Four glowing eyes stared at the kneeling Slade.
"Properly expecting forgiveness, Slade?"
"No, master."
"Properly your powers should be returned and be given a second chance?"
"If you see fit."
"Then you'll die for failure."
Lifted up into the air, Slade gritted his teeth as the flames engulfed his body raising his body temperature.
"It would be a shame to waste such talent, Lord Trigon," gained the attention of the four eyes.
"You has an use for him, Sharka?"
"Yes, Lord Trigon."
"Be grateful Slade that you still are useful." letting Slade go.
The flames and molten lava was replaced by a metal hallway.
Staring at the old priestess, "What did you need me for, Sharka?"
"Later, Slade," walking away.
She continued past doors and hallways until stopping in front of a door. It slid up revealing a bare back covered with fresh whip marks. The blood couldn't hid the pervious whip scars. Walking to the front, the eyes of Darla were closed. In front of her was her sickles within grabbing distance. All she had on was bikini cut black cloth panties.
Kneeling, "I should die for failing you."
"Unexpected opponent defeated you. You still have a usefulness. However your partner lost his head when he was told that he was being replaced. Now raise up and meet your new partner, Nighthawk."
Turning around, Darla watched the door revealing a young man dressed in black. He wore a cowl shaped like a hawk His chin wasn't covered.
"I'll leave you two so that you can get to knew each other," remarked Sharka leaving the room.
They stared at each other. Darla's grip increased on the handle of the sickles. He walked around her.
Staring at her back, "The marks of a warrior," he remarked into her ear, "How can one earn the kiss of a warrior?"
"Beat me in combat."
"Has anyone beat you before?"
"Only one."
Standing in front of her, "Lets see if a second can be added," walking backwards out of the room.
Darla was going to like her new partner.
In front of Mel's Pizzeria, a motorcycle stops. The rider gets off. Removing the helmet allows a red hair in a ponytail to fall along the back of the black leather jacket. The ponytail stops at the rider's waist. A white lock of hair can be seen over left eye. Tucking the helmet under her arm, she enters the pizzeria
Her brown eyes scan the empty room except for a man behind a counter and the back of black duster sitting at the counter. Waling towards the duster, she notices five coffee cups and four empty ice cream cups. Placing her helmet beside the cups, she sits down to the right of the wearer of the duster eating from a still full ice cream cup.
"What would you like Jess?" asked the man behind the counter.
"Root beer float, Melvin," watching Melvin leave, "Well, I'm here. What do you need, Rath?"
"Your help, Jess," licking the spoon.
"Haven't seen you for awhile."
Returning, "Here you go, Jess," placing the float on top of a napkin.
"Thanks," watching Melvin leave again, "We're both fugitives. You call out of the blue and want my help," eating her root beer float.
"What if I say no?"
Pulling gold objects out of his coat pocket and placing them on the counter, "Then you're going to miss theses."
Staring at the objects, "Forgot, you're an alchemist. Transmutation is child's play to you," licking her spoon and digging into the ice cream, "You know they won't be happy that you returned especially Jake."
"Part of the reason why I need your help?"
"You're going to put a torch to everything?"
"The whole house of cards."
Slapping the counter, "I'm sold. By the way, I noticed a certain purple eyed female on the Titans. Does she figure highly in your grand scheme?"
"A small part."
"Then lets get to the first order of business."
"Finishing our milkshakes?"
"No, I'll finish my float while you stop on your fifth helping of that crazy mixture of coffee and ice cream."
"Fine, Jess," scrapping the last contents from the glass. (Fin)