A/N: Ok this is just an idea that I had…I needed something to do at my dad's house, while my other story is at my mom's house…So a friend of mine suggested that I write another story. So special thanx to ConfusedKnight! This will either be KN or KD…I haven't decided yet. Hope you like this…R/R!

Disclaimer: The great Tamora Pierce owns the main characters, but I own the plot and anything you don't recognize.

Kel was riding atop Hoshi, with the wind in her hair and all the wondrous smells of springtime filling her nose. She was once again away from the palace, and, not to mention, all of her friends. Being the squire of the Knight Commander of the Kings Own meant that she always needed to be ready to leave on short notice. This time, they had left early in the morning, after receiving reports from the Scanran border. It seemed that many villages directly in contact with border; were being raided continuously by a group of bandits. So Kel was traveling with Raoul, Dom's squad of the Own, and another squad as well.

Kel couldn't help thinking; I wonder how long we'll be away this time…

The truth was, she hated being away from all her friends and all her animals. I miss them all so much! Especially Neal. A part of her added. Where did that come from? She thought hastily. Well…I suppose I might miss him more because, out of all of them, he is my best friend…She let her mind wander. Either that or you still have deeper feelings for him. Her treacherous mind hinted evilly.

She blocked out all thoughts of Neal from there on. She tried to concentrate on a smooth calm lake. When that didn't work, she tried a rock. I am a stone. She thought. I am a stone. She hardly realized that everyone had stopped until she Hoshi bumped into the horse ahead of her. The person spun in the saddle to look at her.

"Sorry," she mumbled, looking down. "I was thinking about something…" She looked up and saw that it was Dom.

"Yes, well, do try to pay attention Keladry." he said, teasing her.

She grinned. "Oh yes Sir, Sergeant Domitan Sir, I will." she retorted, teasing him right back.

"If you two are done being childish," interrupted Raoul, "I will give the men their orders." He said it strictly, but his eyes were laughing.

Raoul dismounted, and Kel followed suit. She took Drum's reins and led him and Hoshi to a nearby river for a drink. She returned a moment later, and found a tree to tether them to.

Everyone was seated around a large rock, staring at the map in the center. Raoul was addressing Dom's squad with orders.

"…You will ride in through the woods, to scout out the area." He said. "Is that understood?" he added looking directly at Dom.

"Of course Sir." he replied with an innocent smirk.

"We can't afford any mishaps. We've had reports that there are any where from 10 to 40 raiders out there, so look alive!" he finished with a flourish.

All the men stood, and walked their horse to the stream. Raoul spotted Kel, and went over to her.

"Well Sir, what are the orders?" she asked him.

"Flynn's squad will be splitting, half stay with me, and half go to the rear. Dom's squad, will be fanning out to the sides and to the front to scout the area around us." he answered.

Kel nodded. "And what of me Sir?" she asked suddenly. "Where do I go?"

"Well, you may choose where you wish to go. You can stay with me, go with Dom, or go with Flynn's men to the rear." he replied.

Let's go with the handsome Domitan. A part of her said. She shook that thought away. "I will stay with you Sir." she said. "In case you need me."

Raoul nodded his approval, and walked over to Drum. He gave the signal to mount up, and everyone matched his movements. Kel quickly leapt onto Hoshi's back, and pulled her in line next to Raoul. He gave the signal move out, and all the men went to their posts.

"Kel, have you got my map with you?" he asked her abruptly.

"Of course Sir." she replied. She dug into her saddle bag, and quickly located the correct map. She handed it to him.

He opened it up, and marked their position. Then he traced a line from where they were, to a mountainous area. He handed the map back to Kel and said, "That is where the bandits supposedly area." Kel looked at the map, and was shocked too see that the raiders had foolishly secluded themselves in a valley, with rocky hills on all sides.

"But Sir, if they have set up camp right here, they must be very sure of their numbers." she stated.

"Yes, and that is what worries me." he replied.

They rode along in silence for about seven or eight miles, with Kel still studying the map. The Raoul realized something. "Kel," he said. "Does it seem a little, quiet to you?" Kel listened for a moment, then noticed that there were no sounds other than the beat of the horses' hooves. There should be animals. Thought Kel. Where are all the birds? And squirrels? She wondered. Suddenly, Dom burst out of the woods, followed by his entire squad. He rode straight up to Raoul and Kel, panting. "Sir, there are more than 40 raiders." he gasped, between breaths.

"Well how many are there?" asked Raoul confused.

Kel looked at the faces of Dom's men. They all looked as if they had just seen a ghost. Their eyes were flicking back and forth frightened, and their features were pale.

Kel threw a questioning look at Dom, and waited for him to answer Raoul.

