Hey. New story. Sort of new storyline. AU B/V mostly. I've decided to write for myself since no one likes to review or flame for that matter anymore. I mean if you're gonna read someone's work you should at least take the time to give some input for the benefit of the story and the writer. Tell us writers what's wrong with the story. Give us your opinion. We thrive off criticism. Constructive or not. At least it's something. But alas. Reviewers are few and far seen. So I've decided to write my stories for my enjoyment and for those of you who can appreciate creative writing. Since I've decided to start this up a month before I start my senior year. Chapters may happen every week or every few weeks depending on how busy I am with college stuff. Wish me luck. I'm babbling. I'll stop now. On with the story.

Disclaimer: Nope not even in my wildest dreams. Dramatic pause.

"Can I help you sir?" A timid voice called out to me breaking into my present daydream. Putting on my famous scowl I turned to face a small brunette sitting rigidly behind her very neat desk.

"I'm here to meet with Dr.Briefs." I answered shortly. She noticed my annoyance and quickly scanned through her planner. I took the moment to silently observe her. She was a short woman of small build. Her dark hair was pinned up in a conservative bun and she wore equally conservative clothes that covered almost every part of her body that I could see above the desk. She wore brown glasses that didn't exactly fit her face. To put it shortly she was someone hired to work, not to please the eyes of her employers like every other secretary I had seen or ever had.

"You must be Mr.Ouji right?" She questioned finally giving me a glance into her face. She wasn't the prettiest woman I had seen nor was she the ugliest. Somewhere in the middle. She was a plain woman. Nothing too fantastic. I lost interest.

"Yes. Do you know when we start?" I asked quickly loosing my patience with this whole affair. If I didn't believe this whole thing would benefit my company I wouldn't have bothered to come over here.

"Oh let me check with Dr. Briefs." She answered turning to her intercom system. Just as she was about to call, a previously invisible door burst open with loud voices coming from within.

"Dammit Yamcha I said no. So why the fuck do you insist on coming over here when I explained to you in the simplest words there are that we're through!" An angry female voice yelled causing the secretary to jump in her chair with an audible eep.

"Aww come on babe. Nothing happened. That was my cousin." A male voice answered her.

There was silence before the woman exploded. "YOU'RE COUSIN! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM! ONE OF YOUR DUMBASS SLUTS YOU CAN JUST LEAD AROUND WITH YOUR PRETTY BOY SMILE AND YOUR 3 INCH DICK!" The woman screamed literally throwing the offending man out of the room. I couldn't help but chuckle at the totally strange but definitely hilarious situation. Here I was waiting to meet with the world's top company's president/CEO and here I was front row with an extremely hilarious lover's quarrel. My day just couldn't get any better.

"But babe..." The trembling man begged crawling back over to the door where I suppose the woman stood.

"Don't you DARE but babe me!" The woman stated keeping the groveling man from her by shoving her 3 inch heel into his face.

"Ann I need you to call the trash men to come pick up some unwanted trash that just seems to litter the office." The woman calmly stated pushing Yamchop or whatever his name was back near the secretary's desk. I decided to dub him the fool.

"Yes ma'm." Ann stuttered quickly dialing security. From the position he was in the fool couldn't help look up Ann's skirt. The woman quickly noticing this screamed at the top of her lungs in frustration and went to drag him from under the secretary's desk.

"Aaarrggg!" The woman screamed quickly running over to the fool and pulling him by his ear. "Oww.. oww." He hissed in pain as she dragged him away from the desk. "You are such a bastard." She hissed back shaking him roughly by his ear. I couldn't hold in my chuckle as the blue haired woman shook the already low brain matter out of him.

Wait a minute. Blue hair! Who in the hell has blue hair? I asked myself. My chain of thoughts was quickly broken when 2 burly security guards rushed in and grabbed the fool roughly by his arms and dragged him kicking and screaming out into the hall.

I turned my attention back to the two women. The blue haired one simply huffed before stomping back into the room and shutting the door behind her once again making it invisible to the naked eye. The secretary was blushing very embarrassed with the situation I had just witnessed.

"I'm sorry you had to see that sir. Dr.Briefs has been having much trouble with Yamcha ever since she caught him with another woman on their 4th anniversary." The secretary quickly informed me shuffling papers nervously around her desk.

"I could care less about the fool and Dr... Wait she was Dr. Briefs!" I asked a bit confused and shocked.

"Ye..Yes sir. That was Dr. Briefs. But I suppose you were thinking of her father who retired only last month. Both are known as Dr. Brief so everyone has a hard time knowing which one we're referring to. Ms.Bulma took over the position as president and CEO when Dr. Briefs retired." She answered not taking her eyes off her papers. "Shall I tell her you're here?"

I was completely shocked and confused. For the past two years I had been in correspondence with the male Dr. Briefs. I had no knowledge of the exchange in power. True I had been gone on business for 3 months but I still should have known that the Dr. Briefs I had been talking to no longer ran CC. Note to self when meeting is over and I return to office. Heads are gonna roll.

AN: Alright first chapter. Pretty short huh! But I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow. So no long waits. As always read and review happy author.