a phone call. The voice said, 'seven minutes,' and sure enough, seven minutes later, Josh lands in a coma!"
"That's crazy!" said Sora.
"Well I heard that a vampire in Hollow Bastion's wandering the worlds, biting people everywhere he goes." said Riku. "But the strange thing is, he bites one person in each world and then leaves."
"Why are you guys so freaked out?" asked Sora.
"Because something like this could happen to us!" said Riku.
"But we live in paradise!" said Sora. "What could possibly go wrong?"
"Sora, at Camp Doodly Bug on the other side of the island, there was a slasher who killed last summer!" said Kairi.
"I ain't scared of nothing!" said Sora.
Riku reached into his pocket and pulled out a sock puppet.
"AHHH!" screamed Sora. "SOCK PUPPET!"
He got up and ran away like a maniac.
"I rest my case." said Riku as he put the sock puppet away.
"We havea right to be scared!" said Kairi.
"Well, we should scare Sora." said Riku. "My uncle owns that haunted house over on Dewdrop terrace. We could stay there for a weekend. It's haunted!"
"How do you know it's haunted?" asked Kairi.
"I saw a ghosts every time Iwent there!" said Riku. "I pay my parents to not take me there!"
"Well, what are you waiting for?" asked Kairi. "We've got a little boy to scare!"
Hurky: Sorry if it's short, but it's 2 in the morning and I have to get up n five hours. I'll write more soon. But I guarantee it will be a little more funnier!
Hurky's mom: GO TO BED!
Hurky: I'm going, I'm going!