Footsteps in the Corridor

Oneshot. Bit of fluff about the end of the war.

Disclaimer: nothing is mine. I'm just playing.

Swift footsteps echoed through the building as two men made their way through the dark abandoned corridor. Behind them, the last cries of battle were dying. Sparks and streaks in all colors lighted the air, but these two were oblivious to that, advancing deeper into the bowels of the building.

Finally, they reached a familiar door. Panting, they drew their wands together and opened the door with the sheer force of their spells. Minutes later, they reached their destination.

"Do you really want to do this, Severus?" the darkhaired young man asked.

Green eyes bore into black.

Three days before Harry Potter had found and destroyed the last Horcrux. Half an hour ago he had finally defeated Voldemort. After making sure the Dark Wizard was really dead, he had apparated to the Ministry of Magic. The aurors could deal with the handful of Death Eaters that remained. That was no longer his battle.

"I have made up my mind long ago. There is no future for me here."

"Are you sure? I would vouch for you. Tell them how you've helped us. How often you have saved me. That has got to matter."

A small smile trespassed on the other mans lips. An unfamiliar sight, even in the tentative friendship that had evolved over the past 18 months.

"All that matters, Harry, is that I killed Albus Dumbledore." He raised his hand as the younger man opened his mouth to protest. "They will not listen to excuses. And I will not force them to. No one could condemn me for that act more then I do myself. But I am still a proud Slytherin. I wish to end it on my own terms, rather then await a Dementors Kiss, or worse, now that there really are no Dementors anymore to apply it…"

He smiled again, and looked at his bare left arm. The Dark Mark had gone.

"Thank you, Harry, for freeing me. In more ways then one. The wizarding world owes you their lives. I also owe you my soul." He extended his hand to the young man, who grasped it firmly.

"Couldn't have done it without you, Severus. It's been a pleasure. But this is no goodbye."

Harry stared at the softly moving Veil. So many familiar voices whispered to him.

"I'm coming with you." He stated calmly.

The man next to him jerked around. "No! Why? Your work is done now; you can start to really live. People owe you their lives."

"Yes," said Harry. "They would worship someone I am not and kill you, the best friend I have left. Everyone I loved," he beckoned to the Veil, "has long ago passed through there. You will be the last. I've done my job. There is no more future here for me then there is for you."

Severus Snape stared intensely at him. "Come on then. We better hurry, they will be here soon."

They grasped each others hands. "Death is but the next great adventure." They reminded each other, smiling, and stepped through the Veil together.

Severus watched as Harry was knocked over with the force of a dozen or so mostly black and redheaded people trying to hug him all at once and laughed.

Then he felt strong hands holding him, looked up at a familiar twinkle in deep blue eyes and heard the voice he had so longed for to hear again say: "Welcome home, my dearest child, you have done very well."