It was sheer and utter mayhem in the church. The guests were buzzing like crazy, trying to make heads or tails of what was going on, confusion reigning supreme. Vince was shouting at Linda, asking her how such a scandal could occur at their daughter's wedding. Paul was booming the loudest, his expression murderous as he demanded an explanation.
In spite of all the craziness and melee, Stephanie was for once calm and collected. She hadn't felt anywhere near as confident in such a long time, and that was due thanks to Sean O'Haire... Her true love was back with her, rescuing her at literally the last minute - just as she'd known, deep down, he would.
"Who in hell do you think you are?!" Levesque shouted. He lunged at O'Haire, pointing a furious finger into the other man's face. He wished he'd taken care of the bastard when he'd had a chance - but never forseen something like this happening.
"I think," Sean retorted, "I'm the man Stephanie wants to marry." He smiled easily as he shifted his gaze to the surprised brunette, who was clinging to him. "Steph... Will you marry me?"
The youngest McMahon didn't have to hesitate for even a second. Her entire face lit up as she answered.
"Yes! Oh, yes, Sean - of course I will!"
Linda, overhearing the exchange from nearby, gazed at her daughter and now future son-in-law and smiled.
"What?!" This time, it was Vince who was shouting. "How dare you defy me, young lady!" he yelled, getting in Stephanie's face, his dark eyes glittering with fury. "Who gave you permission to marry him? He didn't even ask me first!"
Before the brunette could reply, her mother did the honors.
"No, Vince - but Sean did ask me." The woman stepped forward and smiled serenely as she eyed her daughter and the man who loved her so dearly. "He's a wonderful young man who will make a perfect addition to our family. Thank you, Sean... Thank you for being so great for our daughter. You have made her so happy, which is something she hasn't been in a long time." Linda reached out to hug O'Haire, and the shaggy-haired man released Stephanie just enough to embrace his future mother-in-law.
"I don't believe this!" Paul shouted. He lunged once again at Sean, right fist poised to punch, but surprisingly, Vince grabbed hold of him. Levesque looked over at the WWE Chairman, shocked by the anger he saw in the older man's face - directed at him. Of course, he'd been about to attack O'Haire while Linda McMahon was between them.
"You son of a bitch! This is my wedding to Stephanie! I won't let you waltz in here and ruin it!" he yelled. "Who in hell told you where to find us, anyway?!"
Linda turned fully around to face the hateful man, her blue eyes cold. Paul frowned menacingly at that look. He'd never really liked Stephanie's mother and had always found her to be somewhat of a bitch.
"I did," the woman said defiantly. Her gaze was stern as she fixed it on him. "I'm only thankful he made it here on time. I'd be damned if I sat idly by and allowed a no good bastard rapist like you marry my daughter!" With those words, Linda raised her right hand and slapped Levesque hard across the face.
Stephanie smiled at her mother's actions, loving the way Paul's head was rocked to the side by the sheer force of the blow. Oh, how very much she wanted to do the same thing, but she wasn't sure she could touch Levesque without getting sick.
"You'll pay for that," Paul muttered as he recovered.
"She'll do no such thing," O'Haire spat, blue eyes hard as he fixed them on his enemy. "You, however, are a different story. You see, two police officers came to this 'blessed' event with me." He glanced over his shoulder, back toward the entrance. The crowd silenced as two uniformed cops made their way up the aisle.
Levesque was so dumbstruck he didn't even react. Then, one of the police grabbed him, slapping a pair of handcuffs on. The other read him his rights.
Stephanie's jaw dropped in amazed but pleasant shock. She really needed to be pinched to ensure that this was really not just all a wonderful dream.
The church was once again buzzing with excitement. The cops escorted Paul out of the building and into a waiting squadcar outside. Vince and Linda spoke off to the side, and Sean hugged Stephanie tightly. The brunette had never felt so relieved - so happy - in all her life.
"Oh, God, Sean! Is it over? Is it really, really over?"
O'Haire held her back just enough to gaze into her sparkling blue eyes.
"Oh, it's over, all right..." he said soothingly. "... and our brand new life is about to begin, so hold on tight, babe. It's gonna be a bumpy but fun ride."
Stephanie laughed, her pretty face filled with delight as the man she loved lowered his head to claim her lips for a kiss.