Sorry it has been so long! I started chapters for many of my ongoing fanfictions, but became otherwise distracted. I am doing my best to finish them up, so enjoy! This story has but one chapter remaining, and it is just the wrap up. So, without further ado...

Chapter 6

Sonic could hear the yells of the others as he desperately tried to navigate his way through what had quickly become a fast-igniting minefield.

'Damn you, Robotnik!' he thought to himself as yet more ground crumpled from beneath his feet. Squinting through the dust, he could still barely make out the form of Metal, firmly planted away from the exploding mines and only seconds away from ending the life of the defenseless fox in his hands.

'No, this can't be happening!' he cried out in his mind, realizing once he got past the mines that he wasn't going to make it in time. Nonetheless, he continued running at full speed, desperate to defy what his own mind was telling him and completely unwilling to accept the alternative.

'Please, no! If anyone is listening, please! Not Tails…'

At that moment, as if in answer to his prayers, a black figure materialized in front of his robotic counterpart, snatching Tails out of his grasp and dashing away in a black blur before the robot could register what had happened.

Taking advantage of this momentary confusion, Sonic continued his path to the robot, throwing his fist at full force into the side of Metal's head and sending him smashing through the piles of glass in front of him.

Only pausing long enough to make sure Metal was not moving any time soon, Sonic turned to the very unlikely guardian Angel who had reappeared behind him, wordlessly taking Tails from his grasp as the others finally emerged, Mighty holding Charmy and Vector carrying Cream.

"What?" started Knuckles, pausing behind the now kneeling Sonic. "Shadow?"

"Hmph. Do you know any other black hedgehogs?" he retorted, crossing his arms and trying to appear unconcerned with the whole situation, though clearly unsettled by all the creatures staring at him with obvious gratitude written across their faces.

Sonic smirked as he looked up from his injured friend, satisfied for the time being that he was still breathing.

"Don't be so grumpy, Shads!" he started, "You're a hero! Again!"

Another "hmph" was the only sign that the other hedgehog had even heard him. Instead, Shadow tore his gaze away from the scene before him and towards something off in the distance.


"So, you brought reinforcements," Robotnik finally stated as the shock wore off at seeing Shadow standing in the middle of his battlefield. He had purposefully left the black hedgehog out of his plans, figuring he wouldn't interfere if he wasn't given a reason to.

Apparently, that thought had been wrong.

'These damn hedgehogs are impossible!' he thought to himself, displeased to notice that Metal appeared to be out for the count and all the other combatants were collecting unharmed at the other end of the field.

However, the day was certainly not without its twists, and looking a bit farther into the distance, Robotnik felt his confidence gaining once again.

"Well, Rouge," he started, turning to face his intruder, "It would appear that your destruction of my controls has at least partially worked out in my favor."

Glancing around the rotund doctor, Rouge searched the screen in front of her for some sign of what Robotnik was talking about. Not seeing anything, she was about to call his bluff when her eyes fixed on something in particular in the distance. Her mouth formed a small 'o' before she quickly turned and fled from the control room, Robotnik's laughter echoing down the hallway after her.


Knuckles knelt alongside Sonic, also feeling the need to confirm that the small fox was still alive. Giving him the once-over, he turned his gaze back to Sonic, who already seemed to know what he was going to say by the disappearance of his small smirk.

"He's pretty bad, Sonic," Knuckles confirmed, placing a gloved hand on Tails's forehead. "He's already got a fever. We need to get him out of here if he's going to stand a chance."

"That might be a little difficult," came a new voice from behind them. All turned shocked expressions towards the new arrival as she glided in behind them. Giving them a smile and a wink, she turned her attention to Shadow.

"Well Shadow, I was beginning to think you weren't coming," she started, crossing her arms in a mimic of Shadow's stance and smiling when the black hedgehog refused to meet her gaze. "What happened to 'they can fight their own battles'?"

Shadow met her eyes at that, but still made no move to drop his current stance. "These weaklings are hopeless," was his only answer.


"As entertaining as this is," Sonic interrupted, "and believe me, I'm always one for ruffling Shad's feathers, we're in a bit of a rush here."

"Oh right," Rouge started, returning her attention to her kneeling companions as she remembered the reason for her appearance. "Like I said, that's going to be difficult," she finished, nodding her head in the direction of the other "locker room" on the field.

All turned their eyes to follow her motion, and collectively gasped as they noticed a horde of robots now emerging.

"Just great," muttered Knuckles, standing once more to regard the newly arrived bat. "Let me guess, we have you to thank for this?"

"Hey, you also have me to thank for removing that cell wall of yours, Red," she retorted, moving to stand directly in front of the angry Echidna.

Sensing tempers starting to flare, Sonic stood as well, walking over to where Amy was standing and passing the still unconscious Tails into her arms.

"There's no time for this, you guys," he stated, pleased when he caught their attention. "Amy, you take Tails, Charmy and Cream and try to hide away from the robots." At her nod, he turned to the remaining members of the group. "As for the rest of us, we have a few robots to smash."

"Finally!" yelled Vector after placing the mostly conscious rabbit in the care of Amy and returning to the group, thrusting a fist into the air. "I've been aching for a fight since this whole thing started!"

"Robotnik wanted a fight, and now he's going to get one," finished Mighty, also having passed Charmy off to Amy. "So what's the plan?"

"No time for plans," Knuckles quickly answered, noticing some of the robots starting to lock onto their location. "I'd say pick a robot and take it down."

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Sonic yelled, dashing out of the way as the first blast of laser fire broke up the group.


Not even 5 minutes later, Sonic and gang stood victoriously atop a smoking and crackling pile of former robots.

"Not so much of a challenge when it's a fair fight, is it Robotnik?" Sonic called, turning his head in the direction of the main booth. He was disappointed to note, however, that Robotnik had long since fled the scene, clearly still wise enough to notice when he was defeated.

"Ha! Ran away with his tail between his legs!" shouted Vector, high-fiving Mighty and stomping on another robot head for good measure.

"Enough gloating," started Knuckles, already heading away from the massacre. "We need to grab the others and get them somewhere we can check them out."

By this time, the crowd had resumed its very vocal cheering as chants started in Sonic's name. The blue hedgehog, however, did not even spare the audience a glance. 'Like I would respond to them after they cheered on those robots? They'll be lucky if I ever risk my neck for them again.' Instead, he also headed off in the direction he sent Amy, keeping his eyes peeled for the pink hedgehog as he called her name.

"Over here Sonic!" she finally replied, ducking out from her hiding place. "Hurry! I think Tails is getting worse!"

Sonic increased his speed at that, the others hurrying to accompany him as he made his way towards their injured members. Upon arriving at the hiding spot, he reached in and grabbed Tails, once again cradling him in his arms.

"Let's get out of here," he stated as the others collected Charmy and Cream.

"Where to?" Knuckles asked. "We can head back to Angel Island, but I actually have no idea where it is right now. Or where we are for that matter."

"I know this place," Espio piped up. "We are not far from Chaotix HQ. We will take them there."

"Then lead the way."


Final chapter coming soon!