Finally, he spoke, "Sir, there are over two hundred bandits, and a little less than half of them, are red robed mages." He looked very solemn, very serious. Kel was a little taken aback; she had never seen Dom this way. His normally laughing, brilliant sapphire eyes had become a dull blue. She looked to Raoul, his face held no emotion. He was staring at Dom, as if wishing him to say, "Just kidding!" or "You should see your face!" but he didn't. Dom's face was as un-readable as his own. Kel dismounted, and walked over to Raoul. "Sir," she said calmly. When he turned to look at her she asked, "What would you like us to do?" That seemed to snap him out of his trance-like state. He looked at Dom. "Is there anywhere that we can make camp?"

Dom nodded and pointed to the trees. "There is a clearing right through there." he said.

Raoul gave the signal to move out, and trotted off into the woods. Kel remounted Hoshi, and followed the men. They rode for about twenty minutes or so, and reached a small clearing. It was just big enough for a few tents, and a small camp fire. There was a stream a short distance away, for fresh water, and bathing. Kel went to fetch some water, while the others divided up the rest of the chores. She took Hoshi, Drum, Raoul's riding mount, and Peachblossom with her.

She watered each horse, and then filled a large jug, eight canteens, and two pails. She put the jug and the canteens in the many saddlebags, and hooked the pails on two of the saddle horns. Then she knelt down to splash her face with the cold water. When she sat up, she saw something on the other bank sparkle in the fading sunlight. She was about to see what it was, when she heard Raoul call everyone back. She sighed. I'll have to look another time. She thought. She gathered the reins, and started to trudge back to camp.

She met up with Dom on the way, and they walked back together. When they reached the clearing, Kel set the pails by the fire, handed the canteens to their owners, and gave the jug to Raoul. Then she un-tacked the horses, and picketed them with the other mounts. When that was done, she sat by the fire and waited -with the others- for Raoul to speak. The first thing he said was, "Do we have any mages with us?" Three hands shot up. "Can you do speaking spells?" When they all nodded, Raoul pointed to the first man. "You contact Alanna the Lioness." he scurried off to his tent. There was a burst of yellow light, and a hushed voice could be heard. "You," he said, addressing the second. "Contact Numair Salamin." he too, ran off to his tent. His tent was farther away, so only a pale red glow could be seen. "And you," he nodded to the final mage. "Please contact King Jonathan." The man nodded but stayed where he was. "Would you like to talk to him personally Sir?" he asked timidly. Raoul smiled. "Yes, that would be nice, thank you Bryen."

The mage moved away and started concentrating. Soon he had a ball of deep brown fire in his palm, and was talking into it. Then he motioned for Raoul. The other mages returned from their tents, just as Kel heard a clap, and the familiar phrase, "So mote it be." Raoul and Bryen returned to the fire. The other mages –Hilmar and Dalton- gave their reports. Alanna was a two days ride away, but it would take Numair and Jon longer, as they were both in Corus.

As for backup, Alanna was traveling with Buri's rider group, Numair would come with Daine, and some mages from the university, and Jon was bringing the rest of Third Company. Not to mention, the four of them were the greatest mages in Tortall. Numair the Black robed mage, and Daine the Wildmage. Jon with his powerful Gift and the Dominion Jewel. Alanna, Goddess blessed and an extremely powerful Gift. No one would want to cross them separately, let alone all together.

Raoul dismissed the men, and he and Kel retired to their adjoining tents. Kel's heart was beating fast. If Alanna is coming, that means that Neal is too! Her heart told her head excitedly. Shut-up. Retorted her head. They kept arguing, and Kel didn't realize that Raoul was talking to her. "Kel? Kel are you alright?"

She looked up. "Y-yes Sir, I'm fine." She smiled to emphasize her words. "Were you saying something?" she asked.

"I was just saying how odd this is. Why would so many Scanrans be working together?"

Kel thought for a moment before saying, "You're right Sir, this is odd. Scanrans hate working together." she frowned. "Sir, what if it's an illusion? What if there are only a few bandits and a mage or two?"

Raoul thought for a moment. "Do you have you griffin-feather headband with you?"

Kel nodded.

"Good, when Alanna arrives, we will have Dom take us to the ravine the bandits are staying in.

"Sir? I would like to scout out the area tomorrow morning if that's alright."

"Sure Kel," he replied. "Just don't get into trouble."

Kel stifled a yawn. Raoul saw it, and shooed her off to bed. He crawled into his own bedroll, and fell asleep.

Kel went into her adjoined tent, and began rifling through her bags. She found what she was looking for, and set it under her pillow. She changed into her nightgown, and set her glaive next to her within easy reach. She sighed, and sank into a dreamless sleep.