Disclaimer: No, I do not own Inuyasha! Unfortunately, but of course. But Rumiko Takahashi does.
Winters Flame
Chapter 1: Time will tell
There he was. Beautiful silver hair cascading down his rippled body covered in sweat. He stood shirtless with a pair of loose but waist fitted jeans on. In a swift fluid motion he brought his arms down and cut the wood with one swipe of the axe. He brought his tanned arm up to his forehead and whipped the sweat off.
He was definitely strong, not to buff and big, but strong muscled. It was nearing the end of fall now and he had been cutting wood all day. So that in the mist of winters dead frozen tracks, he could have that warmth. That blazing fire that kept him alive and warm.
There would be to. A little spark of fire, That grew into a flame. Yet, little to his knowledge, this fire would grow deep inside of him. Grow so large so fierce, it could only be known as love. A deep passionate love. Waiting to come out like a shy child.
"Inuyasha!" He looked up from cutting the next piece of wood to where he heard his name being called. There at the top of the shrines steps stood Kagome. The girl he lived with. Kagome Higurashi. She had raven colored hair a little longer then shoudler length; Big chocolate brown eyes, and beautiful creamy white colored skin. She was definatley a site to see. She was no less then an angel, an angel of beauty.
She started down the steps toward him. He put down the axe and grabbed his shirt off a nearby log. He threw it over his shoulder and headed towards her.
Kagome stared out the window. Watching Inuyasha cut up wood for the fire place for the soon to be Winter. 'He has enough fire wood to last us the whole winter.' She mused over. 'He has been out there all day.' She decided that she would make some hot tea and an extra special dinner for him. So she put on the tea and got to work on dinner. She hustled about the kitchen taking out various pots and pans and such. This quiet time only rendered her mind to wander.
Then she got to
thinking about everything that has happened just in the last past
year. Poor Grandpa had died just last winter of old age. He was
buried in the small cemetery in the corner of the property, Then Mom
dieing not 2 months after he did when cervical cancer took her
precious life away. She was buried next to Grandpa. 'Joubutsu.' Then
Souta had left for college. But stops in as much as possible to see
how I'm doing and to pay his respects to Mom and Grandpa's
Then Inuyasha showed up about 3 months ago; A hanyou, a
half demon, who was badly injured and fell in my front yard, The
bloody crimson staining his beautiful white, silvery hair. He had
gotten into a fight with a wolf demon, whom of which I now presume
dead. But at least he fell into my hands. Being of some help since,
I, myself, am a priestess. Well, still in training of course, but
never the less of some help to him.
I tended to his wounds which
healed rather quickly, even for a half demon; I offered him a place
to stay. I was so lonely and rather liked having someone to talk to,
Even if his answers usually just consisted of 'keh's.' But in the
midst of it all he ended up staying. He was so handsome. No, scratch
that, gorgeous. There was just no other way to say it. It was like
his hair was made of a fine silk, the color of fresh, untainted snow,
untouched by any thing mortal. Then those cute dog ears. I would
often catch myself staring in a dream like state on how soft they
felt...and I wonder, if I could just...just...touch them... When I
did touch them though, he would get really aggravated and throw my
hands off him, Yelling at me that I'm not his or any ones pet for
that matter. I bet he secretly likes it! Then there was his body.
'Damn.' I wouldn't know how to tell you how, how, alluring it is. I
mean...Wow! But then there are his eyes, those beautiful, untamed,
fiery, golden eyes. A girl could really get lost in those eyes...
Every time I look into his golden orbs I feel my heart rate quicken,
my pulse beat faster. Then I'm lost, Lost in the depths of his
I felt my face heat up and knew I was blushing thinking of Inuyasha like that. Wait, what was I thinking! It's not like I liked him or any thing!
At that time a loud screech was heard shaking me from my thoughts. I turned to see that the tea was peculated and I turned off the stove. 'Well dinner is ready so I better go get Inuyasha.'
I opened the front door, walked over to the top of the shrine steps and called to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha!" He stopped mid axe swing and looked up to me. Only to be looking dead into his piercing stare. When I felt my heart beat go up a notch, I headed down the steps towards him. I saw him grab his shirt off a log and swing it over his shoulder and head towards me, meeting me halfway.
"Uhh, you've been working so hard, I made dinner and some tea if your hungry. And thank you for all the cut wood, I appreciate it."
"Keh. It was nothin,' Real easy stuff. I can't believe you people even call that work."
"Hey, what do you mean 'you people'!" Her anger rose and her fists clenched.
"You heard me! You mortals! What did you think I was talking about? He snapped back. At that time he saw her aura grow and he flinched. 'Uh oh.' He thought. 'Now im in for it..' He took a step back as a single sweat drop of fear flowed down his face.
"That's IT!" Her eyebrow started to twitch and her nails cut crescent moon shapes into her palm.
"What's your deal all the time? All I was trying to do was be nice and compliment you, but you have to turn everything into a fight don't you! Humph!" She turned on a heal and stormed off.
"Hey! You can't just walk away!" He yelled after her; Once again rising in anger and utter confusion. 'Why did she get so mad over nothing? I didn't even do anything wrong!'
"You just watch me!" She retorted.
He crossed his arms over his chest, Her smell drifting sweetly in the wind. Yeah, she was definitely angry. But he couldn't help but secretly like the cute little flush of anger that rose on her cheeks every time he pissed her off.
(A/n) Yay! My first chapter of my first fanfic that I've ever written! Give me reviews plz! It's probably not the best buuuttt hey, what can you do? Well hope you liked and enjoyed it!