Alrighty people, here's that chapter I promised you all. Took me a little longer then expected, but I finished it nonetheless. I hope it isn't too bad.
Inuyasha instantly started to sniff the air actively while Chaos leapt up into a nearby tree branch scanning the terrain. Kilala transformed, allowing Shiori and Sango to board.
"I can't sense anything demonic in the area. So you can rule out demons with the shards." Chaos stated.
"And I can't smell anything except-" Inuyasha stopped suddenly, a growl coming from his throat. How could he not have smelled that scent before? He had been forced to smell it for the past year or so.
"Now why the hell are THEY out here!"
"You mean it's THEM?" asked Sango with a frown and a bit of anger.
"Who?" questioned Shiori, who had yet to hear the whole story.
As if to answer them, three figures stepped out onto the road in front of them, followed by a much smaller figure. When both groups saw each other, the stopped short and stared.
"Inuyasha . . ."
"I know Sango. Shiori, you're still sensing the shards right?" Shiori nodded. "Then we know who has them already. I've always wanted to do this."
Inuyasha took a step forward, just to stop when a person called out.
"Inuyasha, don't take another step forward or I will shoot."
"So, what brings you this far out Kagome? You can't be looking for the shards anymore, since you don't need them."
"As a matter of fact, we are looking for the remaining shards. Could come in handy."
"Handy for what?"
"That isn't any of your concern."
"Anything that deals with the shards IS my concern, and you know it."
Kagome scoffed, and then waved him off as if he was nothing. Inuyasha frowned, but stayed in control of his temper.
"Shiori, how many shards do you sense?"
Besides the ones Sango has, um . . . two, I think. I'm not sure. Sorry."
Kagome frowned at this.
"You replaced me with Shiori!"
"I wouldn't say replaced, more like she belonged here. Besides, she is much better company then you ever where."
At this insult Kagome started to shake with barely suppressed fury.
"SIT BOY!" She cried out at the top of her voice. The beads around Inuyasha's neck started glowing as the spell took affect. But instead of smashing head-long into the ground like before, he was only sent to one knee. Sweat gleamed on his brow as he continued to fight the affects of the spell, but as the seconds wore on, it became easier as the spell faded.
"Inuyasha, I said SIT!" Again, the spell tried to smash him into the ground, and again it didn't.
This didn't last a moment sooner as Hiraikotsu went spinning toward, over, and then past Kagome's head by mere inches. When it came back to its owner, she gave a withering look at Kagome.
"What part of 'That is the last time you'll ever do that' don't you understand?" she asked pointedly, "Or do you think he was just joking? Shiori, make sure Inuyashas okay." With this she stepped out in front of the other group, Hiraikotsu in hand, waiting for their next move.
Suddenly, Koga stood directly behind her an arm wrapped around her neck.
"Now now, that is no way to talk to my Kagome now is it?" Sango could see Kagome smiling with what she thought her victory. Miroku, who was standing off near the back trees, had a panged look on his face, but he did nothing. Then she caught sight of something, and her frown turned into a smirk.
"You know, you should really not get over-confident." Said Sango.
"What?" asked Kagome.
That word had just passed from her lips when a black flash appeared behind her, one set of deadly claws stroking her throat, while the other set was at her belly.
"You should really listen to Sango, she knows what she's talking about." Said a voice filled with contempt from behind her.
"Who the hell are you! You let my Kagome go, NOW!" Yelled Koga.
Chaos smiled.
"Whatever you say." With this he brought an arm up, and then slammed his elbow into Kagome's shoulder, sending her to the ground, hard.
"Sit Kagome. Sit." He said dryly. At seeing his woman fall to the ground, Koga let go of Sango and sped toward her. He was halfway there when a clawed foot appeared out of nowhere and tripped him, sending him flying off into the forest.
"Hey, Shiori, you think you can get the necklace off of him?" asked Chaos, who had appeared next to Inuyasha.
"I don't even know what the necklace does, but I guess I can try." With that she placed both her hands on either side of the necklace. She had just touched them with the beads seamlessly fell apart for no apparent reason.
"Well, that was easy. These beads were poorly connected. Terribly craftsmanship, if you ask me." She said with some mixture of shock and triumph.
