A/N: You'll realise in this fanfic that I had sort of disregarded the whole new identities thing that the sisters and Leo did at the end of the seventh season. This is because I am simply assuming that they were able to find their way out of that and come out into the open again by the end of the eighth season…
"Mom? Dad?" Wyatt called as he stepped into the Manor.
There was no answer, so he led Chloe, his girlfriend, into the house. She studied the surroundings, obviously impressed with the style of the Manor.
Wyatt glanced at her, and smiled at the fact that they had made it to the point where he was comfortable enough to invite her into his home. Chloe was also a witch, although not by blood, and magic was always interfering with their lives and their relationships. One thing they had in common, the trait that held them together, was that they loved the world of magic and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Wyatt had never understood why his mother and his aunts were always wanting of a normal life. They were the almighty Charmed Ones- something as amazing as that should trump normal any day. Although he knew that his mom and Aunt Phoebe had their doubts after they lost their older sister- his Aunt Prue- to a demon. Not that he knew from personal experience, but losing a sibling had to be devastating. He couldn't say that he would feel the same if he lost his brother, or even one of his cousins.
Chloe looked back out the window,
"Wyatt? Isn't that your brother's moped in the driveway?"
Wyatt peered past her and saw Chris's moped- or, as Piper had always called it, the death trap- parked next to his childhood bicycle. This meant that he must be home, and hadn't heard Wyatt calling. He walked over to the staircase and yelled,
"Chris? Are you home?" There was no response. He turned back to Chloe,
"He must have orbed out somewhere. Mom will freak if she finds out."
Chloe laughed and followed Wyatt up to his room.
They held hands as they walked through the hallway. As they passed Piper and Leo's room, Wyatt looked in to make sure that there was no one in there… like his father taking a nap between duties at the Magic School.
Although he was expecting someone to be on the bed, he still jumped when he saw Chris lying there. Why wasn't he in his own room?
"Chris? Didn't you hear me?" Wyatt walked up to Chris, and then nearly had a heart attack. There was blood on his shirt and he didn't appear to be breathing.
"Chris!" Wyatt let go of Chloe's hand and ran to his brother's side. He shook Chris's shoulders, and then felt his forehead. It was cold.
"Oh, God, no!" Wyatt's voice cracked and tears of panic streamed down his face.
"Oh my God, is he alright?" Chloe was suddenly beside Wyatt, touching his shoulder.
"I think he's… he's… oh God, please be alive!"
"Why don't you use your power to heal him?"
Of course, why didn't I think of that? Wyatt thought, glad that he had someone with a clear head with him. He held his hands over his brother's wounds and focussed all of his power into healing his brother.
His hands glowed brightly as his power activated, but Chris's wound wasn't healing itself. Wyatt tensed with frustration,
"Come, on, damn it!"
"Why is it not working?" Chloe asked, the pitch of her voice going up slightly with worry.
"I don't know." Wyatt responded, "Try CPR. You take his mouth, I'll take his chest."
Chloe and Wyatt rushed to trying CPR on Chris, but it wasn't working.
"Wyatt…" Chloe said to her boyfriend, hoping to help him come to the conclusion that maybe his brother was dead.
"No. No, he isn't. I don't believe that. We need more help- more power. That's all." Wyatt started pacing and then yelled to the ceiling,
"MOM! DAD! AUNT PAIGE!" Wyatt shouted, "Chris is hurt! I need you!"
He was grateful to see a shower of blue orbs appear before him and take on the form of his Aunt Paige, with her 12 year old daughter, Patricia, in tow.
"What's wrong?"
"Chris- he's hurt. And I can't heal him." Wyatt stammered, openly shedding tears now. He called out for his parents again. This time, Piper and Leo appeared.
Piper's eyes immediately fell on Chris and leapt on the bed and held onto her son's hand,
"Chris, honey, can you hear me? It's Mom."
Wyatt looked at his dad, who looked like he was having a horrible flashback.
Leo looked at his youngest son, his baby, lying unconscious on his bed, while Piper tried to stir him and Wyatt wept. He shared a look with Paige, and he knew that she knew what he was thinking. He recognised the clothes, and he recognised the injury. A fateful day from 22 years ago.
"Gideon's magic did this to me." Chris's voice echoed in Leo's mind.
"I can't choose between you and Wyatt, okay Chris, I won't." Leo said.
"You don't have to. Find Gideon and you save us both." Chris assured him.
Leo's heart thudded as he remembered Darryl looking as him with the look of an empathetic parent,
"I'm sorry Leo."
"You can hold on. Don't give up." Leo had said to his son, trying not to cry.
"You either." Chris's breathed out his last words and his body had relaxed. Leo had burst into tears while Paige fought back violent sobs. He had held onto his son's body until it faded away.
"Leo?" Piper's voice snapped Leo from his flashback, "What do we do? I can't wake him."
"The Elders." Paige said, strongly, "They'll have enough power to heal him."
She didn't want to explain in front of Wyatt the real reason why she suggested the Elders. She and Leo both knew that the Elders would be able to reverse Gideon's magic and bring Chris back.
"Okay." Piper agreed.
Wyatt's heart pounded in his chest as he tightened his grip on Chloe's hand. His mom greatly disliked the Elders and if she was agreeing to ask for their help without hesitation, then something was seriously wrong. Leo nodded and closed his eyes, to communicate with the other Elders.
After being powerless for several years, his work at Magic School had convinced the Elders that he should be promoted to back to Whitelighter without having to die again. Now he was happy with his family again and able to consult the Elders whenever the family needed help. Piper, although not happy about it, was able to accept it.
Suddenly, Odin and another five Elders orbed into the bedroom.
Wyatt started breathing normally and explained that he'd found Chris unconscious and not breathing.
Leo looked at Odin and the fear and pain in his eyes told Odin everything. Only the Elders would be able to heal Chris because an Elder caused his fatal injury.
Odin nodded at the other Elders gathered around the bed and motioned for Piper to step back. Paige stroked Piper's hair to give her some comfort. Piper smiled at her sister and motioned Wyatt to stand with her. She held her son's hand with both her hands. She looked at him and stared into his green eyes, so much like Leo's. Her deep brown eyes said to him 'Your brother is going to be fine'.
The Elders worked for a long time over Chris's body, and Leo nearly gave up hope… that is, until he saw colour coming to Chris's face, and his right hand twitched.
As the life came back, his wound healed quickly. The sudden burst of health caused Chris to wake up with a start and a huge gasp of breath. As the Elders moved away from the bed, Wyatt let go of his mother's hand and hugged Chris,
"Thank God you're alright!" He said into his brother's shoulder.
Piper was suddenly at her baby's side again,
"Honey, take slow steady breaths. Wyatt, stop crushing your brother." She tried to remain serious, but she was laughing with relief.
Chris suddenly registered that he was back in the future, or rather the present, and smiled gratefully at his mother. He was thrilled to see that Piper hadn't died when he was fourteen- he must have changed that part of the future. He had also realised that he had been successful in warning his family about Wyatt turning evil, as his brother was good, happy and hugging him. Chris hugged Wyatt back, and realised that Leo was standing at the foot of the bed with Paige. He looked a lot older than he had the last time Chris saw him, but he had a relieved smile on his face. Chris grinned back at him,
"I see you didn't give up either."