Disclaimer: I do not own anything. It all belongs to the wise and all-knowing Tamora Pierce.

Hey! Yes, I know the story is kind of Mary-Sue-ish, but oh well! Most of it is just gibberish that I'm experimenting with. Others are just, well, easier to write. I know Kel isn't beautiful, et cetera, in the books, but it fit my purpose. I'm just having fun being weird! I'm sorry it took me so long…!Now, to Chapter 5!

Chapter 5: Kel in Action

(This takes place 2 months after the last chapter. All Kel did was train the King's Own and practice her own skills.)

It was the first rainy day since Kel had started training the King's Own and they weren't out at practice. Kel decided that maybe she should go looking for them, because there was going to be no slacking off just because of a little rain. She was a slightly angry at them because she thought that they should have known that there was going to be practice everyday, no matter the circumstances.

First she sought out Lord Raoul, who was in his office doing paperwork. She asked if the Third Company had been sent away because they weren't at practice. Raoul said that they thought that there wasn't any practice because of the weather. Kel almost slapped him, because he was grinning sheepishly at her. She was getting a little annoyed at the world because she had just spent three hours practicing in the rain and she waited almost two hours for the Third Company.

Kel searched all over the palace. First she went to the mess hall, then the practice courts (both indoor and out), then the training yard, and then the classrooms. Finally she decided to look in the barracks, where she found them playing cards.

"Ah hem," Kel said. The men looked up surprised: they hadn't known she was there. "I see that you all have decided that you do not need practice anymore. Therefore, we shall be testing your abilities."

"When?" asked Lerant.

"Right now. All of you-to the outdoor practice courts. NOW!"

They all scrambled to get there and get into attention. Kel fought each of them in order, easily dumping them on their behinds. After everyone had fought her, she told them to gather round.

"This is pathetic," she stated. "All of you failed. That was the most horrible fighting I have ever seen in my life. You all fight worse than the seven year old Shang! I am embarrassed to have trained you! And you think that you don't need practice? A blizzard will not stop you from practicing! Am I understood? From now on, you will practice CONSTANTLY. There will be no more slacking off because of a little drizzle."

Just then it started thundering and lightening and the rain came pouring harder. A bunch of the men thought that that was a good enough excuse to not practice.

Kel yelled at them," Where are you going? I cannot believe this. You are a bunch of wimps. Get out here now and start warming up. I want to sweat, not rain, pouring off of your backs."

They practiced through the thunderstorm, and until one in the morning. Then she released them.

(A/N: I know Kel isn't that mean, but I was having fun at the King's Owns' expense. It's nice to yell at people sometimes. It lets off steam, even if they aren't real people!)

The next morning they were called off, Kel included, to go fight some centaurs that had captured 11 women from a nearby village. A former Shang student had joined up with the centaurs. He was expelled years ago because of illegal doings of his. He still was a good fighter, though. Kel told the men that she would fight him because she was the only person who could win that particular fight.

They were amazed. She moved with the speed of lightening. Afterwards, she treated it like she was just stretching.

When they returned the women and got back to the palace, Dom walked Kel back to her room. When they got to her door, they both stopped and looked at each other awkwardly.

"Kel? Um, I was, well, um, wondering if you would like to, um, go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" Dom speedily asked.

"Sure!" Kel answered timidly. She had had a crush on him since she saw him, and now he was asking her out!

"I mean as, like, well, a date?" Dom continued.

"Okay…," Kel answered turning red. "What time?"

"I'll meet you at the stables around five thirty,' Dom said and walked away whistling.

Hey! I finally finished that chapter! I'm having fun trying to figure out what comes next! Please review!

Redbird Flying Away- Yes, this will be a Kel/Dom story!

Lucky Racer- thanks! I tried to find a good reason and way to make her cold-it took forever! Well, the murderer is a surprise- and no, I would NEVER make the murderer a good person!

Annmarie Aspasia- I am sorry that you didn't like it, but if you didn't read my author's notes at the beginnings, then I said that I was experimenting. Yes, it is Mary-Sue-ish, but It worked for my purposes. My next story will be different! I promise!

Hyper Kathryne- Thanks!