"Shiori, make sure to remind me later to thank you." Inuyasha said firmly, after giving her an affectionate rub on the head.
Meanwhile, Sango had walked up the road closer to Miroku.
"Why are you still with her Miroku? You're obviously not getting anything out of it."
"Why did you leave me Sango? I thought everything was going so well?"
"Then you are blind. You constant flirting with other girls was annoying to others and you might think it as nothing, but it was everything to me. I chosed to ignore it, thinking that you would drop it and stick with me, but that didn't happen. Then back in that village when you actually said you were going to sleep with all those girls, that did it. It showed me that you could never be faithful, even if we did get married. You couldn't, or wouldn't, stay away from other girls. So the 'us' that you thought was there, never really was, and never will be again."
"No . . . then your sure? 'We' can never be together again?" Miroku shook his head as if answering his own question. "Then I have no choice . . . but to stay where I am now."
Just then a kick sent her hard into a nearby tree, knocking the wind out of her. She fell to her knees as she gasped for breath. Looking up, she saw Koga with a scowl on his face.
"I've never had anything against you personally, but anybody who try's to interfere with Kagome's plan will pay the price."
A gentle tap on his shoulder made him look back over his shoulder. Inuyasha was standing there with his hand balled into a fist, which he used to slam into Koga's face, sending him a good ten feet back into the brush.
"And anybody who interferes in our plan will pay our price." He said with anger radiating off of him. Suddenly, the sound of an arrow being shot could be heard from behind him. He turned his head and just caught a glance of holy light when a flash appeared where the arrow should have hit. Chaos was standing there, holding the arrow that was still glowing. His hand was smoking, but he acted as if there was no pain.
"Now why would you try and shoot the pup? He hasn't done anything to you that you haven't already done ten times worse to him, now, has he?"
Kagome growled, and then notched another arrow into her bow. Just then a bolt of light hit her in the side, sending her to the ground with a groan, but not doing much more damage then that.
"Cool . . . I can shoot light!" Shiori said with a lopsided grin plastered onto her face.
Chaos grinned. "That's showing her."
Suddenly, a punch came from nowhere and slammed Inuyasha in the stomach, sending him back into Chaos. They both rolled across the road and stopped short of the other muddy side. Shiori ran over and helped Inuyasha up, while Chaos remained on the ground, though he did prop himself up on his elbows.
"Now what the hell was that for!" Yelled Chaos, but he controled his anger and looked over at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, I think he wants to play."
Inuyasha grinned, knowing what was coming. Ooo, how he wanted to do this since he had first laid eyes on the wolf. Pulling Tetsusaiga from its sheath, he pointed it at Koga.
"This aught to be fun."
"You think that toy is going to stop me?" Koga said, bending down and preparing to leap.
"This 'toy,' as you say, has gotten me out of more trouble then you could imagine."
With that Koga leaped, bring his foot forward, trying to hit him in the face, but was blocked by Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha used his other hand to shove the blade forward, sending Koga to back flip off. When he landed on the ground Inuyasha smashed Tetsusaiga into the ground after him, but Koga dogged it. He landed a few feet to the side, and then dashed toward Inuyasha. He was forced to duck just as Hiraikotsu came flying over his head, taking a few small trees with it.
"Kilala!" yelled out Sango. Kilala came running down the road. When she was close enough Sango leapt onto her back the they both took from the air.
They didn't get far up when another arrow flew past them. Kilala dodged it as Sango threw her weapon again. It smashed into the trees ripped through the ground, then came back to her. She didn't hear anything, so she presumed that she hadn't hit her target. She was correct when yet another arrow flew at her, this time hitting her arm. She yelped in pain, but after a quick glance, saw that it was only a flesh wound.
"Damn bitch." She whispered as she had Kilala skim the tops of the trees as she tried to pen point Kagome's position. She spotted it when she saw a gleam from her arrow head. Leaping off Kilala, she threw Hiraikotsu at her before landing on the ground. She smiled as she saw her weapon strike a glancing blow at her torso. She didn't want to kill her, not unless she had to. Off to the side she could hear the sounds of Inuyasha and Koga, but she couldnt do anything right now. She also noticed Chaos and Shiori standing off to the side, not interfering, which she was greatfull. This was Inuyashas and her fight, and they seemed to know that.
"Y-you took Inuyasha away from me." Said Kagome as she got up with a grunt, using one arm to hold her damaged side.
"I did no such thing. You did that when you sided with Koga. I don't know what you see in him."
"You're lying. I did everything I could to be with Inuyasha, but he was so dense that he couldn't even see that!"
"No, maybe you were just too damn impatient. You act like everything has to be your way, when you want it, and how you want it. You don't stop to take into consideration his feelings, and never did."
"O please. I did everything I could to do what you just said, but it never worked. All he could think about was that damn Kikyou. He never thought about me or my feelings."
"Um, have you ever lost somebody who you gave your heart to so completely? Have you ever felt the pain of that heart shattering? And then when you find that person still alive, whom you thought dead, do you not think that those feelings might resurface?"
"He should just forget about her. She will never feel anything for him." She said with narrowed eyes. "I should be the focus of his attention, and now you've taken that away from me, just like she did."
With that she started to notch another arrow, but was stopped when the demon cat slammed into her from behind. After slowly pulling herself to her feet on shaky legs, she looked back at the cat, only to find Inuyasha standing there with an unconscious wolf behind him, who had two ugly gashes' in his legs where his jewel shards had been.
"So that's how you feel. Just because I didn't give you enough attention . . ." Inuyasha looked down at the ground. "Well, you can forget about that." Looking back up at her with cold eyes, he furrowed his brow. "I won't kill you, not now, since I don't want to cause your family any pain after all they've done for me. But mark my words, if you stand in my way again, I wont hesitate."
With that he turned back to the road to gather up Shiori and Chaos, who had been watching with thoughtful expressions. On his way he spied a little form behind a tree.
"Shippo, you don't need to travel with these people anymore. Go ahead and head back to Keade's place. I'm sure she would be grateful for the company."
Shippo smiled, and then headed off without saying a word. He knew he'd see his 'older brother' again. Sango smiled at this, and then headed for Kilala. Both walked off to trail next to Inuyasha.
Kagome thought about shooting off another arrow, but something held her back. She turned to see Miroku holding her shoulder with an anguished look on his face. She seemed to understand. Time would come when it would be finished. She would find a way to bring it all to pass.
Alright my intrigued readers who I simply adore. I hope you liked the little . . . spat between are new and old friends. I didn't get too deep into the fighting because, well, that would ruin things for the future now wouldn't it? About Miroku, for those that are wondering, I have nothing personal against his personality, except for his habit of being with other girls. Other then that, he isn't a bad guy, so I won't really portray him as such. Now, as for Kagome, I hate her beyond words, so you can expect her to be sliced to ribbons, or smashed flat, or whatever comes to my sick and twisted mind. As for Koga, I don't like him either, but, again, the only things I have against him is his insistent nagging of Inuyasha. I'm still deciding what to do with him. Ill leave that up to you all.
Shadow Storm of Eternal Destruction: Yes, he is abit more cheerful then before, but I would have to guess thats becuase he found a few friends. Can ya blame the guy?
Demon Exterminator Barbie: (Sigh) O, very well, you don't have to pretend you like coffee; I'll just tell you that you need you glass of water. I doubt he'll mind. Well, I don't think he will. He might. Not sure. You'll have to ask him yourself, if you can get him to talk.
AnimeMaster168: Yah, well, somebody had to go about having priestess powers, though I am going to change it all around. And yes, did you notice? He got to say something 'perverted,' as you say, and didn't get slapped for it! Chaos must be much better at that kind of thing then Miroku was.
Lady Kanna-Chan: Yes, I was just thinking the same thing. But you will have to bear with me; this is going to be a long story, with at least twenty-five to thirty chapters, easy. The romance is slow going, but Ill make sure to heat things up in upcoming chapters. Just for your pleasure. And happiness. And peace of mind. And your untold joy. And many other things that I cant think of right now. Got to go ask Chaos that. He's much better with the ladies. Or maybe I should ask Sango. She is, after all, somebody who likes romance.
LustingDarkness: Yes, I love Inuyasha and Sango as well. I'm honored that you think this is one of the best fics out there, I do try my best. True, graphic details are the best. Yes, it does make sense. My story isn't to die for literally? Damn, here I thought people would actually fall over dead to read this. Huh, must try harder it seems.